Top 368 Rushing Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Rushing quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Great and unexpected successes are often the cause of foolish rushing into acts of extravagance.
Credit comes with success, and I need to have a lot more of it. In due time - I'm not rushing.
I don't believe in making a record and rushing it. — © Hunter Hayes
I don't believe in making a record and rushing it.
Everything's going to end eventually. I don't know if we're rushing it or making it faster.
What would be the good of rushing? You want these books to last.
America was in full swing now, all the papers said so, and people were rushing forward, leaving behind the horrors of war. She understood the reasons, but they were rushing, like Lon, toward long hours and profits, neglecting the things that brought beauty to the world.
Rushing around can be a pointless diversion from actually living your life.
My biggest pet peeve is rushing.
My height might be a disadvantage in some parts of my game, but it is a big advantage in rushing the passer.
We didn't have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun. You just got on with it!
When you're up against the clock and break-outs are happening, all the time, and it's literally rushing in on you, you do what you have to do.
The world is full of men and women who work too much, sleep too little, hardly ever exercise, eat poorly, and are always struggling or failing to find adequate time with their families. We are in a perpetual hurry-constantly rushing from one activity to another, with little understanding of where all this activity is leading us. . . . The world has gone and got itself in an awful rush, to whose benefit I do not know. We are too busy for our own good. We need to slow down. Our lifestyles are destroying us. The worst part is, we are rushing east in search of a sunset.
Death comes black and hard, rushing down on me from the future, with no possible chance of escape. — © David Gerrold
Death comes black and hard, rushing down on me from the future, with no possible chance of escape.
How quick and rushing life can sometimes seem, when at the same time it's so slow and sweet and everlasting.
We must remember how apt man is to extremes--rushing from credulity and weakness to suspicion and distrust.
Out of silence comes the greatest creativity. Not when we are rushing and panicking.
I've got pretty good knowledge about pass rushing. But I know I have a lot to work on.
Rushing blindly towards unproven drugs can be disastrous and result in countless more deaths.
Time knows not the weight of sleep or weariness, and night's deep darkness has no chain to bind his rushing pinion.
Rushing to war is not a wise course of action.
Stop rushing me. I want to take my time falling in love with you.
History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside.
I may be flying a complicated airplane, rushing through space, but in this cabin I'm surrounded by simplicity and thoughts set free of time. How detached the intimate things around me seem from the great world down below. How strange is this combination of proximity and separation. That ground - seconds away - thousands of miles away. This air, stirring mildly around me. That air, rushing by with the speed of a tornado, an inch beyond. These minute details in my cockpit. The grandeur of the world outside. The nearness of death. The longness of life.
Going out to others in order to reach the fringes of humanity does not mean rushing out aimlessly into the world. Often it is better simply to slow down, to put aside our eagerness in order to see and listen to others, to stop rushing from one thing to another and to remain with someone who has faltered along the way.
Soon, everything else would come rushing at him. Like the ground to a falling man, it would come rushing up and hit him all at once - the place, the company, her words; one implication would lead to another and shatter him - but around that intake of breath the world hung silent and bright, so bright, and Akiva only knew this one thing, and held on to it and wanted to live inside of it and stay there forever. Karou was alive.
Wages will rise, jobs will return, and factories will come rushing, rushing back in to our country.
In the stream, Rushing past To the dusty world, My fleeting form Casts no reflection.
When 'Being Rushed' is the problem . . . Rushing is never the solution.
We are always rushing to an appointment or trying to meet a deadline.
When I smell pho, I just automatically think of my mom. All these nostalgic feelings and memories come rushing through my head.
Rushing around smartly is no proof of accomplishing much.
The past was suddenly rushing in on me in a way I found hard to fight.
If you're rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off you're probably going to get hurt.
One's action ought to come out of an achieved stillness: not to be a mere rushing on.
When you start rushing into things, that's when you get some deals that may not be the right ones.
A kitten is chiefly remarkable for rushing about like mad at nothing whatever, and generally stopping before it gets there.
What's fun is that the characters in 'Broad City' are rushing and hustling, and our process reflects that.
I don't think anybody at the major studios is rushing to offer me a romantic lead. — © Judge Reinhold
I don't think anybody at the major studios is rushing to offer me a romantic lead.
I need to take a sacred pause, as if I were a sun warmed rock in the center of a rushing river.
I shoved on a dressing-gown, and flew downstairs like a mighty, rushing wind.
And what is 'art'? - a firestorm rushing through Time, arising from no visible source and conforming to no principles of logic or causality.
A kitten is chiefly remarkable for rushing about like mad at nothing whatever and generally stopping before it gets there.
Evangelicalism as a movement is rushing headlong toward theological ambiguity, which is another way of saying apostasy.
It was more of me rushing my shots than anything. Thats the biggest thing for me. I was making good moves, but at the end of my moves, I was rushing all my shots. I learned a lesson.
I'm negative-three yards in the rushing department. Nobody wants to go out with negative-three yards rushing.
Why are all these refugees rushing to the beauty and strength of Europe and to the United States and not rushing to their own capitals or the capitals of the Muslim world? We ought to be pushing back. We ought to be putting people back on these boats and putting them back into the places where they came from and telling these leaders in the Arab world, "You have a responsibility as well."
You have to be intentional about slowing down and not rushing to your next meeting.
I hate rushing the creative process, but there could definitely be a lot worse lots in life. — © Carson Ellis
I hate rushing the creative process, but there could definitely be a lot worse lots in life.
The very secret of life for me, I believed, was to maintain in the midst of rushing events an inner tranquility.
Better start rushing before the rush begins!
Winning the Super Bowl would be way more special than the rookie rushing record.
When I see everyone rushing in one direction, I know it's time to move the other way.
All of the best pass-rushing teams are the ones that seem to have these hybrid rush ends.
A talent can be cultivated in tranquility; a character only in the rushing stream of life.
When you're running for four yards a carry and you're rushing 47 times, you don't really need to throw the ball.
I'm not rushing into my divorce, because I'm not looking to get married tomorrow, so I don't have a deadline. I'm not rushing it. So when it's time, and it's supposed to happen, it will.
The environmental crisis is all a result of rushing.
Are you aware that rushing toward a goal is a sublimated death wish? It's no coincidence we call them 'deadlines.'
There is no rushing into things and am patient for good roles to come.
When I was first published it was like having people rushing in coming to find out where I was hiding. Scary!
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