Top 1200 Sacrifice Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Sacrifice quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well.
For the butterfly, mating and propagation involve the sacrifice of life, for the human being, the sacrifice of beauty.
We should tell ourselves once and for all that it is the first duty of the soul to become as happy, complete, independent, and great as lies in its power. To this end we may sacrifice even the passion for sacrifice, for sacrifice never should be the means of ennoblement, but only the sign of being ennobled.
There's only one effectively redemptive sacrifice, the sacrifice of self-will to make room for the knowledge of God. — © Aldous Huxley
There's only one effectively redemptive sacrifice, the sacrifice of self-will to make room for the knowledge of God.
As we give, we find that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven, and in the end, we learn that it was no sacrifice at all.
No sacrifice is worth the name unless it is a joy. Sacrifice and a long face go ill together. Sacrifice is 'making sacred'. He must be a poor specimen of humanity who is in need of sympathy for his sacrifice.
So often public service comes with sacrifice. A sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make each day.
I have to sacrifice time with my family, sacrifice time with my friends, sacrifice time with studying... my work at the Philippines Air Force.
It is part of the formidableness of a genuine mass movement that the self-sacrifice it promotes includes also a sacrifice of some of the moral sense, which cramps and restrains our nature.
Saddest of all are the women who were brought up to believe that self-sacrifice is the highest female virtue. They made the sacrifice, often willingly, and they are still waiting for the blessing.
Sacrifice is never easy or it is no true sacrifice. - Stannis
We're used to a story in modern terms as an information delivery device. Certainly on television and even with the studio films, there's really only one note that you get, and that's clarity. And people will sacrifice everything for clarity. They'll sacrifice the joke. They'll sacrifice the moment, or the romance.
Sacrifice is going to war for your country. Sacrifice is a brave young man being blown up by a landmine in Afghanistan.
Until you have enough money accumulated, sacrifice luxury. Sacrifice TV, time out, and even time with your family and friends. — © Ryan Blair
Until you have enough money accumulated, sacrifice luxury. Sacrifice TV, time out, and even time with your family and friends.
When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth’s sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do his will, he does know, most assuredly, that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he has not, nor will not seek his face in vain.
Well, you have the right to make a sacrifice of yourself, but I'll be damned if I'll let you sacrifice me!
About when to let others sacrifice themselves for you, even if its selfish. They say that if the sacrifice is the ultimate way for that person to show you that they love you, let them do it.
I grew up doing gymnastics. It requires discipline, eating right, getting sleep, lots of sacrifice. But the pros outweigh the sacrifice.
If I do not participate in the sacrifice, it is as if I did not sacrifice at all.
Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing.
People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much of my life in Africa. Can that be called a sacrifice which is simply paid back as a small part of a great debt owing to our God, which we can never repay? All these are nothing when compared with the glory which shall be revealed in and for us. I never made a sacrifice.
I take toleration to be a part of religion. I do not know which I would sacrifice; I would keep them both: it is not necessary that I should sacrifice either.
He in whose heart the law was, and who alone of all mankind was content to do it, His sacrifice alone can be the sacrifice all-sufficient in the Father's sight as the proper sacrifice of humanity; He who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, He alone can give the Spirit which enables us to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. He is the only High-Priest of the universe.
It's easy to say, and a lot of people pay lip service, saying, 'I want to win.' But, well, everybody wants to win. What are you willing to sacrifice to be able to win? Are you going to sacrifice money? Are you going to sacrifice playing time? You gotta sacrifice something.
Christianity is, above all other religions ever known, a religion of sacrifice. It is a religion founded on the greatest of all sacrifices, the sacrifice of the Incarnation, culminating in the sacrifice on Calvary.
Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice! That's the condition of the female. Women have been conditioned to sacrifice for centuries.
We shall not lightly talk about sacrifice until we are driven to the last extremity which makes sacrifice inevitable.
To sacrifice the moral to the physical, as is done in these days, is to sacrifice reality for a shadow.
The Charkha is the symbol of sacrifice, and sacrifice is essential for the establishment of the image of the deity.
The greatest sacrifice is the sacrifice of time.
It is not a sacrifice, it's a choice. If you choose to do something, then you shouldn't say it's a sacrifice, because nobody forced you to do it
In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.
With this sort of career, you need determination. You've got to sacrifice a lot of things: family, friends - not that I had any - but you sacrifice everything.
All vital praying makes a drain on a man's vitality. True intercession is a sacrifice, a bleeding sacrifice.
There's no sacrifice in eating well, there is no sacrifice in pleasure. To the contrary, the best-grown food is actually the tastiest.
Sacrifice of live, sacrifice for love. Fate is gentle and harsh; she gives and she takes.
People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much of my life in Africa. It is emphatically no sacrifice. Say rather it is a privilege.
Love is not getting, but giving. It is sacrifice. And sacrifice is glorious!
Nothing of spiritual significance comes without sacrifice. Your spirituality will always be measured by the size of your sacrifice. — © Jerry Falwell
Nothing of spiritual significance comes without sacrifice. Your spirituality will always be measured by the size of your sacrifice.
There is no sense to a sacrifice after you come to feel that it is a sacrifice.
Looking across this field, we see the scale of heroism and sacrifice. All who are buried here understood their duty. All stood to protect America. And all carried with them memories of a family that they hope to keep safe by their sacrifice.
Real sacrifice comes from self sacrifice.
If I don't have anything to sacrifice, I don't have anything to gain. From the Bible I have learned if you want something good, you must sacrifice.
The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a sense of peace and joy. The Buddha gave up the pleasures of life because they had become painful to him.
Sacrifice that causes pain is no sacrifice at all. True sacrifice is joy-giving and uplifting.
Sacrifice, so that you may be saved. You have to sacrifice, not a bleating sheep or a horse or a cow, but your animality, the bestial lust and greed, hate and malice. Sacrifice these and you earn the heaven of unflinching peace.
The law of sacrifice is uniform throughout the world. To be effective it demands the sacrifice of the bravest and the most spotless.
. . . an absurd problem came to the surface: 'How COULD God permit that (crucifixion of Jesus Christ)!' . . . the deranged reason of the little community found quite a frightfully absurd answer: God gave his Son for forgiveness, as a SACRIFICE . . . The SACRIFICE FOR GUILT, and just in its most repugnant and barbarous form - the sacrifice of the innocent for the sins of the guilty! What horrifying heathenism!
I never know why self-sacrifice is noble. Why is it better to sacrifice oneself than someone else? — © Ivy Compton-Burnett
I never know why self-sacrifice is noble. Why is it better to sacrifice oneself than someone else?
Sacrifice is the very essence of religion; ... Without sacrifice there is no true worship of God.
In myths the warrant of grace was the acceptance of sacrifice; it is this acceptance that love, the re-enactment of sacrifice, beseeches if it is not to feel under a curse.
You don't sacrifice your individuality; you sacrifice a lot of freedom.
When you sacrifice, you force others to sacrifice. It's an extremely powerful weapon.
I guess sacrifice inspires my vulnerability, sacrifice and just having good people around me.
Make some sacrifice for your art and you will be repaid, but ask of art to sacrifice herself for you and a bitter disappointment may come to you.
Being at a World Cup is a sacrifice? Twenty days is a sacrifice? What about the people there working for the team, up at five every morning? That's sacrifice. It's not a sacrifice to play.
Sacrifice: Giving up something good for something better. As I have studied great men and women from the beginning of time, the common denominator of greatness has been the ability and willingness to sacrifice for whatever they were trying to achieve. When sacrifice has been there, great humans have emerged. Imagination, Wisdom
So make it your aim and lifelong habit, when you see someone who's serving, to be reminded of the sacrifice of the Savior, for apart from His sacrifice there is no serving.
Every job will demand some sacrifice. The key is to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.
Every Mass is a memorial of that one sacrifice and that passover which restored life to the world. Every Mass puts us into intimate communion with her, the mother, whose sacrifice 'becomes present' just as the sacrifice of her Son 'becomes present' at the words of consecration..... At the root of the Eucharist is the virginal and maternal life of Mary
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