Top 109 Satanic Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Satanic quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I'm not into that whole Satanic thing. It's just something to fall back on if you don't have much imagination. Singing you fiftieth song about having lunch with Satan--I'm not into it. It's silly.
Satanic Verses is a despicable book that could not have been written by a person who wished to behave decently and responsibly.
Bout to inhale like I'm finnin to see Satan. We're Satanic. It's the law. — © Big Sean
Bout to inhale like I'm finnin to see Satan. We're Satanic. It's the law.
The opening and closing ceremonies of the London Olympics are mass satanic rituals disguised as a celebration of Britain and sport. Their medium is the language of symbolism.
'The Satanic Verses' was denied the ordinary life of a novel. It became something smaller and uglier: an insult.
King Diamond was always more satanic than Mercyful Fate. And I'm not saying anything bad about Mercyful Fate - I love that band but sometimes people forget that King Diamond is the satanic philosophy through and through.
Armed conspiracies against something satanic is like matching Satans against Satan.
I had a fall out with Satan. Repeating satanic verses.
In adultery, there is usually tenderness and self-sacrifice; in murder, courage; in profanation and blasphemy, a certain satanic splendour. Judas elected those offences unvisited by any virtues: abuse of confidence and informing.
Right after we recorded 'Satanic Satanist' and 'American Ghetto' here in Boston, we decided we'd grow our hair out. This is - was - like the Beatles thing. I wanted to see these pictures later in life.
The Satanic message for this age will be reformation and self-development, while the message of God is regeneration by the power of the spirit.
Israel has come out of the boils of the hell, a satanic state.
When you look at the original 'Paradise Lost' film, you see three kids who can't defend themselves, being persecuted in a medieval way - witchcraft, satanic worship. It was kind of primitive.
Lady Gaga is a pop prostitute, a satanic b - with her fascist and demonic secret signs! Her pop prostitution has more to do with bikini advertising than with warmth.
I don't think I'm all that twisted in my life. I'm not like some tattooed filmmaker who, you know, hangs out on the Lower East Side and is part of some satanic cult or something.
Practicing yoga is Satanic, it leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter. — © Gabriele Amorth
Practicing yoga is Satanic, it leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter.
The Spirit reveals, unfolds, takes of the things of Christ and shows them to us, and prepares us to be more than a match for Satanic forces.
The reason I am unemployed for six months out of every year is because I have to turn down most of the films I'm offered. If I didn't, I'd only ever play a dark, satanic count on a horse.
With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people.
Conservatives claim [Hillary] Clinton campaign involved in satanic 'spirit cooking'.
My God, is it possible that all the people have gone mad? The civil war now being inaugurated will be as horrible as his Satanic Majesty could desire.
What I don't like about the music industry is everything. It's very Satanic, people are evil, they talk about money, they talk about things that don't really matter, and they brainwash everybody.
I always thought I was more satanic than Manson.
Stupidity-The top of the list for Satanic Sins.
Prophet Mohammed would have no objection to The Satanic Verses.
One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that. …We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.
So when I studied history at Cambridge, I did a special subject in that, exactly that. And then actually that - while I was studying it was where I came across the so-called incident of the satanic verses.
Choosing to leave the lesbian life brings us into direct conflict with the satanic realm.
I have not hesitated to call the system of Government under which we are labouring 'satanic' and I withdraw naught out of it.
Because," she said, "that is what men would call it. They invented Satan, didn't they? Satanic is merely the name they give to the behavior of those who would disrupt the orderly way in which men want to live.
The werewolf is neither man nor wolf, but a satanic creature with the worst qualities of both.
What crimes, for which we condemn the Government as satanic, have not we been guilty of towards our own untouchable brethren?
Modern liberalism has many roots. One of the most important is the ideas of a man described by an American critic as 'his satanic free-trade majesty John Stuart Mill' and revered by others.
Going to see Godzilla at the Palais of the Cannes Film Festival is like attending a satanic ritual in St. Peter's Basilica.
The belief in a satanic kingdom exists today only where religious and theological traditions keep this believe alive.
Satanism encourages its followers to indulge in their natural desires. Only by doing so can you be a completely satisfied person with no frustrations which can be harmful to yourself and others around you. Therefore, the most simplified description of the Satanic belief is: indulgence instead of abstinence.
The Bible is not for the people; whosoever will be saved must renounce it. It is a forbidden book. Bible societies are satanic contrivances.
Homosexuals are brute beasts... part of a vile and satanic system that will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven. — © Jerry Falwell
Homosexuals are brute beasts... part of a vile and satanic system that will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven.
Recently, a friend sent me the online musings of a televangelist who advised his thousands of followers that the Federal Reserve achieved satanic ends by manipulating the world's money supply. Paranoia has replaced piety.
Allowing homosexuality means allowing satanic rights.
Curses are exacting, legal arrangements of the spiritual world. Just like human contracts contain fine print and legally crafted language, satanic curses are filled with minutiae that required detailed voiding.
Man's nature is made up of four elements, which produce in him four attributes, namely, the beastly, the brutal, the satanic, and the divine. In man there is something of the pig, the dog, the devil, and the saint.
The people will not rest until the Pahlavi rule has been swept away and all traces of tyranny have disappeared. As long as the Shah's satanic power prevails, not a single true representative of the people can possibly be elected.
Satanic forces are here and they are not friendly!
I have a fairly adequate knowledge of Satanic forces.
The living Word is able to destroy Satanic forces.
So we didn't have any stars for 'The Witch.' A24 felt they needed something special for marketing, and they wanted to have the Satanic Temple endorse the film.
To conquer by sheer force is becoming harder and harder every day. Defensive is getting continuously the advantage of offensive, as we progress in the satanic science of destruction.
Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever believe it. Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory.
Electricity for example was considered a very Satanic thing when it was first discovered and utilized.
When I was writing The Satanic Verses, if you had asked me about the phenomenon that we all now know as radical Islam, I wouldn't have had much to say. As recently as the mid-1980s, it didn't seem to be a big deal.
You grow, learn, and the more I can sit in silence and be comfortable with myself, the more I can make noise, as ironic and Zen Buddhist and satanic as it sounds! — © Nikki Sixx
You grow, learn, and the more I can sit in silence and be comfortable with myself, the more I can make noise, as ironic and Zen Buddhist and satanic as it sounds!
All satanic works are performed from the outside inward; all divine works from the inside outward.
Death metal has now become exclusively about being evil, Satanic and playing full speed ahead. It's not what I'm into at all.
When I was writing 'The Satanic Verses,' if you had asked me about the phenomenon that we all now know as radical Islam, I wouldn't have had much to say. As recently as the mid-1980s, it didn't seem to be a big deal.
In grade one and two, I was definitely into heavy metal and Satanic rock music, bands that had attributes that were quote-unquote 'Satanic,' even things like the Rolling Stones with 'Their Satanic Majesties Request' and 'Sympathy for the Devil,' but also like Motley Crue and Kiss and Alice Cooper.
The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic herd!
Many of you already read my writings indicating that TV is the new god. There is a little thing I neglected to mention up until now, television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion.
Now they are lovers. The first, wild courses are ended. They have founded their domain. A satanic happiness follows.
When things are not going right, there are satanic forces in operation. What is my solution? To rebuke the condition of sin, death, disease, or whatever it is. I can pray in the Holy Ghost, and that prayer is effectual to bring down every stronghold of the enemy.
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