Top 66 Roommates Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Roommates quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I've been struggling so long with my career that I haven't been in a position to invite a woman into my life. It would have been like, 'Hey, come live with me and my two roommates, and let's make ramen noodles tonight.'
I remember when I was in college, I used to watch Julia Child's cooking show during dinner and joke with my roommates about becoming a TV chef.
I have the sense that whoever here on earth we couldn't get along with, Jesus will make us roommates in Heaven. — © Bob Goff
I have the sense that whoever here on earth we couldn't get along with, Jesus will make us roommates in Heaven.
When people are like, 'College! Oh my God! Ultimate freedom!' I didn't feel that way. My roommates were loving hitting the town, but I wasn't as psyched about going to the frats.
Greenpoint was where I had my first apartment on my own without roommates or sleeping on someone's couch. It was a really important time for me.
We're sisters, we're roommates, we're all that.
I was always a fan but me and Kevin Pattero, he was a friend of mine who trained for the Olympic games in 1972? he and I became very close friends and roommates and I kind of rode his coattails into the business.
One of my college roommates was into The Police, and I got to like them. But I hear one of the guys left the band.
When people ask me what I miss most about the game, it's being in the locker room and getting to know the guys. Back in those days, we had roommates. We had to talk basketball and that was a great way to understand the game itself and form those lasting relationships.
When I was modeling in Japan, I could blend in a little because of my hair, but my roommates with blonde hair got harassed. People would touch their hair and grope them in the subway. Actually, a lot of groping happens in the subway in Japan, but that's probably true of subways everywhere.
Because I'm always away, coming home to a clean house means a lot to me. Trust me, I've lived with a lot of roommates, and straight guys are just kids who don't pick up after themselves.
I'm a typical college girl; I love to shop and gossip with my roommates about boys and whatnot.
I look at my roommates who are so proud of me that it makes me proud. — © Adriana Trigiani
I look at my roommates who are so proud of me that it makes me proud.
The dangers of TATP bombs can be seen in the case of Matthew Rugo and Curtis Jetton, 21-year-old roommates in Texas City, Texas. They didn't have any bomb-making training and were manufacturing explosives in 2006 from concentrated bleach when their concoction blew up, killing Rugo and injuring Jetton.
I actually knew Sully's sister, and I was in a band called Stripmind, and then I became roommates with Sully and being out of a band, he asked if I wanted to join in his. Tony was originally the second guitarist in the band; a guy by the name of Lee Richards was the first. The rest is pretty much history.
I'm not extravagant. I share my house in London with five roommates. I take the Tube. I intend to stay the exact same person I always was.
I was the guy who didn't get a cool little apartment. I took one for the team. I liked having the place we could make noise in, the place that could be the center of the music. I sat down and calculated it one day, and over the years, I've had something like 38 roommates.
I used to live in a hostel with Bihari roommates. They used to be very excited about getting their pictures clicked, and since there weren't any mobile phones back then, they used to have a photographer accompany them everywhere. Thus, my character's personality and the photographer were incorporated into 'Dabangg.'
Honestly, I’d prefer to live with gay guys. They’re the cleanest, and they just take care of stuff. Because I’m always away, coming home to a clean house means a lot to me. Trust me, I’ve lived with a lot of roommates, and straight guys are just kids who don’t pick up after themselves.
I keep a pretty low profile. I live in Culver City with some roommates. I don't do the whole 'Hollywood' thing.
Gamers are horrible roommates because they monopolize the TV with something less watchable than 'The Mob Doctor' and, if that wasn't irritating enough, have the audacity to scream combat commands through a head set.
The myth that people with epilepsy swallow their tongues is very injurious. When I had seizures without my roommates present, I would often wake up with my gums bleeding, my teeth hurting or my jaw aching. Often, well-intentioned people, believing I would choke on my tongue, tried to force open my clenched jaw to put in a hard object.
I don't think I could live with anybody. I had roommates, and it's not for me. I like my space!
We have been roommates our entire lives. We just bought a place together.
I like candles. It helps cover up for the fact that I have four male roommates.
I've had times where one of my roommates was moving out of the house in college, and because we were the only black people in that neighborhood, the cops got called, and we had guns drawn on us. Came in the house, without knocking, guns drawn on my teammates and roommates. So I have experienced this.
I still remember when I was 18 and my life was completely different. I was in my apartment, and I got the call that I got Stiles for this pilot. I was just jumping around with my roommates, freaking out. It's crazy to think about.
I like to be around people, so I ended up being roommates, right? I had a house. I lived with four guys.
When I started Facebook from my dorm room in 2004, the idea that my roommates and I talked about all the time was a world that was more open.
I have a Ph.D. in philosophy and sports science. At 14, I went through this really tough Soviet training system. A lot of my roommates got psychologically broken or physically injured. Either you came through, or you were out. I made my Ph.D. work in the field of young athletes aged 14-19 because at this age any human is changing.
I have the best roommates in the world! It creates a fun sense of family... and that's really important to me. Things can get so lonely without it.
I came to L.A. when I was 19, and my two roommates were blue-eyed, blond dudes. I helped coach them, and they both landed pilots.
I wrote a song several years ago while I was in college called 'Muscadine Wine.' I really didn't know if it had potential or not, if it was good or bad or what. I played it for my roommates - who I played ball with - one night, and I knew they would tell me the truth. They loved it, and that encouraged me.
The people you live with at college, those first roommates often are people you're still friends with the rest of your life.
I can't write a line without music - it provides just the right amount of distraction to keep me focused. Clearly, I still miss the noisy roommates.
We're very aggressive speakers. I remember when I was with one of my roommates in New York - and she's Portuguese, too - and we were in an Apple store talking about a computer in Portuguese. Some guy comes up to us and goes, "Hey, hey! Peace, peace! Stop arguing." It's not arguing. This is really just how we talk.
I have all of the Apple products. Everything I've ever written, I've written on a Mac. My first computer, my roommates and I chipped in, and we got that first Macintosh - 128K. It had as much memory as a greeting card that plays music.
I'm surrounded by people who care about me and love me. I have a great job. I have wonderful roommates who take care of me. I have a family who adores me. — © Evangeline Lilly
I'm surrounded by people who care about me and love me. I have a great job. I have wonderful roommates who take care of me. I have a family who adores me.
I admire people's marriages, and I think it's a wonderful thing to have, but I don't think it's the only way to live. I think there are many ways to live and many ways to establish intimate support in your life that can be from family or friends or great roommates that you like.
There are reports that President Obama and his family may move to New York City after his term is over. Unfortunately, the city is so expensive, he's looking for another ex-president to be roommates with.
Last year I picked up the New York Times and there was a story about a kid from Dartmouth who was bragging that he never left his room, and made dates and ordered pizza with his computer. The piece de resistance of this story was that he had two roommates, and he was proud of the fact that he only talked to them by computer.
For years, I believed that anything worth doing was worth doing early. In graduate school, I submitted my dissertation two years in advance. In college, I wrote my papers weeks early and finished my thesis four months before the due date. My roommates joked that I had a productive form of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I don't see my artist friends as any more neurotic or addiction-prone than the others. The roommates I have had who were into triathlons or environmentalism were just as crazy as the poets, just as prone to tears over gardening or air conditioners, just as ready to kite a cheque or binge on cookie dough.
I've got four roommates and they all have fur and tails.
I have two roommates, so it's a challenge to keep the house the way I like.
Its really hard to be roommates with people if your suitcases are much better than theirs.
Dogs are like kids. Cats are like roommates.
Anyone who has ever tried to share pizza iwth roommates knows that Communism cannot ever work. If Lenin and Marx had just shard an apartment, perhaps a hundred million lives might have been spared and put to productive use making sneakers and office furniture.
Honestly, before I started working at the comic shop, I was not a huge comic reader. I grew up reading 'Archie' and have an incredible love/hate relationship with Archie Comics. I got back into it when I started living with some roommates who were really comics fanatics.
I drove around in a Volkswagen Rabbit I shared with one of my roommates, and it didn't have a roof. It doesn't rain much in L.A., but when it did, it was utterly miserable.
I adopted a motto: Never say no. Jim Morrison never said no, Kurt Cobain never said no. You couldn't have great things to write about if all you did was sit in your living room with your roommates talking about the phone bill.
Yes, 'Black Girl/White Girl' might be described as a 'coming-of-age' novel, at least for the survivor Genna. It is also intended as a comment on race relations in America more generally: we are 'roommates' with one another, but how well do we know one another?
[If homes belongs to couples or roommates]: I think homes should reflect the individuals and their individual taste rather than someone else's. — © Julie London
[If homes belongs to couples or roommates]: I think homes should reflect the individuals and their individual taste rather than someone else's.
I'm not really the star of 'Sugar.' I'm co-starring with two other girls, Marianne Black and Didi Carr. We play roommates in the series and we sing together professionally.
When I first moved to New York in 2006, I spent most of my time hanging out at and going to shows at a punk house in Crown Heights called The Fort where, amongst many roommates, my friend Johnny lived. Johnny loves The Germs, the legendary L.A. punk band fronted by the late, great Darby Crash.
I'm going to do everything I'm supposed to do - except roommates. No roommates. I quietly paid for my own room on the road. I didn't want to tell anyone.
My roommates are all such happy-go-lucky guys, and I carry some of the stress around a lot more.
I was roommates with 2 of the guys who were influential in forming the Black Arts philosophy. I called them "goons," and [Amiri] Baraka took offense at that. But if you read his autobiography, the night we went up there for a fundraiser, he talks about how he wished that some violence would happen to us. How do you like Baraka as a gracious host?
I even lived on campus to get the college experience. I had five roommates and I still keep in touch with them while I'm on the road.
If you live in a family or have five roommates, there's some sort of reality check, but when you live alone, there's a lot more leeway for your fantasy life to be more and more a part of your everyday life.
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