Top 1200 Self Analysis Quotes & Sayings - Page 13

Explore popular Self Analysis quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
Fighting with self!! Why not? If we can live in harmony with self, we also have a full right to fight ourselves as well.
I find purer philosophy in a Poem than in a Conclusion of Geometry, a chemical analysis, or a physical law
I find purer philosophy in a Poem than in a Conclusion of Geometry, a chemical analysis, or a physical law. — © Wilfred Owen
I find purer philosophy in a Poem than in a Conclusion of Geometry, a chemical analysis, or a physical law.
How can both Nics, the loving and considerate and generous one, and the self-obsessed and self-destructive one, be the same person?
I fell in love with the elegance and precision of genetic analysis and experimentation to answer profound biological questions.
Drama is exposure; it is confrontation; it is contradiction and it leads to analysis, construction, recognition and eventually to an awakening of understanding.
Self-interest, or rather self-love, or egoism, has been more plausibly substituted as the basis of morality.
In this apparatus is nothing new but its simplicity and thorough trustworthiness. On his revolutionary method of organic analysis.
It is his capacity for self-improvement and self-redemption which most distinguishes man from the mere brute.
Self-awareness is probably overrated. A complex, self-regulating system doesn't need it in order to be successful, or even smart.
When your sin is exposed, you will run toward confession and forgiveness or self-righteousness and self-justification.
I’m pleased to offer analysis of public policy and politics to the millions of Americans who get their news from Fox.
Forget about trying to stabilize the personal sense of Self. It is inherently unstable. See that the Self watches this. — © Mooji
Forget about trying to stabilize the personal sense of Self. It is inherently unstable. See that the Self watches this.
The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem.
Courage, I now see, is a journey involving self-doubt and self-examination, with the end never in sight.
Most decisions are not binary, and there are usually better answers waiting to be found if you do the analysis and involve the right people.
Fiction is nothing less than the subtlest instrument for self-examination and self-display that Mankind has invented yet.
Friendship is strengthened by...that which ever so lightly elevates us from the trough of self-concern and self-devotion.
If we only identify with the mortal world, then we identify with a level of scarcity and lack and brokenness, and that will be our experience. But if we shift our experience of self-identification - and this is what enlightenment is - from the body-self to the spiritual-self, then we place ourselves under an entirely different set of possibilities and probabilities.
Computer system analysis is like child-rearing; you can do grievous damage, but you cannot ensure success.
A self-awareness moment. All of a sudden everything he has done comes flashing into his mind, a self-criticism that is unbearable.
In a drama of the highest order there is little food for censure or hatred; it teaches rather self-knowledge and self-respect.
In putting images together I become active, and excitement is of another order - synthesis overshadows analysis.
I have to admit that he was not bad at combinatorial analysis - a branch, however, that even then I considered to be dried up.
The study of social progress is to-day not less needed in literature than is the analysis of the human heart.
The choice of a topic which will bear analysis and support enthusiasm, is essential to the enjoyment of conversation.
The Northwest, to make a generalization, is a fairly sensitive populace. Slightly self-conscious and very self-reflexive.
When you're working on development issues, optimism is not always based on rational analysis, often it is a moral choice.
What analysis is all about is for one hour a week, you sit and hope that for a flash of a moment you will experience connectedness.
When hard times come, the greatest danger does not necessarily lie in the circumstances we face, but rather in the way we treat ourselves at the time. Nothing is more dangerous than self-hate. Nothing makes it more difficult to heal or to find the grace of peace than self-attack and the agony of self-doubt.
The study of social progress is today not less needed in literature than is the analysis of the human heart.
Love looks to the eternal. Love is indeed "ecstasy," not in the sense of a moment of intoxication, but rather as a journey, an on-going exodus out of the closed inward-looking self toward its liberation through self-giving... toward authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God.
A crucified Savior will never be content to have a self-pleasing, self-indulging, worldly-minded people.
Sacrifice does not mean that, by giving, we lose something. We sacrifice our limited self to our highest and largest Self, and at that time we immediately become the largest and the highest Self.
Don't let a grade decide your self-worth. Personally, in my opinion, someone should gauge their self-worth on what they've accomplished that makes them feel good... not in the hedonist aspect, but in the sense of personal accomplishment, as far as what they've accomplished for them, as far as their self-development and creativity is concerned.
The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife, - this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost... He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American.
Projecting yourself until everything is talking about you is, of course, a self-flattering form of self-pity
Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living. — © James Hunter
Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living.
Ignorance is the failure to discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent, the pure and the impure, bliss and suffering, the Self and the non-Self.
The cyborg is a kind of disassembled and reassembled, postmodern collective and personal self. This is the self feminists must code.
Deep down, there is in the substance of the cosmos a primordial disposition, sui generis, for self-arrangement and self-involution.
In science, self-satisfaction is death. Personal self-satisfaction is the death of the scientist. Collective self-satisfaction is the death of the research. It is restlessness, anxiety, dissatisfaction, agony of mind that nourish science.
To deny one's self, to take up the cross, denotes something immeasurably grander than self-imposed penance or rigid conformity to a Divine statute. It is the surrender of self to an ennobling work, an absolute subordination of personal advantages and of personal pleasures for the sake of truth and the welfare of others, and a willing acceptance of every disability which their interests may entail.
Cultural analysis is intrinsically incomplete. And, worse than that, the more deeply it goes the less complete it is.
Mathematicians tend to prefer a worst-case analysis, a kind of paranoia that is especially understandable if you live in Israel!
I'm pleased to offer analysis of public policy and politics to the millions of Americans who get their news from Fox.
Don't clock anybody, let them all clock you, Don't be down with anybody, let them all be down with you. Stay self-managed, self-kept, self-taught, Be your own man; don't be borrowed, don't be bought.
For a justice of this ultimate tribunal [the U.S. Supreme Court], the opportunity for self-discovery and the occasion for self-revelation is great. — © Abe Fortas
For a justice of this ultimate tribunal [the U.S. Supreme Court], the opportunity for self-discovery and the occasion for self-revelation is great.
Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
There may be thousands of principles of Marxism, but in the final analysis they can be summed up in one sentence: Rebellion is justified.
You are wonderful. Valuable. Worthwhile. Lovable. Not because others think so. Self worth comes from only one place: self.
Social media, despite its reputation as the ultimate agent of self-promotion, actually feeds on self-loathing.
Delia's arms were inscribed with a grid of self- inflicted wounds, an intricate text of self-loathing
Nothing destroys self-worth, self-acceptance and self-love faster than denying what you feel. Without feelings, you would not know where you are in life. Nor would you know what areas you need to work on. Honor your feelings. Allow yourself to feel them.
When the collective mentality of any organization is self and self-preservation first, it's a sure sign of pending doom.
There's no end to the inventiveness of critics, I tell you. Because they can't write fiction, they put their impulse into their analysis of work.
Even in my first analysis of a depressive psychosis, I was immediately struck by its structural similarity with obsessional neurosis.
God, is this all it is, the ricocheting down the corridor of laughter and tears? Of self-worship and self-loathing? Of glory and disgust?
I was in analysis and I told my analyst I wanted to be the best sculptor in the world and he said, 'Richard, calm down.'
Self-actualization cannot be attained if it is made an end in itself, but only as a side effect of self-transcendence.
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