Top 1200 Right Answer Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Right Answer quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Always' was a promise! How can you just break the promise?" "Sometimes people don't always understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said. Isaac shot me a look. "Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway. Don't you believe in true love?" I didn't answer. I didn't have an answer. But I thought that if true love did exist, that was a pretty good definition of it.
When you're dealing with subjective matters, there's no wrong or right answer, it's just, "What do we think is best for the show?"
Violence is never the right answer, unless used against heathens and monsters. — © Alexander Anderson
Violence is never the right answer, unless used against heathens and monsters.
Sometimes when you're looking for an answer, you search everywhere else before you take a look at what's right in front of you.
The importance of the question and the availability of an answer are two different things. I'm not willing to state that because the question is fundamental, therefore I possess the answer. And I'm certainly not willing to say that since I don't possess the answer, I'll pretend that I do.
A clear right answer and the opportunity to change the options? This is the chooser’s dream.
Being silent and doing nothing is never the right answer. What happens in one state can happen in another.
This Ariyan Eightfold Path, that is to say: Right view, right aim, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right contemplation.
Happiness itself is sufficient excuse. Beautiful things are right and true; so beautiful actions are those pleasing to the gods. Wise men have an inward sense of what is beautiful, and the highest wisdom is to trust this intuition and be guided by it. The answer to the last appeal of what is right lies within a man's own breast. Trust thyself.
I did answer all of the questions put to me today, ... Nothing in my testimony in any way contradicted the strong denials that the president has made to these allegations, and since I have been asked to return and answer some additional questions, I think that it's best that I not answer any questions out here and reserve that to the grand jury.
There is nothing there - no soul - there is only this question about after death. The question has to die now to find the answer - your answer; not my answer - because the question is born out of the assumption, the belief, that there is something to continue after death.
When people ask me what philosophy is, I say philosophy is what you do when you don't know what the right questions are yet. Once you get the questions right, then you go answer them, and that's typically not philosophy, that's one science or another. Anywhere in life where you find that people aren't quite sure what the right questions to ask are, what they're doing, then, is philosophy.
Remember, an easy question can have an easy answer. But a hard question must have a hard answer. And for the hardest questions of all, there may be no answer - except faith. — © Charles Sheffield
Remember, an easy question can have an easy answer. But a hard question must have a hard answer. And for the hardest questions of all, there may be no answer - except faith.
If someone asks me a question, there might be a truthful answer and a correct answer.
I loved school; I loved the rules, and I liked there being right answers, wrong answers, and being able to give the right answer all the time. And that goes against who many would predict is going to go out and break rules and tell stories for a living.
What do I mean by sin? Answer: Any human condition or act that robs God of glory by stripping one of His children of their right to divine dignity. ... I can offer still another answer: 'Sin is any act or thought that robs myself or another human being of his or her self-esteem'.
There are two tests that we [writers] have for all of our writing: So What? and Who Cares? There is an answer to both. The answer to Who Cares is that a reader cares, if the writing is good. The answer to So What is that these ideas give us completely new understanding, change our sense of who we [people] are and why we're here [on this planet].
Today it is time for every child to have a right to life, right to freedom, right to health, right to education, safety, the right to dignity, right to equality, and right to peace.
So far from being able to answer for my sins, I cannot even answer for my righteousness!
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer
So many things begin to change when you come at the world from that perspective of more than one right answer.
It's hard for me to answer a question from someone who really doesn't care about the answer.
Can I say something? Um, I'm the type of person that if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what, I know how to find the answer and I will find the answer.
I don't know the real answer, my answer to anything which is essentially human relations is education. Whatever the answer is, education must be its measured component and if you try to educate with generosity not with triumphalism I think sometimes it works, especially young people, that's why I teach, I've been teaching all my life.
Ask yourself what problem you have right now. Not next year, tomorrow or five minutes from now. You can always cope with the now, but you can never cope with the future. Nor do you have to. The answer, the strength and the right action will be there when you need it. Not before or after.
Sometimes you have to learn how to give the right answer to the wrong question.
I never buy anything unless I can fill out on a piece of paper my reasons. I may be wrong, but I would know the answer to that ...I'm paying $32 billion today for the Coca Cola Company because... If you can't answer that question, you shouldn't buy it. If you can answer that question, and you do it a few times, you'll make a lot of money.
What answer to the meaning of existence should one require beyond the right to exercise one's gifts?
Cutting benefits is not the right answer. Raising the retirement age is not the best option.
Prayer is God's answer to our poverty, not a power we exercise to obtain an answer.
Thus we can get the correct answer for the probability of partial reflection by imagining (falsely) that all reflection comes from only the front and back surfaces. In this intuitively easy analysis, the 'front surface' and 'back surface' arrows are mathematical constructions that give us the right answer, whereas .... a more accurate representation of what is really going on: partial reflection is the scattering of light by electrons inside the glass.
I'm Paige," I whispered. He was serious, for once. "Are you the first page, or the last?" I didn't answer, not right then.
The reason I don't like interviews is that I seem to react violently to personal questions. If the questions are about the work, I try to answer them. When they are about me, I may answer or I may not, but even if I do, if the same question is asked tomorrow, the answer may be different.
Reader's Bill of Rights 1. The right to not read 2. The right to skip pages 3. The right to not finish 4. The right to reread 5. The right to read anything 6. The right to escapism 7. The right to read anywhere 8. The right to browse 9. The right to read out loud 10. The right to not defend your tastes
There's no right or wrong answer in an interpretation. It's all in the person who's interpreting, and how you feel about something.
By becoming the answer to someone's prayer, we often find the answer to our own.
TV has taken reflection out of the human condition. People didn't use to have a ready answer for everything, whether they knew something about it or not. People think they have to have an answer for everything because the guys on TV have an answer for everything.
I'm not trying to redefine sexuality or humanity or say that my answer is right and yours is wrong. I'm just happy with who I am. — © Nico Tortorella
I'm not trying to redefine sexuality or humanity or say that my answer is right and yours is wrong. I'm just happy with who I am.
An overly expansive virtual 'toll' for the Internet that blocks consumers' and competitors' access to the e-commerce superhighway is not the right answer.
But in the new (math) approach, the important thing is to understand what you're doing, rather than to get the right answer.
I am scared to answer questions. I do not think and answer. I say whatever comes to my mind.
Forcing an answer only guarantees that no answer will come out." - Six
You can answer your own question. You already know the answer, if you can just gain access to it.
The answer is surprisingly simple. Just do right. Live an honorable life.
Americans across our country are feeling a sense of helplessness, of uncertainty and of fear. These feelings are understandable and they are justified. But the answer must not be violence. The answer is never violence. Rather, the answer - our answer, all our answer - must be action. Calm, peaceful, collaborative and determined action. We must continue working to build trust between communities and law enforcement. We must continue working to guarantee every person in this country equal justice under the law.
The use of force is always an answer to problems. Whether or not it's a satisfactory answer depends on a number of things, not least the personality of the person making the determination. Force isn't an attractive answer, though. I would not be true to myself or to the people I served with in 1970 if I did not make that realization clear.
We shall find the answer when we examine the problem, the problem is never apart from the answer, the problem IS the answer, understanding the problem dissolves the problem.
What can not be overcome in prayer? Answer me! What cannot be done by the hand of the Almighty? Answer me! What can be done by your feeble arms!? ANSWER ME! He can take down the iron curtain in a day, He CAN convert a nation in an hour. Call upon Him, believe Him.
When we teach kids to follow the rules that there’s only one right answer & to avoid mistakes at all costs, we’re resigning them to average. — © Josh Linkner
When we teach kids to follow the rules that there’s only one right answer & to avoid mistakes at all costs, we’re resigning them to average.
If people confront me with certain questions, if they are not right, I will not answer them.
for some reason, dying men always ask the question they know the answer to. perhaps it's so they can die being right.
Make it a practice to kick yourself for every time you answer your children with the words NOT RIGHT NOW.
You have to let other people be right' was his answer to their insults. 'It consoles them for not being anything else.
Reading is like permitting a man to talk a long time, and refusing you the right to answer.
The way a question is asked limits and disposes the ways in which any answer to it-right or wrong-may be given.
In the long run, the right answer to unemployment is to create more jobs.
I've decided that my motto in life is "Get off my lawn." It's the right answer to everything.
I knew marriage was not the answer to changing the conditions for poor, black, queer folks. So I never felt compelled to get married - it just didn't seem important. But even if marriage wasn't right for me at the time, or a quick fix toward black empowerment, I found it repulsive that loving same-sex couples were refused the right.
When we are at our wits' end for an answer, then the Holy Spirit can give us an answer. But how can He give us an answer when we are still well supplied with all sorts of answers of our own?
You answer anger with love. You answer anger with selflessness. The answer to anger is always the opposite thing of anger.
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