Top 1200 Savings And Investment Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Savings And Investment quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
What kind of city are we living in, if we encourage the development or ownership of large, expensive properties for investment and land banking... while people are sleeping on the streets?
Most companies can survive even if their debt ratings are lowered below investment grade, although they will have higher borrowing costs.
Technology investment drove growth in the 1990s, both directly and by fueling a rising stock market that led to increased consumer spending. — © Alex Berenson
Technology investment drove growth in the 1990s, both directly and by fueling a rising stock market that led to increased consumer spending.
Goals work. Pick one debt, and then put every dime into paying down that one debt. Once that debt is paid off, start paying down the next debt. Pretty soon it's time to move from paying debt to building savings.
Even if you don't care about the environment whatsoever, solar panels are really cool, and are an investment because they save money in the long run.
Our move to offer free options trading is rooted in the belief that sophisticated investment tools don't need to be complex or reserved for the wealthy.
It's in the nature of stock markets to go way down from time to time. There's no system to avoid bad markets. You can't do it unless you try to time the market, which is a seriously dumb thing to do. Conservative investing with steady savings without expecting miracles is the way to go.
Courage taught me no matter how bad a crisis gets… any sound investment will eventually pay off.
Economically Targeted Investing, or ETI, refers to the practice of selecting investments, in part, for their collateral benefits in addition to the investment return for the retirement plan.
The first rule (of investing) for me is don't have rules. You find one amazing investment and that's all that matters. If you pick the right body of water, you might not need a boat.
If Congress doesn't raise taxes, you cannot get a private investment account without forgoing a portion, possibly all, of your guaranteed benefit check.
We at Fidelity view ourselves just as much a financial information processing company as an investment management firm. That may not be too newsworthy.
We're spending, on average, three times more for prison than for public-school pupils. That's the dumbest investment policy. It doesn't make us safer.
When a collector says, "You've got to educate me," or "What's a good investment?" then I don't know what to say. I have no idea. Let's face it, I'm probably going to recommend artists that I represent.
A literate, skilled workforce is essential for low-income countries to attract investment and fill jobs with local rather than imported labour.
The investment climate in Gujarat under Modi has been very supportive of business interests; but it was the same under the Congress governments that came before him. — © Abhijit Banerjee
The investment climate in Gujarat under Modi has been very supportive of business interests; but it was the same under the Congress governments that came before him.
Laureate is a highly leveraged failing investment whose principal beneficiaries are Wall Street fat cats and billionaires - and William Jefferson Clinton.
Technological progress has made clean energy a profitable investment, and growing popular pressure has forced politicians to respond to the threat of ecological disaster.
In economies with excess productive capacity, targeted investment can yield a double benefit, generating short-run demand and boosting growth and productivity thereafter.
We need investment in green economy infrastructure; public services, training and education; and a multilateral plan to create youth job opportunities.
Redistribution of wealth would require enormous amounts of investment. The only time an elite has accepted this has been during crises, such as in America in the 1930s under Roosevelt.
There's no such thing as a favorite investment. But I think I tend to invest in Asia in promising countries, in equities, in real estate, and I own precious metals, obviously.
Rosa Luxemburg maintained that the capitalist system can keep up its rate of investment (and therefore its profits) only so long as it is expanding geographically.
Individual and institutional investors alike frequently demonstrate an inability to make long-term investment decisions based on business fundamentals.
If you want to buy $10 of Ethereum and poke around with smart contracts, I encourage that. But use it as a technology, not as an investment, unless you know what you're doing.
If world leaders decide to [meet the Millennium Development Goals], I think it can be done by 2015...The question is, is there a political will to make this investment?
It is almost always a bad idea to use a reverse mortgage to pay for a vacation or to buy a risky investment, like stocks or deferred annuities.
I am not a person of the left. But one of the things, the central idea of democracy is that you have a bigger investment in the system as a whole than you do in any particular outcome.
Trade and investment are good for innovation - open economies allow new ideas and technologies to diffuse more quickly from wherever they are created.
We only begin to realize the value of our possessions when we commence to do good to others with them. No earthly investment pays so large an interest as charity.
Good analysis is very useful when you want to convert a political decision into an investment. It can also go the other way and drive policy
If left-wing extremism continues to flourish in parts which have natural resources of minerals, the climate for investment would certainly be affected.
Artificial intelligence, machine learning... cell therapy, immunotherapy. There's just a constant stream of investment ideas we could pursue better in that fashion.
I went from having three little jobs that I strung together to being on the road full-time; having some savings that my managers told me to spend. You fly all over the country opening for these other people. You pay a publicist to get some press while you're establishing yourself and you will be solvent in this career forevermore.
It's only natural that the heavy users help contribute to the investment to keep the Web healthy. That is the most important concept of net neutrality.
I regret the Pro Fit investment because I didn't know that I was dealing with people who were more concerned about the exposure than fixing their business.
We would certainly welcome the recipient nation to put their inspectors on our shores, if they wanted to make that investment to help protect that shipment that is outgoing.
A bad investment is going for quantity over quality. If you're trying to be careful with your wallet, especially with the economy right now, you have to choose staple pieces.
Successful investment may become substantially a matter of techniques and criteria that are learnable, rather than the product of unique and incommunicable mental powers.
As a first approximation, I define belief not as the object of believing (a dogma, a program, etc.) but as the subject's investment in a proposition, the act of saying it and considering it as true.
Surely I'm not the only person to ask the obvious question: How different, really, is Mr. Madoff's tale from the story of the investment industry as a whole? — © Paul Krugman
Surely I'm not the only person to ask the obvious question: How different, really, is Mr. Madoff's tale from the story of the investment industry as a whole?
Streaming is something that's going to require tons of billions of dollars of investment, building server farms close to users and 5G and everything else.
For me, philanthropic return on investment is about making the biggest impact possible on fellow human beings, regardless of country, race or religion.
I have been working in male-dominated industries most of my life. When I started my career in investment banking, I was one of two women in my analyst class.
The deal machinations many companies put themselves through, while certainly a bonanza for investment bankers, can confound the typical investor.
Strategic public investment to shelter and grow champion industries is a reality of the 21st century economy. We cannot ignore or wish this away.
U.S. capital formation, which has been pretty high in the '90s and very high in the late 1990s, is what is being financed by the savings of the rest of the world, generally poorer than ourselves, because our deficit on current account, chronic deficit, is their surplus, and they have been willingly bringing that to the American market.
We can't treat the matter of black economic empowerment as just the redistribution of existing wealth. It really has to focus on new investment, on growth, on development of employment and so on and so on.
Acumen Fund's patient capital investment in Western Seed is intended to enhance the food security and economic independence of Kenya's smallholder farmers.
One of the smartest things a person can do is dampen investment expectations, especially with Berkshire. That would be mature and responsible. I like our model and we should do nicely
Bond investors are the vampires of the investment world. They love decay, recession - anything that leads to low inflation and the protection of the real value of their loans.
I will buy Victorian tea dresses and the like, but I don't really think about them as investment pieces - just beautiful and vintage things. — © Camille Rowe
I will buy Victorian tea dresses and the like, but I don't really think about them as investment pieces - just beautiful and vintage things.
The business side of real estate investing is fraught with risk. Unlike purchasing mutual funds or savings bonds, with real estate, you can lose money; this is one of the reasons that seasoned real estate investors caution neophytes never to get too emotional about a property and always be willing to walk away.
With each investment you make, you should have the courage and the conviction to place at least ten per cent of your net worth in that stock
As a cornerstone of my policy, we will substantially expand public-private partnerships to maximize the amount of investment and funding that is available for space exploration and development.
I take a massage each week. This isn't an indulgence, it's an investment in your full creative expression/productivity/passion and sustained good health.
We have a very competitive and profitable investment bank and strong asset management capabilities. We want to continue to build on all those businesses organically.
Infrastructure investment is critical to closing the digital divide in our country and bringing high-speed Internet access to more rural Americans.
When all is said and done, you're either for investment and risk taking as a solution for what ails the economy, or you're against it. The real world offers no middle ground.
Whenever I buy a painting, someone invariably says, "Oh, what a great investment." And I hate that reaction. To me, it's a matter of love and not an exchange of equity.
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