Top 132 Rusty Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Rusty quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
To have a knight planted in your game at K6 is worse than a rusty nail in your knee.
Rusty thinks I should smoke marijuana, and I did for a while, but it only makes me giggle.
The moment an athlete doesn't train, things start to get a bit rusty. — © Gareth Gates
The moment an athlete doesn't train, things start to get a bit rusty.
When my bed is empty, Makes me feel awful mean and blue. My springs are getting rusty, Living single like I do.
I speak Farsi, German, Dari, and I understand Turkish, but I haven't used it since 1985, so I'm a bit rusty.
The heart becomes sick, as the body becomes sick, and its remedy is al-Tawbah (repentance) and protection [from transgression]. It becomes rusty as a mirror becomes rusty, and its clarity is obtained by remembrance. It becomes naked as the body becomes naked, and its beautification is al-Taqwa. It becomes hungry and thirsty as the body becomes hungry, and its food and drink are knowledge, love, dependence, repentance and servitude.
Perseverance... keeps honor bright: to have done, is to hang quite out of fashion, like a rusty nail in monumental mockery.
I know I personally get a little rusty when I've jumped back and forth.
A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop.
I gave him my best cryptic smile. He did not fall down to his feet, kiss my shoes, and promise me the world. I must be getting rusty.
If I'm working every day, it's like pumping a pump. When you start, rusty water comes out, and then it runs clear. I do it even if I get completely stuck.
Fear tastes like a rusty knife and do not let her into your house.
I've been trained in dancing and I used to be quite good, though I am a bit rusty right now. But I could probably brush up in a couple of months. — © Brittany Murphy
I've been trained in dancing and I used to be quite good, though I am a bit rusty right now. But I could probably brush up in a couple of months.
French was the only language we had in common, and even that was like a dialect we had picked up at a rummage sale, rusty and missing a lot of essential parts.
Some of them wanted to sell me snake oil and I'm not necessarily going to dismiss all of these, as I have never found a rusty snake.
That gloomy outside, like a rusty chest, contains the shoring treasure of a soul resolved and brave.
We all know it's hard to have time to come in as a young player - maybe the club and the supporters give you seven, eight, nine games where you're rusty and not performing. It's difficult to do that.
The Rusty Ruins were the remains of an old city, a hulking reminder of back when there'd been way too many people, and everyone was incredibly stupid. And ugly.
One must not be mean with affections; what is spent of the funds is renewed in the spending itself. Left untouched for too long, they diminish imperceptibly or the lock gets rusty; they are there all right but one cannot make use of them.
Most artists have retired too absolutely; they grow rusty, inflexible to the flow of currents.
As for my stuff, I'm just doing guest verses for other people's records. I try to stay recording, because if I don't, I get rusty.
Fear tastes like a rusty knife and do not let her into your house. Courage tastes of blood. Stand up straight. Admire the world. Relish the love of a gentle woman.
I'll take a rusty nail and scratch your initials on my arm.
The recollection of an injury is . . . a rusty arrow and poison for the soul.
Liberty has as many chains as an iron-monger's shop, and as rusty.
Oh, Rusty, why did you let her in?" Angela said. "We could have just lain down on the floor until she went away. We could've had a nice floor nap." "Have you guys eaten?" Kami asked. "I'm starving." "Cooking is so much trouble," Rusty said mournfully. "You could order in," Kami suggested. "Delivery people are so annoying," Angela responded.
Last Exit to Brooklyn should explode like a rusty hellish bombshell over America and still be eagerly read in a hundred years.
Mixing in some rusty oranges is a warm way to update your place for fall.
If you got to castrate your miser'ble self with a piece o' rusty barb wire, do it.
There will be a rusty gun on the wall, sweetheart, The rifle grooves curling with flakes of rust. A spider will make a silver string nest in the darkest, warmest corner of it.
A rusty nail placed near a faithful compass, will sway it from the truth, and wreck the argosy.
Through the hollow globe, a ring of frayed rusty scrapiron, is it the sea that shines? Is it a road at the world's edge?
There's hope left in these dusty chords. There's a song left in our rusty hearts. We are torn and frayed but love remains.
Why is it that when political ammunition runs low, inevitably the rusty artillery of abuse is always wheeled into action?
I really look at my childhood as being one giant rusty tuna can that I continue to recycle in many different shapes.
I like SF environments that seem used, and lived in, every day; not just rolled off a props truck. Look around you! Everything is scuffed, scratched, dinged, faded, even rusty.
It's the problem with age. You have all these rusty arguments, and no quarrel to use them in. My brain is a museum, but alas, I'm the only visitor, and even I am not terribly interested in the displays.
Almost all wild apples are handsome. They cannot be too gnarly and crabbed and rusty to look at. The gnarliest will have some redeeming traits even to the eye. — © Henry David Thoreau
Almost all wild apples are handsome. They cannot be too gnarly and crabbed and rusty to look at. The gnarliest will have some redeeming traits even to the eye.
Just as iron which is not used grows rusty, and water putrefies and freezes in the cold, so the mind of which no use is made is spoilt.
Old men only lie in wait for people to ask them to talk. Then they rattle on like a rusty elevator wheezing up a shaft.
Character, character, character. First, second and third ... we were pretty rusty initially. When you have a break for a few weeks you get a bit of rust.
It's wild to be visiting New York and crossing the street and having someone yell out at me, 'Hey, Rusty!' Or to be recognized when I go out as 'the kid on 'Major Crimes.''
Not infrequently, Southern food now unlocks the rusty gates of race and class, age and sex. On such occasions, a place at the table is like a ringside seat at the historical and ongoing drama of life in the region.
I'm a bit rusty when it comes to football.
We need to work to keep from getting rusty.
It's better to be burnished with use than rusty with principle.
When a man but half forgives his enemy, it is like leaving a bag of rusty nails to interpose between them.
From 'The Money Store,' 'I've Seen Footage' seems to run the beats from Tone Loc's 'Wild Thing' and Salt-n-Pepa's 'Push It' through a rusty meat grinder. — © Anthony Fantano
From 'The Money Store,' 'I've Seen Footage' seems to run the beats from Tone Loc's 'Wild Thing' and Salt-n-Pepa's 'Push It' through a rusty meat grinder.
Leaves like rusty tin for the desolate mind that has seen the end- the barest glimmerings. Leaves aswirl with gulls made wild by winter.
If you hear Bing Crosby trying to swing, it doesn't work. He swings like a rusty gate.
The Civil Service is a bit like a rusty weathercock. It moves with opinion then it stays where it is until another wind moves it in a different direction
Keep a small can of WD-40 on your desk-away from any open flames-to remind yourself that if you don't write daily, you will get rusty.
I had a wonderful teacher about animal behavior - my dog Rusty. He taught me that animals have personalities, minds, and feelings.
My grandmother had this high-tech security system - a rusty nail she used to lock the door.
Good practice, everyone," Rusty said at last. "Light on the actual learning, heavy on the emotional catharsis, and thanks to Jared I think I need a rabies shot, but them's the breaks.
it's not called the Rusty Ruins because some guy called Rusty found them.
The brain is a tool that gets rusty without constant, albeit moderate, exercise.
Being an actor is lot like being a dancer: you always have to go back to the bar and either work or take classes. Otherwise, you'll get rusty.
I was in a town of about 10,000 people, and a shipping container with a rusty microscope was their medical clinic.
Your heart mirrors not His love, Rusty with your sins it is, Remove this rust and you shall Perceive how Glorious He is.
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