Top 1200 Saving Animals Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Saving Animals quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
If you've experienced cheating in a new marriage, the real work is not obsessively combing through all the details of what happened, but rather figuring out if your relationship is worth saving.
I care much more about saving the lives of mothers and babies than I do about a fancy museum somewhere.
God gives every animal the means of saving its life-why object if he gives astrology to the astronomer? — © Johannes Kepler
God gives every animal the means of saving its life-why object if he gives astrology to the astronomer?
Christmas is the celebration of the keeping of a promise. A saving promise.
I am really good at saving my money... I want, like, 100 kids, so I'm going to have to save a lot of money for that.
Avoid extremes: be moderate In saving and in spending; An equable and easy gait Will win an easy ending.
For the saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished freedom is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while there was still time.
When they write my epitaph, it's going to say, 'Innate Immunotherapeutics, saving millions of lives.' It's not going to be 'member of Congress.'
The Czech ease has become my saving grace for traveling! Plus,with its light weight and small size, I save thousands of dollars every year in airline fees.
Indeed, we must foster cost-saving competition. And that means joining the marketplace of other industrialized countries - not just for the manufacturers who sell drugs, but for consumers as well.
It's only in fairy tales that princesses can afford to wait for the handsome prince to save them. In real life, they have to bust out of their own coffins and do the saving themselves.
When you care about something, that's when you want to save it. I want to bring that to storytelling - to make saving the world sexy.
Since having kids, I am more careful about saving rather than splurging. I used to spend all my money on trainers and high heels that I couldn't walk in.
A lot of local food is very tasty. I'm very happy to eat it. I just don't think it's the same thing as saving the world.
How to save the old that's worth saving, whether in landscape, houses, manners, institutions, or human types, is one of our greatest problems, and the one that we bother least about.
I come more and more to the conclusion that wilderness, in America or anywhere else, is the only thing left that is worth saving. — © Edward Abbey
I come more and more to the conclusion that wilderness, in America or anywhere else, is the only thing left that is worth saving.
The quicker we humans learn that saving open space and wildlife is critical to our welfare and quality of life, maybe we'll start thinking of doing something about it.
In France the men all live in cafes, the children are all put out to nurse, and the women, saving the respect of mademoiselle -- well, the less said about them the better.
We had taken the cups for coffee out of the building as a cost-saving measure, but left the coffee. Somebody thought it was symbolic to do this.
How do you manage it, she said, at your age? I told her I'd been saving up for her all my life.
After a level, it does not matter if you are capable to do 100 push-ups, but how to take action in a do-or-die situation - saving your country while on mission.
You can never find a Christian who has acquired this valuable knowledge, this saving knowledge, by any process but the everlasting and all-sufficient 'people say.'
Taking jobs to build up your resume is the same as saving up sex for old age.
It's true of Irish Catholic families. They're big on story telling and big on saving stories from one generation to the next.
As public officials, we have a duty to protect all of our communities and our number one priority must be saving lives.
World War II broke out in 1939, and many people credit that war with saving the economy.
Wealth is in applications of mind to nature; and the art of getting rich consists not in industry, much less in saving, but in a better order, in timeliness, in being at the right spot.
The most powerful argument of all for saving open space is economics; in most states, tourism is the number two industry.
A man who has humility will have acquired in the last reaches of his beliefs the saving doubt of his own certainty.
What's a hero, if not for its journey. I think you're going to recontextualize what saving the world means, and I think that you will be satisfied with the stakes. That's all I can say about that.
For many of us, milkbars gave us our first taste of the concept of saving and spending, treats and indulgence.
We talk about saving time and killing time when actually we can't do either. We have no choice but to spend it at a constant and flowing rate.
Making and cheerfully keeping our covenants gives validity and life to the vital sacred and saving ordinances we need to receive in order to obtain all that the Father hath.
I never had credit card debt... I was very much about trying to gain my freedom, so it was about saving.
God does everything perfectly. The world doesn't really need saving; it's exactly the way God wants it to be at the moment.
There are some fantastic roles for women and women of a certain age on television, whether it's 'Medium' or 'The Closer' or 'Damages' or 'Saving Grace.'
It seems madness to say, 'We're worried that they're going to become addicted to marijuana' -- there's no evidence whatever that it's an addictive drug, but even if it were, these people are dying, what are we saving them from?
It took him forever to get to downtown Vancouver although Tony had to admit that saving the world by public transportation was a particularly Canadian way to do things.
Without the Spirit man is so infirm that he cannot, with all other means whatsoever, be enabled to think one right saving thought of God, of Christ, or of his blessed things.
Once I hit 45, there was a real downturn. But I got an incredibly provocative, delicious lead role in a television series called 'Saving Grace,' and I loved the character. — © Holly Hunter
Once I hit 45, there was a real downturn. But I got an incredibly provocative, delicious lead role in a television series called 'Saving Grace,' and I loved the character.
Open source isn't about saving money, it's about doing more stuff, and getting incremental innovation with the finite budget you have.
Even those of us who have tasted the radical saving grace of God find it intuitively difficult not to put conditions on grace.
Gradually I came to realize that the process of saving the desert of the human heart and revegetating the actual desert is actually the same thing.
One week, I remember saving more than half my grocery bill that week with coupons. I was beyond thrilled.
You can't have intentions without consequences. The question is, who pays for the consequences? Saving fish from drowning. Same thing. Who’s saved? Who’s not?
Before being an athlete, I'm a person, a human being, like the ones Open Arms are saving every day.
Help means ruin and saving means slaying.
When our culture shifts, it tends to overcorrect, throwing out everything associated with an era we've moved past, rather than saving what was good and combining it with what is new.
A sip of wine, a cigarette, And then it’s time to go. I tidied up the kitchenette; I tuned the old banjo. I’m wanted at the traffic-jam. They’re saving me a seat.
We speak continually of saving time, but time in its richness is most often lost to us when we are busy without relief.
Animals struggle with each other for food or for leadership, but they do not, like human beings, struggle with each other for thatthat stands for food or leadership: such things as our paper symbols of wealth (money, bonds, titles), badges of rank to wear on our clothes, or low-number license plates, supposed by some people to stand for social precedence. For animals the relationship in which one thing stands for something else does not appear to exist except in very rudimentary form.
All the impoverishing effects of socialism are with us in the U.S.: reduced levels of investment and saving, the misallocation of resources, the overutilization and vandalization of factors of production, and the inferior quality of products and services.
If animals are no longer quite outside the moral sphere, they are still in a special section near the outer rim. Their interests are allowed to count only when they do not clash with human interests. If there is a clash - even a clash between a lifetime of suffering for a nonhuman animal and the gastronomic preference of a human being - the interests of the nonhuman are disregarded. The moral attitudes of the past are too deeply embedded in our thought and our practices to be upset by a mere change in our knowledge of ourselves and of other animals.
Is dere anysing special about you? Anysing vorth saving?" Besides my fashion sense? I play a mean harmonica. — © James Patterson
Is dere anysing special about you? Anysing vorth saving?" Besides my fashion sense? I play a mean harmonica.
The 31th of May, I perceived in the same water more of those Animals, as also some that were somewhat bigger. And I imagine, that [ten hundred thousand] of these little Creatures do not equal an ordinary grain of Sand in bigness: And comparing them with a Cheese-mite (which may be seen to move with the naked eye) I make the proportion of one of these small Water-creatures to a Cheese-mite, to be like that of a Bee to a Horse: For, the circumference of one of these little Animals in water, is not so big as the thickness of a hair in a Cheese-mite.
Basically, I started singing when I started talking. Music has just been my saving grace my whole life.
And there were other rocks that were like animals, creeping, horrible animals, putting out their tongues, and others were like words I could not say, and others like dead people lying on the grass. I went on among them, though they frightened me, and my heart was full of wicked song they put into it; and I wanted to make faces and twist myself about the way they did, and I went on and on a long way till at last I liked the rocks and they didn’t frighten me any more
It is not the tempest, nor the earthquake, nor the fire, but the still small voice of the Spirit that carries on the glorious work of saving souls.
So often we talk about saving the planet, but what we really mean is to save the planet the way it is, so we can live here. So that is can sustain us.
I'm saving up to buy art. Nothing famous, but every time I'm in a new city I wander into galleries and dream about buying great pieces one day.
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