Top 1200 Secret Intelligence Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Secret Intelligence quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Intelligence will be used in the service of the neurosis.
Nowhere in the Gospels is intelligence praised as a virtue.
Intelligence is not discernment and judgment or critical evaluation. — © Jiddu Krishnamurti
Intelligence is not discernment and judgment or critical evaluation.
Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs.
Everywhere, I'm looking to reach elegance and intelligence.
Commercial television has underestimated the intelligence of the public.
You are a being composed of light, love, and intelligence.
Football at it's best is a game of beauty and intelligence.
The highest that we can attain to is not Knowledge, but Sympathy with Intelligence.
I believe in the great spirit and intelligence of Americans.
Every intelligence operation carries risks.
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Interviews can be stimulating. It depends on the intelligence of the interviewer. — © Muriel Spark
Interviews can be stimulating. It depends on the intelligence of the interviewer.
Poets are the sense, philosophers­­ the intelligence­­ of humanity.
It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.
I've never thought intelligence was age-related.
Woe to you who insults the intelligence community, if you're president.
Tis good-will makes intelligence.
An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy.
[The inspiration that comes to authors of fiction] is not an act of intelligence.
The first duty of intelligence is to recognize the obvious.
I have a limited intelligence and I've used it in a particular direction.
One definition of man is an intelligence served by organs.
I personally use the web as an Intelligence Amplifier.
Intelligence without character is a dangerous thing.
Stupidity was as necessary as intelligence, and as difficult to attain.
Intelligence is characterized by a natural incomprehension of life.
Whatever you do, do it with intelligence, and keep the end in view.
Creativity is the greatest gift of human intelligence.
I have beauty, intelligence, individuality, sensuality and sexuality.
Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.
Our personal intelligence is everlasting and divine.
The creative mind is intelligence in action in the world.
Cynicism is the intellectual cripple's substitute for intelligence.
Attitudes are more important than intelligence.
Swarm intelligence is like a brain of brains.
Intelligence inputs are not something one can talk about.
Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-consciousness. — © John Sterling
Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-consciousness.
Intelligence without power cannibalizes itself.
You can't legislate intelligence and common sense into people.
I don't view wealth as something that validates my intelligence.
A tradition without intelligence is not worth having.
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the intelligence was genuine.
Intelligence, guided by kindness, is the highest wisdom. . . .
Intelligence seems to blossom in the barest ground.
Truth knows no color; it appeals to intelligence.
Love is the highest form of intelligence we can experience.
It takes an extraordinary intelligence to contemplate the obvious. — © Alfred North Whitehead
It takes an extraordinary intelligence to contemplate the obvious.
Intelligence in isolation turns to aimless marauding.
Nothing develops intelligence like travel.
There is huge demand for artificial intelligence technologies.
Imagination is but another name for super intelligence.
You either have the charisma, the knowledge, the passion, the intelligence - or you don't.
How much beer is in German intelligence?
I see fear as a sign of intelligence, of preservation.
Dancing: The Highest Intelligence in the Freest Body.
People in charge of intelligence are political as well.
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Football is a game about feelings and intelligence.
Intelligence is predatory, but full of fastidiousness and frights.
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