Top 105 Screws Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Screws quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The church has no power over our lives any more, which is something of a blessing for those who do not enjoy red-hot pokers or iron thumb-screws.
Military action is never the first thing that you jump to. You always look at other possibilities, including economic sanctions, tightening the screws.
I live at the dentist's. I'm on my third set of teeth that they put in with nails and screws. — © Charles Nelson Reilly
I live at the dentist's. I'm on my third set of teeth that they put in with nails and screws.
If people had no fear, you'd hardly need to have to teach them. It's the fear that screws everything up.
It's very important to me I get my autobiography out before I die and someone else writes it and screws up my life.
I have, like, 12 screws in my hand.
I have an eight-inch plate in my shoulder with eight screws.
Anybody who doesn't know that politics is crime has got a few screws loose.
The novelist screws up his courage in order to invest another two or three years in another attempt to float a boat of original design upon an invented ocean.
If you want to hurt me, fine. Take my books. Burn down my house. Shave my head while I am sleeping. But nobody, nobody screws with my dog.
Think of the tools in a tool-box: there is a hammer, pliers, a saw, a screwdriver, a rule, a glue-pot, nails and screws.--The function of words are as diverse as the functions of these objects.
We create the government that screws you, and then you're supposed to thank us for protecting you from it.
The door hardware in kitchens is super simple to update. It's essentially a few screws, standard spacing. It's a few bucks a piece and it can make a huge impact. — © Scott McGillivray
The door hardware in kitchens is super simple to update. It's essentially a few screws, standard spacing. It's a few bucks a piece and it can make a huge impact.
My opinion, having done this now for two cycles, is I think the national media really likes me and likes what I have to say. But, at the end of the day, 'He's a Libertarian,' and that denotes some loose screws, maybe.
We live in a country where power changes hands cyclically, because everybody in power screws up at some point, or the voters get fickle and just want a change.
I never got to make that transition from little girl to young woman... and that really screws you up.
I don't know if hep C is called 'the quiet killer,' but it easily could be, so unnoticeably does it nestle into your body before crankin' up the screws and letting you race to figure out what's going on.
Each of us is full of too many wheels, screws and valves to permit us to judge one another on a first impression or by two or three external signs.
I've always been interested in science. I used to take watches apart and clocks apart, and there's little screws, and a little this and that, and I found out if I dropped one of them, that thing ain't gonna work.
The desire to avoid meltdowns actually is one of the things that screws up live-action films.
I think it's the ego in us that screws us up.
Because I'm fat, people believe I'm somehow vulnerable and easy to handle in a negotiation. Ever try to negotiate with a fat guy? We can be mean: Marvin Davis, Harvey Weinstein, Hermann Goering. No one screws around with us for long.
Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.
What has six balls and screws Texans? The Texas Lottery.
If everyone is trying to prevent error, it screws things up.
No one's a virgin, life screws us all!
I usually like 'The Guardian' and its journalistic bent, but sometimes 'The Independent.' And if I'm being totally honest, some weekends I'll have a 'News of the Screws' or a 'Sunday Spurt.' You need high and lowbrow.
If you've loved something and then in some ways you become a part of it, you just don't want to be the one that screws it up!
The blast blew most of my teeth out, I have screws and plates in my face, I lost the eye.
Nature does not suffer her veil to be taken from her, and what she does not choose to reveal to the spirit, thou wilt not wrest from her by levers and screws.
I think that's the most important thing: when life kind of screws you over a little bit, you've got to learn from that experience.
There, that's better. Now you look like the wild scrub that fell into my life." "Because you loosened the vent's screws." "Best. Decision. Ever.
I have to tell you, I'm not like Demi Moore, where the tears trickle prettily down my cheeks. My whole face screws up and it's like, Oh please, get a room.
Free agency screws everybody's allegiances up. Whether it be football, baseball, hockey, basketball, whatever it may be. It's really hard.
I believe that the subconscious always knows what is best. It is our conditional, vastly overrated rational mind which screws everything up.
Andrew Breitbart, self-described media mogul, had several screws loose or missing and was the grinning bomb-thrower of the radical right. He was the attack dog kept on a tight leash and brought out on special occasions to hiss and to menace.
The German Emperor is ageing me; he is like a battleship with steam up and screws going, but with no rudder, and he will run into something some day and cause a catastrophe.
A speaker is like a lousy auto mechanic: Every time he fixes something in the language, he screws up something else. — © Joseph H. Greenberg
A speaker is like a lousy auto mechanic: Every time he fixes something in the language, he screws up something else.
They want liberalization! I'll give them liberalization. I'll loosen the screws until the Americans beg me to tighten them again.
For me to be pompous is the most horrible thing in the world. It's like putting a wall around you. It screws you up. You'd better be willing to change your views or adapt and be modern.
I think that women have a construction of their sexuality put on them from a very young age that says exclusivity is necessary to remain valuable, that if a dude screws somebody else it means that he doesn't love you, that he doesn't care about you. You don't have primacy in his life.
Steve Martin said that philosophy is good for comedy because it screws up your thinking just enough, and I agree with that. Being forced to see life's metadata is good training for looking for interesting angles on a topic.
Scn is like HIV. Gets in there and screws up the immune system, perverts the law to its own ends. Forget government taking the lead role in bringing down scn, that task falls to you and me.
No one dies a virgin, Life screws us all
Altitude sickness is gonna put the screws on you.
King's an equal opportunity dirtbag, he screws everybody.
I broke my shoulder, or my collarbone, I shouldn't say my shoulder, and I had surgery, six screws and a plate in here.
I have to tell you, I'm not like Demi Moore, where the tears trickle prettily down my cheeks. My whole face screws up and it's like, 'Oh please, get a room.' — © Jennifer Tilly
I have to tell you, I'm not like Demi Moore, where the tears trickle prettily down my cheeks. My whole face screws up and it's like, 'Oh please, get a room.'
Just stop for a minute and you'll realize you're happy just being. I think it's the pursuit that screws up happiness. If we drop the pursuit, it's right here.
Nothing screws up a séance like the appearance of a real ghost. ~Jaime Vegas
Wrestling and acting couldn't be anymore different in terms of what it takes to entertain. Wrestling is explosion, acting is implosion. One really screws up the other.
I will remove Joe Biden from office, and then, when Kamala Harris inevitably screws up, we will take them down, one at a time.
You need a screwdriver for screws and a hammer for nails. Anybody that's trying to screw in a nail with a screwdriver... that ain't too smart.
It was a big impact. I fractured the skull and it shattered into quite a few pieces. The plates I've had inserted will be there permanently, along with the screws.
Mysterious in the light of day, nature retains her veil, despite our clamours: That which she does not willingly display cannot be wrenched from her with levers, screws and hammers.
Government screws up.
When another player screws up, I kind of erase it and make a good play.
I've heard this before from people: early 20s kind of screws with your head a little bit because you're transitioning into adulthood and actually becoming an adult with responsibilities and paying bills. So all of a sudden, it's like you're responsible now.
I got a job at an amusement park. I like to make the rides more terrifying by throwing a couple of screws onto the seats.
we all have too many wheels, screws and valves to judge each other on first impressions or one or two pointers. I don't understand you, you don't understand me and we don't understand ourselves.
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