Top 1200 Roman Empire Quotes & Sayings - Page 9

Explore popular Roman Empire quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I definitely aspire to be someone like Tyra Banks, who's created an empire for herself.
The arrogance and brutality of empire are not repealed when they temporarily get deployed in a just cause.
The Poet binds together by passion and knowledge the vast empire of human society. — © William Wordsworth
The Poet binds together by passion and knowledge the vast empire of human society.
In 2015, Vladimir Putin may witness his empire's death knell
Haters are my favorite. I´ve built an empire with the bricks they´ve thrown at me. Keep on hating.
At the Museum of Roman Art, the logic of the forms is very much modern. But in spite of that, the idea of the construction could be related to a historical time.
Providence has given to the French the empire of the land, to the English that of the sea, to the Germans that of--the air!
Mind you, Roman Holiday - which is kind of a romantic comedy - is one of my favorite films, and I think Audrey Hepburn is absolutely phenomenal in that movie.
Early Christianity, like Roman-era philosophical traditions, laid emphasis on everyday behavior, about how to live your life.
I would rather be a member of this [Afrikan] race than a Greek in the time of Alexander, a Roman in the Augustan period, or Anglo-Saxon in the nineteenth century.
London, that great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the Empire are irresistibly drained.
Judges ought above all to remember the conclusion of the Roman Twelve Tables :The supreme law of all is the weal [weatlh/ well-being] of the people.
I think it's a great shame that America stopped being a republic and became an empire. — © Marianne Faithfull
I think it's a great shame that America stopped being a republic and became an empire.
Fencing is more a sport than a martial art. It would be like basing your knowledge of roman phalanx warfare on NFL football.
I have a special "ah, here I am again, I know exactly what they are going to have for breakfast" feeling when I get back into Roman Britain, which is very nice.
No good government but what is republican... the very definition of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.'
Modernity is a shifting entity, not easily defined. Exactly the same is true of empire.
I'm trying to build an empire, because after this, I cannot get a normal job.
Germany collapsed as a result of having engaged in a struggle for empire with the concepts of provincial politics.
I will build my empire next to the sea, so I can laugh from my throne as my enemies drown.
I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet.
Long before the empire had reached its greatest extent, the Romans were bored by it.
I don't want to interpret the pope's words, especially as I am one of those horrible people who fell away from the Roman church after Martin Luther.
In the second century A.D. the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius may have best defined pantheism when he wrote, “Everything is interwoven, and the web is holy.
Schubert, Franck, and Liszt were all Roman Catholics who questioned or doubted or lived in different ways, and religion was certainly part of all their lives.
Roman military tactics were much over-rated. All the clever ones had the same idea, which was to go round the back.
If monarchy is corrupting - and it is - wait till you see what overt empire does to us.
The allegation of some progressives that America is an evil empire is not simply wrong—it is obscene.
It is with literature as with law or empire - an established name is an estate in tenure, or a throne in possession.
Too much of the Brexit rhetoric is based on the desire to go out and re-create Empire.
If one's fated to be born in Caesar's Empire, let him live aloof, provincial, by the seashore.
Hands that the rod of empire might have sway'd, Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.
An entire empire built on teenage angst, yes? Thank you, John Hughes!
Take your vitamins. Don't drink vodka. Get used to empire waistlines.
I'm trying to build an empire, because after this, I cannot get a normal job
To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace.
I never set out really to build a financial empire or to be a wealthy man.
The British especially have no excuse for forgetting that empire is a most complex and persistent beast. And it has claws. — © Linda Colley
The British especially have no excuse for forgetting that empire is a most complex and persistent beast. And it has claws.
I have met many Roman Catholic theologians who will emphasize as much as any good Protestant preacher that everything comes from the love and grace of God.
Being a part of 'Empire' was a wonderful experience and opportunity to work with everyone involved.
The older I get and the harder it is to maintain a six pack, the more I wish I wore a tactical vest and cargo pants like Roman Reigns.
The fate of the Celt in the British Empire bids fair to resemble that of the Greeks among the Romans.
When the French nation gradually came into existence among the ruins of the Roman civilization in Gaul, a new language was at the same time slowly evolved.
If, like me, you're interested in history, Egypt is a place of wonders. It's the land of many civilisations, including Greek, Roman, Christian, and Muslim.
History is gossip that's been legitimized, and that's really the case when you get into some of the Roman historians. Wow! They'd be right at home on reality tv.
I worked with Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt. Those guys have come along and are doing very well now.
I've got a lot that I want to do, so I would like to expand my empire, for sure. I love it.
A lot of people make hay about 'American Idol's ratings and 'Empire.' — © Nancy Dubuc
A lot of people make hay about 'American Idol's ratings and 'Empire.'
Most readers will be shocked by the clear record of history linking Adolf Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church in a conspiracy to exterminate the Jews
The Russian empire under czars and commissars has been hard to deal with for other countries.
Roman's a great guy and has the respect of everybody in the locker room. He's got a lot of stick from the Internet Wrestling Community, but he is literally one of the hardest workers.
Newt Gingrich has certainly seen his own empire rise - and fall.
The Spanish Empire eventually collapsed because of its expensive taste for warfare and conquest.
Right is the royal ruler alone; and he who rules with least restraint comes nearest to empire.
I've always wondered why there isn't a great French novel about the German occupation. The nouveau roman authors weren't interested in telling that sort of thing.
To a born-again atheist like myself, it is clear that each of us has multiple selves, talents, perceptions. But to the Roman Catholic, unity is all.
The Jews might become the dynamite that will blow up the British Empire.
We don't normally go on about the fact that Roman Catholics once upon a time didn't have the vote and weren't allowed to have their own churches because we had Catholic emancipation.
But if we are to remain a great empire, we must have a greater understanding of the hearts and minds of others.
The Roman Pontiffs have always...held that all those rites should be preserved which deviate neither from accuracy in matters of faith, nor from what is fitting.
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