Top 388 Rulers Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Rulers quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
The rationality of the ruled is always the weapon of the rulers.
The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally ... enable the people to resist and triumph over them.
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. — © Thomas Jefferson
We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.
Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise.
The very idea of freedom presupposes some objective moral law which overarches rulers and ruled alike. Subjectivism about moral values is eternally incompatible with democracy. We and our rulers are of one kind only so long as we are subject to one law. But if there is no Law of Nature, the ethos of any society is the creation of its rulers, educators and conditioners; and every creator stands above and outside his own creation.
I believe in the capacity of India to offer nonviolent battle to the English rulers.
For thousands of years, China developed its own political system. Its rulers, no matter who they are, are given a conditional right to govern by the people. In the past, but even now it is called a "Heavenly Mandate". If the rulers fail to respect the will of the people, they get deposed. And the Communist Party of China is greatly respectful of the desires of the majority of the Chinese people.
It is the rule of law alone which hinders the rulers from turning themselves into the worst gangsters.
The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of the common man.
When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.
For most of human history, the main goal of states has been to conquer land and to achieve glory for their rulers, usually at others' expense. Then in recent decades it was all about GDP. It's only in very recent history that rulers have been willing to commit themselves to helping their citizens live happier lives.
To rulers religion, like almost everything else, is a tool of power.
If we were strong, self-respecting and not susceptible to frightfulness, the foreign rulers would have been powerless for mischief. — © Mahatma Gandhi
If we were strong, self-respecting and not susceptible to frightfulness, the foreign rulers would have been powerless for mischief.
The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of common man.
Justice is in subjects as well as in rulers.
Dictators are rulers who always look good until the last ten minutes.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
Power is the sum total of the wills of the mass, transfered by express or tactic agreement to rulers chosen by the masses.
The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facile means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people.
Everyone sort of lives with their rulers in the past and doesn’t look at coming changes.
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
The apparent rulers of the English nation are like the most imposing personages of the a splendid procession; it is by them that the mob are influenced; it is they who the inspectors cheer. The real rulers are secreted in second hand carriages; no one cares for them or asks about them, but they are obeyed implicitly and unconsciously by reason of the splendour of those who eclipsed and preceded them.
If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it.
Lebanon is restless, Syria got its walking papers, Egypt is scheduling elections with more than one candidate, and even Saudi Arabia, whose rulers are perhaps more terrified of women than rulers anywhere else in the world, allowed limited municipal elections.
Rulers come and go. It's the people who are the real rulers of the country.
Following rulers instead of prophets, the wicked can rule you, but the knowledge can stop it.
What luck for rulers that men do not think.
I always take an aspect between the ruling planets (i.e., the rulers of their Ascendants) as a testimony to the fact that the two people are likely to have a relationship of extraordinary intensity and importance… The close interaction of the ruling planets’ energies can be seen as indicative of a particularly specific symbol of how the two people interact with each other… in the vast majority of such cases, all of the other levels of interaction shown in a comparison will be secondary to the intense type of interchange symbolized by the aspect between the rulers.
It can be considered a rule that the probable duration of an Empire may be prognosticated by the degree to which its rulers believe in their own propaganda.
God is the one who chooses our rulers
Democracy is the form of government in which the free are rulers.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
RULERS should be careful about what songs are allowed to be sung.
The best of all rulers is but a shadowy presence to his subjects.
Rulers who want to unleash war know very well that they must procure or invent a first victim.
Men had better be without education than be educated by their rulers.
Evil Rulers Are Never Beyond The Bounds of God's Sovereign Will
The Federal Government is exploiting public fear to redefine the relationship between the rulers and the American people. — © James Bovard
The Federal Government is exploiting public fear to redefine the relationship between the rulers and the American people.
I am savage about what has been done to the United States by its rulers.
Atomism had no absolute 'above' and 'below' and no such rulers, so favoured the undersranding of justice as an agreement amongst equals.
Democratic accountability means that governments must be popularly accepted, with citizens empowered to replace corrupt or incompetent rulers.
International affairs will be placed on a better footing when it is understood that there is no way of punishing a people for the crimes of its rulers.
For citizens who think themselves puppets in the hands of their rulers, nothing is more satisfying than having rulers as puppets in their hands.
My worryingly paradoxical thought process could be summarized thus: Thank God I don't believe in the secret rulers of the world. Imagine what the secret rulers of the world might do to me if I did!
States will never be happy until rulers become philosophers or philosophers become rulers.
The United States reaps the thorns its rulers have planted in the world.
Our rulers can have authority over such natural rights only as we have submitted to them.
If there is any hell more unprincipled than our rulers, and we, the ruled, I feel curious to see it. — © Henry David Thoreau
If there is any hell more unprincipled than our rulers, and we, the ruled, I feel curious to see it.
In regard to the so-called social contract, I have often had occasion to protest that I haven't even seen the contract, much less been asked to consent to it. A valid contract requires voluntary offer, acceptance, and consideration. I've never received an offer from my rulers, so I certainly have not accepted one; and rather than consideration, I have received nothing but contempt from the rulers, who, notwithstanding the absence of any agreement, have indubitably threatened me with grave harm in the event that I fail to comply with their edicts.
If a psychiatric and scientific inquiry were to be made upon our rulers, mankind would be appalled at the disclosures.
All rulers in all ages have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers.
In free governments the rulers are the servants, and the people their superiors and sovereigns.
A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king.
Let us learn from the English rulers the simple fact that the oppressors are blind to the enormity of their own misdeeds.
In the Golden Age, Rulers were unknown. In the following age Rulers were loved and praised. Next came the age When rulers were feared. Finally the age When rulers are hated.
The biblical lifestyle is always a witness of resistance to the status quo in politics, economics, and all society. It is a witness of resurrection from death. Paradoxically, those who embark on the biblical witness constantly risk death - through execution, exile, imprisonment, persecution, defamation, or harassment - at the behest of the rulers of this age. Yet those who do not resist the rulers of the present darkness are consigned to a moral death, the death of their humanness. That, of all the ways of dying, is the most ignominious.
The rulers of the country generally believed that betting eliminates strikes. Men had to work in order to gamble.
Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.
I die, as I have lived, a free spirit, an Anarchist, owing no allegiance to rulers, heavenly or earthly.
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