Top 1200 Same Level Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Same Level quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
My general writing preface is to write an outline and then ignore about half of it, both on a micro level with the individual book, and on a macro level with the series as a whole, and that's pretty much what's happened.
I'm just an early adopter; I subscribe to more things than normal people and have a high level of inbound and a high level of noise.
Working together on solving something requires a high level of humility and a high level of self-awareness. — © Paul Polman
Working together on solving something requires a high level of humility and a high level of self-awareness.
When I passed 7th standard, govt. of Kerala announced a separate sports school for aspiring young girls. During the selection trials, I stood first in district level as well as state level.
I've loved being in legislative office on a state level, and I think on a federal level there are so many more opportunities. I'm so excited to accomplish more.
Only the individual can decide what level of risk she can tolerate and what level of freedom she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of safety.
When I had just started 'Cheers,' my nerves were ajangle, to put it mildly. I was absolutely terrified. What you're learning is to not show the fear, and to ultimately overcome it so that the level of relaxation is commensurate with the level of tension.
When you exercise your freedom to express yourself at the lowest level, you ultimately condemn yourself to live at that level.
I'm very lucky with the people that recognise me - it's at a very tolerable level. I don't think I could handle the level of recognition which David Beckham has.
The objective level is not words, and cannot be reached by words alone. We must point our finger and be silent, or we will never reach this level.
Respect other people regardless of the level they are at... or the level you are at. When you hand out respect, you get it back.
I was the youngest of three, so simply copied my older brothers. It made life very easy. We wore the same yellow jumpers that our grandmother knitted, went to the same school, laughed at the same jokes, and supported the same football team.
I'm constantly embarrassed at the level of attention actors get and the level of money that we get. It's completely disproportionate. — © Bill Skarsgard
I'm constantly embarrassed at the level of attention actors get and the level of money that we get. It's completely disproportionate.
The EU must be able to act with the speed and flexibility of a network, not the cumbersome rigidity of a bloc. We must not be weighed down by an insistence on a one size fits all approach which implies that all countries want the same level of integration. The fact is that they don't and we shouldn't assert that they do.
All the great artists had their dark sides. Look at Amy Winehouse or anyone who has achieved a certain level of success. Even Adele, and the people that you wouldn't put in the same category as a gangster rapper. These women have exposed their vulnerabilities, demons, and things that have hurt them.
Gut level is a good level to deal with life, and for me, I have to say that Buddhism makes sense for me because it's how I'm an artist.
If the Bank of Canada does want to start getting more and more political, then it will be held to the same level of political accountability as other political entities.
There is a level of fame that is really unmanageable. But most of the people who experience that level of fame are compensated in other ways. Private villas and chauffeured boats.
I don't have to rap in a stadium. As long as I can provide for my family and my art, and live comfortably and live well, then I'm good. And with my talent level and my skill level, I'll get there.
I've been to Washington many times over the years for stories, and it always seems remarkably the same. More the same than the rest of the country. It's almost like they dress the same as they did 20 years ago. The same old guys are sitting outside the same dirty, dingy secret offices in the Capitol that you're not allowed to go in.
We need to reform the political system, or we'll lose the democracy. I don't think it's that hard. It doesn't take rocket science. We've done it before successfully at the presidential level and tried it several places at the state level.
The level of analysis that is done when you see laws created, whether it's the city or state or federal level - it's much more horse-trading than analysis.
I mean, what's the elections? You know, two guys, same background, wealth, political influence, went to the same elite university, joined the same secret society where you're trained to be a ruler - they both can run because they're financed by the same corporate institutions.
One of the greatest gifts from God is the eternal perspective. It is a level of fearlessness, a level of understanding where one can experience even emotional harmony with God.
The fundamental steps of expansion that will open a person, over time, to the full flowering of his or her individuality are the same for both genders. But men and women are rarely in the same place struggling with the same questions at the same age.
Find someone who you really believe in - that can be at a state level. The one thing I can encourage women to do the most is to start at the state level.
I've been accustomed to being famous and having a certain level of attention for 14 years, but in the last few months, it's changed. It's like on the arcade game, I've gone up to the next level.
In The Earthwise Herbal, Matthew Wood has revived the richness, depth, and dignity of the herbal medicine of the old masters, while at the same time endowing it with a new cosmopolitan, cross-cultural flavor that lifts it to a genuinely planetary level.
In my early writing, all of my characters were exactly the same person. They all spoke the same, made the same types of jokes, reacted the same, etc. I think they were all just me in disguise.
I'm an atheist, a devout atheist, but I find religion fascinating. Primarily because of cultural references, as in: This is what we grew up with. Both on a personal level and a collective level.
There was a time when Canadians - and they're just north of the border - but there weren't that many Canadians who had pushed themselves into the level of high-level college players.
We will follow in letter and spirit whatever the RBI rules and guidelines are - whether at the holding company level or individual company level.
Just start off with the same goals in mind. If you have the same values, same goals then you'll be on track for the same future.
I think I have a passion for playing the game. I love to play, and I want to play at a high level. You have to do the right things in order to continue at that level.
From my point of view, I am the underdog going into this fight. I'm not saying I'm not. But I'm the underdog because I haven't fought at that level yet against anyone of Canelo's level.
The role of the problem-posing educator is to create, together with the students, the conditions under which knowledge at the level of the doxa is superseded by true knowledge, at the level of the logos.
I think what is magic about black-girl hair is, at its basic level, it's just resilient. It can go from straight to curly in the same day. It's just transformative. When you don't feel so strong, the hair can be a sign of empowerment.
I didn't want to be Trish Stratus, I didn't want to be Lita, but I wanted to be on their level and to be seen in people's eyes at that level. — © Mickie James
I didn't want to be Trish Stratus, I didn't want to be Lita, but I wanted to be on their level and to be seen in people's eyes at that level.
One of the biggest ways to level the playing field is to give all young people the same context on what opportunities are out there. And that means touching on some of the questions that are a little taboo in society: How much money do you make? What are your stresses? What would you do differently if you could?
The level on which Japan seems to have picked up on my music seems to be on a more abstract level.
There's nothing I'd say that keeps me awake at night, but I think that when you're working with a group of people that are so beyond talented that, every day, you wake up going, "All right, I gotta fight to stay at the same level as these people," that's what makes it fun.
I think when you've travelled around a lot in Africa, you understand something that many people here don't recognize: the extraordinary power that is Africa at village level - at community level.
I would like to think that the level of aggressiveness in law enforcement will remain the same, when you're talking about things like keeping the markets fair and government honest. I don't foresee any departure from that, unless I'm missing something big.
Nirvana is next level. The songs are really cool to connect with on a more mature level, and I don't think I really understood that when I was 15.
To me, human existence exists on a multiple level, not just on a two-dimensional level, not just having to be identified with what you do and what you say.
Once you get yourselves into things that are working on a deeper level, you just have to keep going. When you reach that deeper level, you can't go back.
Everyone has his own truths and every such truth corresponds to a particular intelligence or consciousness level. If some religious absurdities are your truths, then you must increase your level to approach to the real truth! At the position of low level intelligence and consciousness, it is impossible to see the real truth!
Consistency is a huge thing at the top. It's hard to get to a good level, but once you get to a certain level, there's people who want your place. — © Joe Hart
Consistency is a huge thing at the top. It's hard to get to a good level, but once you get to a certain level, there's people who want your place.
...the characters in my books all resemble each other. They live, with minor variations, the same moments, the same perils, and when I speak of them, my language, which is inspired by them, repeats the same poems in the same tone.
If we can be sure of anything, it's that the immense challenges faced by our country and our nation cannot be solved by the same people in the same offices, casting the same votes for the same failed policies.
I enjoy writing and directing a lot. For a long time, I was dabbling in many different things. I've been thinking of an analogy, and I think it works. It's like I had all these different flowers and I was watering them all evenly, so they were growing at the same level.
There are a lot of running backs who see the first level, the D-linemen, and they can't really see the second level.
Aside from Joan Rivers and Roseanne, it's hard for me to think of any female comedian who's had kids and has a serious level of fame - like, the level where your mother has heard of them.
I think that with some education there are real possibilities at the high school and college level, but more so at the college level, to bring people into cycling.
anyone own a disease? I was also startled at the level of hypocrisy. How can a leading make up company not sign onto the "Campaign for Safe Cosmetics" and at the same time promote itself as leading the fight against breast cancer?
This sounds really craven on some level, but on some level, a lot of what I'm doing is trying to not do a typical TV show.
When I'm working on an idea I have a very high level of expectations. If we do a video it has to be high level. Artwork has to be really good.
There's nothing I'd say that keeps me awake at night, but I think that - when you're working with a group of people that are so beyond talented - that, every day, you wake up going, 'All right, I gotta fight to stay at the same level as these people.' That's what makes it fun.
The end and goal of any society as it addresses the problem of education is to raise the ability, the initiative and the cultural level, and with all these the survival level of that society.
The roots of great innovation are never just in the technology itself. They are always in the wider historical context. They require new ways of seeing. As Einstein put it, 'The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.'
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