Top 72 Rollercoaster Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Rollercoaster quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Life's been a rollercoaster for me, but I think we can all agree on enduring ups and downs. I've yet to meet a person who hasn't gone through something major in their life.
Luxury has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. I would define it as something that isn't needed but improves your life.
The rollercoaster has its ups and downs, loops and twists but enjoy the ride. We are all on it together. — © Jessie J
The rollercoaster has its ups and downs, loops and twists but enjoy the ride. We are all on it together.
I'm such an emotional performer, and my head is always like a rollercoaster, so if I'm in a good place and feeling grateful, that's when I notice that my shows come across as a lot more positive.
All you can do as an artist is just strive to make the best record you can and ride the rollercoaster as it goes up and down.
My life's been a rollercoaster.
Happiness is this place that, once you arrive there, you have nothing else to do. You get bored. Passion is this up and down; it's like a rollercoaster, you know, and much more interesting to me.
Being a mom, it's up and down; it's a little bit of a rollercoaster.
2018 was really a rollercoaster ride for me, there was something bad that happened but God gave me more good moments than really low ones.
Writing is like a rollercoaster ride for me, an adventure. I love exploring the world through 'playing' people who are absolutely nothing like me.
Europeans are forever the offspring of Machiavelli, trapped in a historical rollercoaster that can bring us a monarchy-toppling French Revolution and then a few years later Napoleon Bonaparte as emperor.
Just close your eyes and enjoy the rollercoaster that is life :)
Show business is not conducive to mental stability. It's a constant rollercoaster of adrenaline spikes and devastating let-downs. There's something about seeing a face from the telly in real life that makes people deranged.
My new one (tattoo) says 'Never a failure, always a lesson' and is kind of my mantra to life, just a reminder. My life is just a crazy rollercoaster every day and whenever I read that it just reassures me.
The first season of a show's always a rollercoaster because nobody knows what they're doing. You gotta rush through the season trying to figure out: What is this show? And who are these characters?
Making eye contact during rough sex is roughly the equivalent of trying to read Dostoyevsky on a rollercoaster.
I have a bad habit of playing little emotional games with men. When they date me it's cool in the beginning, we do our thing in the first month, and then I send them on a rollercoaster ride to hell.
Writing is like a rollercoaster ride for me, an adventure. I love exploring the world through playing people who are absolutely nothing like me.
I can only do it if there's humour, wit, comedy and drama. If you can get audiences laughing and then suddenly turn them to tears... it's a weird way of making a living making people cry, but I think it's very exciting to be able to send audiences on a rollercoaster ride.
It's been an absolute rollercoaster. The things I've done, I didn't even dream of doing or achieving. — © Charlotte Dujardin
It's been an absolute rollercoaster. The things I've done, I didn't even dream of doing or achieving.
I once had a gig in Gothenburg and went on the most unbelievable theme park ride, which was a rollercoaster built into a mountain that went through plants and tunnels. It was huge and a thrill to go on.
There has to be the popcorn genre element, or I don't engage the same way. I like action and vehicle design and guns and computer graphics as much as I like allegory. It's a constant balancing game. I want audiences to be on this rollercoaster that fits the Hollywood mould, but I also want them to absorb my observations.
To be honest, I'm scared to death of rollercoaster rides.
Life is a rollercoaster, and the lower you are, the higher you'll go.
It has been quite a rollercoaster ride, but one that I've enjoyed.
I love an arcade. I love a boardwalk game. But I also love a rollercoaster. Though I think the rollercoaster love comes from the fact that it took a really long time for me to reach the height requirement, so I promised myself very early on that when I reach that, I will not take it for granted.
I feel like my life was meant to happen - I was meant to go on this crazy rollercoaster and now I'm releasing pop music, which is what I've always wanted to do.
Well we've moved through the funfair a bit – we've done the rollercoaster, now we're on the ghost train.
Whatever happens will happen, that's the rollercoaster of life. What matters is how you handle the slumps.
Every game is its own thing in the playoffs. When you're in them long enough, you understand. If a playoff series goes six or seven games, it's like a rollercoaster. Your emotions are so up, then they're so down. 'You can't do anything right! Then everything's going your way!'
The world's a rollercoaster and I am not strapped in. Maybe I should hold with care, but my hands are busy in the air.
Whoever we are, we have to carve something out of our lives. I would like to be on my deathbed going, 'I've enjoyed that. I went through the rollercoaster of it, but I've appreciated it.'
Absolutely, it's a really weird stage because at the minute, I can walk down the street and be unrecognised, lead a normal life, but my label and everybody is warning me that will be changing and I'm in for a rollercoaster ride.
Life is a rollercoaster ride and I don't intend on being the one screaming and hanging on for dear life.
When I start playing I'm just a rollercoaster of sound. I don't know what's coming next, I never do, and I sit and sign and talk to the people afterwards.
In the end I got a major newspaper in South East Asia to buy a whistleblower's account for a ludicrous bunch of money. Off I toddled, published the story, which the newspaper didn't dare do in the end and then of course I was unleashed into a rollercoaster of denial and backlash.
It's been a rollercoaster life but it hasn't been boring.
I was only 16 when I was selected for 'Madrasapattinam.' I celebrated my 17th birthday on the set of the film. That was the first time I had travelled to India, and it was a rollercoaster ride. I soon fell in love with the country.
The short amount of time I'm out on the runway is like going on a rollercoaster. It's such a happy, exciting feeling. I'm more like a racehorse ready to go - I just want to get out there.
But I'll never forget my trip to Las Vegas. I'm a huge rollercoaster fan and we did the one at the Stratosphere, which curls around the hotel, and there's one that dips out from the roof then comes back in. That was intense.
When I was 19 and 20, and 20 or 25 in the world , I was enjoying it. But now it's a rollercoaster and I just can't seem to find the commitment to work hard, to enjoy and to lift trophies. Maybe I have to look at a few things and maybe play less tournaments.
For the average person, taken to their sick bed, it takes a serious bout of pneumonia or a full body cast to completely forget the life they had prior to falling off the rollercoaster. I, however, will do this over a paper cut on my thumb, obsessing of said cut and being generally consumed by it.
I would direct TV. That's a little different. It's more of a contained world as a director. When you're doing a film you get on the rollercoaster, you put the safety bar down and then you're gone. And it's hard. It's hard, too, as a parent, I think, because the hours are so long. It's hard.
All political careers are a rollercoaster. — © Kenneth Clarke
All political careers are a rollercoaster.
Life is an emotional rollercoaster. It really is.
Bank-Chor' is a rollercoaster ride and I'm delighted to be on it.
Life's a rollercoaster. You're up one minute; you're down one minute. But who doesn't like rollercoasters?
Monstress is an exhilarating rollercoaster of a book. Deeply funny, heartbreaking, hopeful, philosophical, bawdy, and wise, Lysley Tenorio’s stories, written from the underbelly of the American Dream, present one brilliant portrait after another.
I think what I reacted to so strongly when I first saw 'Pinocchio' was that I identified with the character so strongly. The movie takes you on a whole journey, a rollercoaster of emotions, and that sometimes means some very scary places. But in the end, it comes out okay.
Football is like a rollercoaster and if you keep dwelling on what's happened in the past you're never going to move.
I got on a bit of a rollercoaster looking into how Herbie Hancock used to make his tunes, and I remember a picture of Jean-Michel Jarre at one of his concerts and seeing the Memorymoog. When I heard the sound it I was like, 'Arrrgh, I really need that.'
I wanted to transmit what it feels like to be on the so-called IVF emotional rollercoaster, and I guess I wanted to offer a shared aloneness to anyone who's desperately longed for a child.
In the course of my career, which has been an incredible rollercoaster ride, I look at the journey and think it's been immense.
I like to jump into different worlds. I'm attracted to the emotional rollercoaster of acting. Now I've been doing it for so many years, I must rather enjoy it.
One of the greatest gifts my father gave me - unintentionally - was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity. We had a bit of a rollercoaster life with some really challenging financial periods. He was always unshaken, completely tranquil, the same ebullient, laughing, jovial man.
That 'Rollercoaster' album cover was very prophetic in its own way. My career has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. — © Mark Kozelek
That 'Rollercoaster' album cover was very prophetic in its own way. My career has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows.
If there's one thing I'd say to anyone out there, is that if you're in this game, it's a rollercoaster. There's a lot of ups and downs.
I got a hotel room at New York New York in Las Vegas and I was very happy. They've got that rollercoaster encircling the entire premises, just like Manhattan.
Working with Lasse Hallstroem was like a rollercoaster, because he doesn't have one specific vision. It changes daily, or it's always evolving.
It's been a rollercoaster ride. There have been some great moments and some low points... like when I was leaving Stax. That's when I actually thought of getting out of the business.
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