Top 1200 Satisfying Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Satisfying quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Nothing is quite as satisfying and exhausting as teaching.
Malevolence is shameful but satisfying.
God knows it is emotionally satisfying to be righteous with that righteousness that nourishes itself on the blood of sinners. But God also knows that what is emotionally satisfying can be spiritually devastating.
In moderating, not satisfying desires, lies peace. — © Ben Hecht
In moderating, not satisfying desires, lies peace.
Faith stands or falls on the truth that the future with God is more satisfying than the one promised by sin. Where this truth is embraced and God is cherished above all, the power of sin is broken. The power of sin is the power of deceit. Sin has power through promising a false future. In temptation sin comes to us and says: "The future with God on his narrow way is hard and unhappy, but the way I promise is pleasant and satisfying." The power of sin is in the power of this lie.
Editing is very satisfying process. You spend hours working on something and then you get to watch it. It's immediately satisfying where everything else is just kind of waiting and waiting and waiting.
Use Me is a wonderfully satisfying book.
We all only live once. So we are obligated to make good use of the time that we have and to do something that is meaningful and satisfying. This is something that I find meaningful and satisfying... I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable. And I enjoy crushing bastards.
I prefer directing to producing as it is far more satisfying.
I feel 'Mom' is not just a successful film but a satisfying one.
All production is for the purpose of ultimately satisfying a consumer.
I'm glad I took the leap away from acting into going behind the camera because it's much more satisfying - I love acting and I still do, but it's much more satisfying to be able to make the stuff.
There's nothing as satisfying, thrilling and gratifying as parenthood.
There is nothing more satisfying than having plans. — © Lalita Tademy
There is nothing more satisfying than having plans.
Profit is a reward for satisfying the desire of someone else.
From a writing standpoint, maybe television is a little more satisfying because it's not all hinging on one thing. You can experiment, week to week, and you can be a little narrower in your scope one week, and then be a little broader the next week. But with film, everything can look the way you want it to look. You can really sculpt the final product. So from a directorial standpoint, film is more satisfying. But, they're both forms of media that I'd like to keep involvement in.
It was tremendously satisfying to watch this color parade.
It was satisfying to take a risk and see it pay off.
There is nothing quite so satisfying, and so healing, as a good cry.
Stand alone books are nice because they have everything all in one tidy little package. Neverwhere was awesome because you get action, adventure, character development, the exploration of a strange world, PLUS resolution of all the problems and mysteries at the end. No lines no waiting. That's very satisfying. Multi-volume stories are satisfying too, just in a different way.
Satisfying myself is the point in filmmaking, in my mind.
It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people.
There is a question whether faith can or is supposed to be emotionally satisfying. I must say that the thought of everyone lolling about in an emotionally satisfying faith is repugnant to me. I believe that we are ultimately directed Godward but that this journey is often impeded by emotion
There is nothing more satisfying than having a sentence fall into place in a way you feel is right, and then adding another one and then another one. It's extraordinarily satisfying.
The thing that's important for me to focus on is the balancing of the tension between satisfying myself and satisfying an audience, and making something that I think is good and funny, worthwhile, small-"i" important, versus something that's going to do well.
Your only hope of satisfying others is in satisfying yourself. I speak of a great satisfaction, not a commercial satisfaction.
Comedy can be a little brutal, but not in a satisfying way.
Love is the overflow of joy in God! It is not duty for duty's sake, or right for right's sake. It is not a resolute abandoning of one's own good with a view solely to the good of the other person. It is first a deeply satisfying experience of the fullness of God's grace, and then a doubly satisfying experience of sharing that grace with another person.
I would always choose the script. You get more creative control that way. But, when you're in a situation like this, where everyone is really funny and you really want to do it, that's the chance of a lifetime, so you want to do it. But, a script has longer legs than a performance and, in the end, is more satisfying. It's harder, but it's more satisfying.
I don't go for people who lead full and satisfying lives.
One of the challenges is to create an equally positive, satisfying sense of femininity and feminine identity in a different way so that there are things you're saying yes to and satisfying that urge that your daughter has to be assert her girlness. The surface level of the culture, and really several inches into it, makes that very hard to do. I hate to put another thing on parents' plates. But the culture is very intentional in what it's telling your daughter and what it's telling you about the message of femininity. And if you're not intentional and conscious back, you lose.
I find directing more satisfying.
Revenge is so much more satisfying than regret.
Being a father is a huge responsibility but a satisfying one.
It's fun being creative and that's satisfying.
Making something of loss is, on some level, satisfying.
There is nothing so satisfying as to be shot at without effect.
Satisfying every vision that fans have is probably impossible.
Controlling the design of an everyday object is very satisfying. — © David Linley
Controlling the design of an everyday object is very satisfying.
The variety of my career is amazing and amazingly satisfying.
Conning the conmen is one of life’s most satisfying pleasures.
The most satisfying thing in my life and my career is to work with my children.
It is a high for me. It is my biggest and most satisfying deal.
The theatre for me is much more satisfying as an actor because you are working in front of a living, breathing, throbbing, gasping, laughing and hopefully applauding audience. And the immediate connection you get with that audience is very satisfying.
I suppose it's really satisfying to play someone with secrets. It's really satisfying to decide how and when those things are going to start being revealed, and how subtle to be.
The pleasure of satisfying a savage instinct, undomesticated by the ego, is uncomparably much more intense than the one of satisfying a tamed instinct. The reason is becoming the enemy that prevents us from a lot of possibilities of pleasure.
I don't have any complaints. I've had a satisfying career.
We are not really spying, we're just satisfying our curiosity.
There is something not entirely satisfying about an online memorial. — © Adam Cohen
There is something not entirely satisfying about an online memorial.
There is a certain embarrassment about being a storyteller in these times when stories are considered not quite as satisfying as statements and statements not quite as satisfying as statistics; but in the long run, a people is known, not by its statements or its statistics, but by the stories it tells.
Yoga carves you into a different person - and that is satisfying physically.
'Use Me' is a wonderfully satisfying book.
When people appreciate my work, that's satisfying as an artiste.
Nincompoop is such a brilliantly satisfying word.
Revenge is the single most satisfying feeling in the world!
Hall & Oates is one of the few musical groups as satisfying now as it was back then. There's something incredibly musically satisfying about their songs. Nothing has diminished my love for them.
I actually find something rewarding about that tension between satisfying myself and satisfying others. Because first of all, I can't provide my own structure, and that tension provides a structure for me to actually work within.
Giving is the most self-satisfying thing you can ever do.
Sabotage is like, so satisfying.
My experience of performing in Gurgaon has been very satisfying.
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