Top 1200 Roles Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Roles quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I love experimenting with roles and that's what keeps me hungry for versatile roles.
I change myself a lot. Some roles you don't want to be big, bulky, muscle-y guy and some roles you want to be a lean, marathon-runner physical type. And some roles you just don't want to be in shape.
The majority of the roles I've played are women who have been either impoverished or subjugated in some way. So while I've been fortunate enough to have success because these roles exist, they are stereotypical roles.
If I get to do only 10 roles, then I should be remembered for all the ten roles. — © Keerthy Suresh
If I get to do only 10 roles, then I should be remembered for all the ten roles.
What I really want to do is create great roles for women. And I'm not talking Nicholas Sparks romance. I think women's roles have gotten ghettoized in these sort of places... I'm thinking women in action, comic books, or like the Tony Soprano of women. We need some complex roles.
George Hearn taught me that you learn that there are roles that are Tony roles and roles that are not.
My goal is to just keep playing roles that are different from the roles I've played before.
For a woman, there is a complete dearth of roles to do. Abroad, you really have good roles, and by good roles, I don't mean the film has to be women oriented. I wouldn't mind playing a well-written, small role.
I want to be a three-dimensional actor, excelling in comedy, negative roles and even serious roles.
Challenges are what inspire me. I therefore accept whatever comes my way, be it supporting roles or character roles.
I would love to play more nerd roles, as well as action hero roles.
I don't pick my roles based on what clothes I have to wear. I pick roles because of the character I have to portray, and the public have enjoyed seeing me in those roles.
I love character roles. I'm happier in them. I look for roles that have some kind of complexity.
I'm never offered any sort of roles. I need to audition in a typically lengthy process to receive roles. — © Dylan O'Brien
I'm never offered any sort of roles. I need to audition in a typically lengthy process to receive roles.
Unfortunately, there's a lack of roles for women of color, so you actually have to be the engineer creating some of those roles.
I like playing an array of different roles. From the fun, comedic roles to the serious roles. It's always fun to play the role that either closely represents your own personality or the role that is completely opposite of yourself.
For a long time, way back in the ’30s and ’40s, there were fabulous female roles. Bette Davis and all those people had incredible, great roles. After World War II, something happened where it was not only "get out of the factories," but "get out of the movies." That's when women's roles started to really [change].
Doing comic roles is a great relief considering the power-packed roles that are usually offered to me.
I don't mind doing glamorous roles, comic roles, weekly shows, or something different from what I've done earlier.
I'm an actor and I am looking for roles where I can continue to evolve, and things that are challenging. I gravitate to the roles, not necessarily television or film. It's just the fact that, for me, the most interesting roles have been in television.
All the roles I play, I don't see any of my roles in films that they're typically leading men.
In Tamil and Telugu films, I am not called for stylish roles and often play rustic or unglamorous roles in them.
I don't want to do 'Hamlet.' I don't want to do Robert Redford roles or Mel Gibson roles or Kevin Costner roles, because I'm not going to be good at them.
I've always wanted to do all kinds of roles, dramatic roles and comedic roles, all kinds of roles.
All of us are playing roles, and there's nothing wrong with playing roles because we have to live in this world - the problem is only when we believe in those roles.
I have played lead roles, supporting roles and also miniscule roles in my career so far, and have never been image conscious.
I didn't think of my job as wanting roles I want to do but roles that suit me.
I don't want to play father roles. And I use father roles figuratively for roles that are just hanging around... don't want to be a piece of furniture in films.
I like roles that bring the unexpected. Roles that may challenge the way people think about things and perceive things. And I like roles that reflect a reality.
As a community, we're fighting for Asians to play Asian roles. And then there's the other battle, which is Asian Americans playing roles that aren't written for Asians, and I think that's something that completely should happen; Why can't an Asian American male just play a leading cop figure... or the Matt Damon roles?
If you just look at the number of roles for women versus the number of roles for men in any given film, there are always far more roles for men. That's always been true. When I went to college, I went to Julliard. At that time - and I don't know if this is still true - they always selected fewer women than men for the program, because there were so few roles for women in plays. That was sort of acknowledgment for me of the fact that writers write more roles for men than they do for women.
I moved to the east coast when everybody else was going to the west coast. I (then) chased it back toward the west coast. I built my career up by doing small roles (which led) to principal roles and getting bumped into main character roles.
For every movie that you go see, how many leading male roles are there in any given movie, and how many leading female roles are there? There may be 5 or 6 really good roles for guys and maybe one for a woman. And it doesn't even matter if you're 25. That's just the logistics.
The various roles we incorporate into the criminal justice system as well as the ways in which we construe such roles, lend themselves to the kind of ethical reflection that is open to us all. That said, once we have determined roles and their contours, those who act within them may have special duties and privileges that others may lack. Specific roles may generate ethical inquiries with novel forms, just as new technologies may push us in new directions.
I did roles that I hated, and there were roles that were detrimental to my acting ability. There were roles that I was always doing that were always the comic relief... it was destroying my soul.
Sometimes we think roles define us. One can emerge beyond the confines of their roles to make an impact on society.
There are certain roles - say, terrorist roles - that if I don't feel like it's something truthful, I'm not going to do it.
I was good in comedy so I started getting such roles but as an actor you don't like to do same type of roles.
Men and women have roles - their roles are different, but their rights are equal. — © Harri Holkeri
Men and women have roles - their roles are different, but their rights are equal.
All the roles are for boys. The girls' roles are either small or all the same. There's just nothing interesting.
I've had to fight for roles and I've lost a hundred roles, but 'Smoking' and 'Smith' were phone calls. That's the dream.
Most of my popular movies have seen me cast in serious roles. But then I am mostly offered such roles.
Society has never barred women from bread-winning roles, but only from economic roles that are profitable and respectable.
I'm not getting into rooms for cis roles. I started my career auditioning for those roles, and then I went to play trans roles. And now, I feel boxed in.
Honestly, I'm willing to experiment with far more variety in roles than I'm given. But ultimately, it's the producer's decision. But, I've done a variety of roles - the evil don, the evil husband... I've done villainous roles, supporting roles, etc.
We must know our own roles. We should also know the roles that others play, and the rules such roles follow. In this manner, social harmony is maintained. It is when we overstep our roles, or act without knowing them, that social anarchy ensues.
Roles that involved, whether it be training, whether it be physicality, getting skinny, there's some investment. There are roles that you do like that and sometimes there are roles that you do to make sure your family doesn't starve, but then you have to still say, "Is there something I can do with this? Can I do something with this that will be fair to the people watching it and fair to my time as well?" I'm at the point where that luxury of choice is getting more and more for me, absolutely, but it's more primarily roles that are more demanding of me in every way.
When actors do anti-hero roles, they are critically acclaimed. When heroines do negative roles, they are sidelined from the industry.
But no, I don't think I'm particularly drawn to the period roles or the medieval roles. — © Hugh Dancy
But no, I don't think I'm particularly drawn to the period roles or the medieval roles.
People often ask me why I don't take up more heroine-oriented roles. My question is, 'Where are these roles?' I really appreciate actresses who sign only films with meaty roles. However, there aren't too many of them. The industry is simply male-dominated.
Honestly, a lot of the time the character roles are the best roles.
The roles... the deep roles that I've gotten to play have turned my course. They've changed my life experience.
The roles that I always get attracted to are roles where the material is based on an actual person.
Let us look at international institutions and trusts. Trusts have a certain roles and unless you define what their roles are, what is it that they control? Are they controlling the day-to-day operations? If you do that, then what is Tata Sons for? What are the operative companies for? Effectively, you need to have clarity on the roles of different players inside a structure. That is the governance framework.
I've played a lot of younger, more coming-of-age roles as well as roles that aren't such an imposing physical presence.
I could play Arab roles, even German roles, Italian roles because I had that look.
I liked the character very much and even in general roles like this entice me. I started my journey in Punjabi film industry with negative roles, and then gradually comic roles and situational comedy fell into my kitty.
It's worth paying attention to the roles that are sort of dictated to us and that we don't have to fit into those roles. We can be anybody we wanna be.
Theater roles are written by the great masters. The greatest literature that you can possibly know are the theater roles like King Lear, Hamlet, and all of those great roles. So all you do is you dive into these unchallenged roles and see how far you can get, what kind of accolades you can get, and how good you can be in them. In movie roles, you can actually improve them by knowing a lot about your own stage technique, which helps a great deal in the cinema and how you can project inner humor even though the particular dialogue is not necessarily funny, but you can infuse it with humor.
When audience expect only humorous roles from me, my roles will become cliche and predictable.
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