Top 171 Ripping Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ripping quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
The ripping and tearing of an unborn child from his mother's womb through the hands of another, and we say, "That's fine; you have a constitutional right to do that."
Our brand is sassy people ripping apart technologists, then going to a party with them.
If you are not willing to receive, then you are "ripping off" those who want to give to you. — © T. Harv Eker
If you are not willing to receive, then you are "ripping off" those who want to give to you.
Through the mad mystic hammering of the wild ripping hail The sky cracked its poems in naked wonder
Inside and out, Westley's world was ripping apart and he could do nothing but crack along with it.
The way that I'm working now is basically the way I've been working since I was a kid: Find the greatest artist in whatever you do, and rip them off with respect. I think there's a big difference between ripping off with respect and ripping off in disrespect.
Live like you're already dead, man. Have a good time. Do your best. Let it all come ripping right through you.
You're not free if you can't sue a financial institution that gets caught ripping you off.
Even though ripping on those of the Christian cloth is nothing new, edgy, or thought provoking, Hollywood feels the need to do it with each of their religiously overtoned talkies.
I was tired and I think a lot of people are tired of watching other countries ripping off the United States.
When you're trying to free yourself from a religion that has been ingrained in you since childhood, it's more like ripping out your veins and tendons.
I'm traveling the world, ripping rooms apart with my stupendous comedy.
For the grifter, ripping people off is seldom the point. The grifter is an artiste who invests in the long con. — © Jacob Weisberg
For the grifter, ripping people off is seldom the point. The grifter is an artiste who invests in the long con.
You almost had to live through it to really know the gut ripping misery of the depression during the early thirties which led to labor's bloodiest and most violent days.
If you make modern rap music, how do you write without ripping off anyone else? It's just about having a distinct voice in your songs.
The gun made a ripping sound like the opening of a zipper on the fly of God Almighty.
Tessa is gone, and every moment she is gone is a knife ripping me apart from the inside.
'Gilmore Girls' was a passion of mine, to the point where Lennon actually can't watch it because if she does, then we might be fully ripping them off.
Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it 'all the money,' but they changed it to 'alimony.' It's ripping your heart out through your wallet.
My own basketball background was ripping up my ACL in a lawyer's league.
But what first motivated me wasn't anything I read. I just got mad seeing the machines ripping up the woods.
The great man... walks across his century and leaves the marks of his feet all over it, ripping out the dates on his goloshes as he passes.
I had surgery on my core muscles. They were ripping apart.
I'm always ripping clothing. It's so embarrassing.
Ripping up carpet is easy, tiling is the issue.
But I think it shortsells any idea when you say there's a similar part to something else, like 'aw man, 'The Avengers' is ripping off 'Batman.' You've got people running around in outfits.' Of course, there are outfitted people and there's superhero stuff, but it's not just ripping off 'Batman.'
I was not wounded in any part of my body, but I had never experienced such intense pain, such a ripping of the nerves, such an ache of the heart.
Mexico is ripping off the US more than almost any other nation.
Ripping on Republicans is not that fun for us only because everyone else does it.
We filed suit against YouTube before the Google purchase. At the time I went after YouTube, I thought it was a small company ripping off our copyrights.
Fine, but I’m not ripping the head off a voodoo chicken or drinking anything disgusting. (Grace)
I think Spotify is honestly just another one of Sean Parker's ways of ripping musicians off.
There's something so zen-like and grateful of just ripping a hot wing apart and getting it all over your face, and everyone's happy. I love that atmosphere.
I usually find stuff that I hope no one really knows or cares about. If I'm ripping off something that's already brilliant, what's the point?
I've been ripping the Rolling Stones off with every song I write in some form or another.
We have to condemn publicly the very idea that some people have the right to repress others... When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.
I'm totally applying assumed Creative Commons rights and ripping this post from Jason verbatim, since it says everything I want to.
Scientists like ripping problems apart, collecting as much data as possible and then assembling the parts back together to make a decision. — © Shirley M. Tilghman
Scientists like ripping problems apart, collecting as much data as possible and then assembling the parts back together to make a decision.
I prayed before fights. Especially just before I got in to the ring. But I'd also have my iPod on, Prodigy and Linkin Park ripping through my ears.
Travis: The Aphrodite kids were ripping each other’s clothes and throwing lipstick and jewellery. It was like a rabid herd of wild Bratz.
A woman after my own heart. (Stryker) You’re absolutely right about that. Nothing would please me more than ripping that organ out of you and feasting on it. (Zephyra)
When we started making mixtapes, we were just ripping stuff off YouTube and DVDs, naively thinking that because we were putting it up for free, it was gonna be fine.
I loved Stephen Wright, and I loved Mitch Hedberg, but they seemed like geniuses you could never emulate. You'd just be ripping them off.
The fact is I look at what's happening to this country, I look at the way China is just ripping us off, I look at OPEC the way they are ripping us off with the oil prices. I mean, people are gonna be paying six and seven dollars a gallon for gasoline very, very soon; and you're gonna be up to $150 a barrel; and they wouldn't even be there if it weren't for us.
In one of the accounts of Jesus's death we read that the curtain in the temple of God-the one that kept people out of the holiest place of God's presence-ripped.One New Testament writer said that this ripping was a picture of how, because of Jesus, we can have new, direct access to God.A beautiful idea.But the curtain ripping also means that God comes out, that God is no longer confined to the temple as God was previously.
Just the sound of the paper ripping relaxes me.
You walk into the locker room, and you see players with their ripping muscles and stomachs you could wash your clothes in.
I remember last time I played Nocturnal Wonderland I dropped that 'Move 4 First Aid' mashup and people ripping their hair out... crazy night. — © Kaskade
I remember last time I played Nocturnal Wonderland I dropped that 'Move 4 First Aid' mashup and people ripping their hair out... crazy night.
We're here for such a short period of time. Live like you're already dead, man. Have a good time. Do your best. Let it all come ripping right through you.
Our glorification of violence is ripping society apart. I don't want my children exposed to it.
Trump believes all foreigners are playing us for suckers - he sees the world as a dark place. How can you lead alliances when you keep telling your allies they are ripping you off?
Her head throbbed as though gremlins were ripping holes in her brain
The pain is bad magicians ripping off good ones, doing magic badly, and making a mockery of the art.
Ripping children away from their parents has a particular shameful history, both in this country and around the world.
In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone.
When a chainsaw rips into a 2,000 year old redwood tree, it's ripping into my guts. When a bulldozer plows through the Amazon rainforest, it's ripping through my side. And when a Japanese whaling ship fires an exploding harpoon into a great whale it's my heart that's being blown to smithereens.
If I did a show and didn't do Hootie songs, I would be ripping people off.
corporate globalization is being relentlessly and arbitrarily imposed on an essentially feudal society, tearing through its complex, tiered social fabric, ripping it apart culturally and economically.
No one's going to hold your hand in the boxing business. And the people who do end up ripping you off.
Living well and ripping your enemy's still-beating heart out with your bare hands is the best revenge.
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