Top 1200 Self Compassion Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Self Compassion quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
We can see the same spirit in everybody only when we know we are that spirit, Atman or Self. Only a person who has understood his own Self can see that Self in everybody.
Don?t back down just to keep the peace. Standing up for your beliefs builds self-confidence and self-esteem.
It is self-love and its offspring self-deception, which shut the gates of heaven, and lead men, as if in a delicious dream, to hell. — © Christian Scriver
It is self-love and its offspring self-deception, which shut the gates of heaven, and lead men, as if in a delicious dream, to hell.
When you believe that other people think highly of you, your level of self-acceptance and self-esteem goes straight up.
Even cynical, selfish people will realize, one way or the other, that it's not in their self-interest to act in self-destructive ways.
The libertarian view is that human actors are self-owners and these self-owners are capable of appropriating unowned scarce resources by Lockean homesteading ? some type of first use or embordering activity. Obviously, an actor must already own his body if he is to be a homesteader; self-ownership is not acquired by homesteading but rather is presupposed in any act or defense of homesteading.
I suspect it is for one's self-interest that one looks at one's surroundings and one's self. This search is personally born and is indeed my reason and motive for making photographs.
University characters are prime for parody, you know - the self-entitled rich kids to the self-important protestors to the international students.
There is in the darkness a unity, if you will, that cannot be achieved in any other environment, a blending of self with what the self perceives, and exquisite mystical experience.
Without making any moral judgements whatsoever, one can say that self-indulgence and excessive self-preoccupation are the antithesis of genuine awareness.
Success is as dangerous as failure. Hope is as hollow as fear. What does it mean that success is a dangerous as failure? Whether you go up the ladder or down it, you position is shaky. When you stand with your two feet on the ground, you will always keep your balance. What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear? Hope and fear are both phantoms that arise from thinking of the self. When we don't see the self as self, what do we have to fear? See the world as your self. Have faith in the way things are. Love the world as your self; then you can care for all things.
Always, a form of self-equilibration, a soul or psyche, is trying to assert itself, to continue the melody of its self-realized life.
If you choose not to live self-responsibly, you count on others to make up your default. No one abjures self-responsibility on a desert island.
What bothers me is the lack of self-awareness. I don't know if I have ever met a group less self-aware than political reporters. — © Tucker Carlson
What bothers me is the lack of self-awareness. I don't know if I have ever met a group less self-aware than political reporters.
The conquering of adversity produces strength of character, forges self-confidence, engenders self-respect, and assures success in righteous endeavor.
I have never seen a person grow or change in a self - constructive meaningful way when motivated by guilt, shame, or self hate.
America's greatest crime against the black man was not slavery or lynching, but that he was taught to wear a mask of self-hate and self-doubt.
All my work is not personal - I've been trying to get away from that into the true self underneath all the tastes and things we think make up a self.
The real self is who you are when you're at home, when you're comfortable, and the false self is what you're pretending - and the reason you pretend is because you want to create a character for the surroundings you're within.
True love is a discipline in which each divines the secret self of the other and refuses to believe in the mere daily self.
A self is not something static, tied up in a pretty parcel and handed to the child, finished and complete. A self is always becoming.
One should arrive at leading one's conscience to a state of development so that it becomes the voice of a better and higher self, of which the ordinary self is a servant.
There are two sins of men that are bred in the bone and that continually come out in the flesh. One is self-dependence and the other is self-exultation.
When I write a poem, I go into a state of self-forgetfulness, and something higher takes over; I like to call it my best self.
We love it because it is self dependent, self derived, and therefore of an old immaculate pedigree, even if shown in a young person.
Post-?wounded women know that postures of pain play into limited and outmoded conceptions of womanhood. Their hurt has a new native language spoken in several dialects: sarcastic, jaded, opaque; cool and clever. They guard against those moments when melodrama or self-?pity might split their careful seams of intellect, expose the shame of self-?absorption without self-?awareness.
There is perhaps no sort of self more subject to dangerous egotism than that which deludes itself with the notion that it is not a self at all, but something else. It is well to beware of persons who believe that the cause, the mission, the philanthropy, the hero, or whatever it may be that they strive for, is outside of themselves, so that they feel a certain irresponsibility, and are likely to do things which they would recognize as wrong if done in behalf of an acknowledged self.
The human body is a miraculous self-healing machine, but those self-repair systems require a nutrient-dense diet.
To attribute to God, and not to self, whatever good one sees in oneself; but to recognize always that the evil is one's own doing, and to impute it on one's self.
Some people will never be able to get their real self, but that's fine, because their fake self is also part of them.
No discovery of modern psychology is, in my opinion, so important as its scientific proof of the necessity of self-sacrifice (or discipline) to self-realization and happiness.
The great lesson to learn of life is the need of giving out from the abundance of one's self in order to be ever abundant within one's self.
All novels . . . are concerned with the enigma of the self. As soon as you create an imaginary being, a character, you are automatically confronted by the question: what is the self? How can it be grasped?
I value self-discipline, but creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self-control.
The sometimes-tough love of the Christian faith of my childhood demanded a certain amount of self-reflection and, occasionally, self-criticism.
I went into the surgery room as my former self Neeru Bheda but came out as a new and improved version of my own self - Rakhi Sawant.
The fatuous idea that a person can be holy by himself denies God the pleasure of saving sinners. God must therefore first take the sledge-hammer of the Law in His fists and smash the beast of self-righteousness and its brood of self-confidence, self wisdom, and self-help. When the conscience has been thoroughly frightened by the Law it welcomes the Gospel of grace with its message of a Savior Who came-not to break the bruised reed nor to quench the smoking flax-but to preach glad tidings to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, and to grant forgiveness of sins to all the captives.
Know your own Self. Honor your own Self. Find and be who you really are, at the deepest level of your own being. Be present in your own presence. Give yourself the gift of your own Self.
The UNIA teaches our race self-help and self-reliance... in all those things that contribute to human happiness and well-being. — © Marcus Garvey
The UNIA teaches our race self-help and self-reliance... in all those things that contribute to human happiness and well-being.
We try to approach everything in Life After Hate and Exit USA with compassion. While we really promote approaching things with compassion and empathy, because that's what changed us, it's very difficult knowing there are very virulent, vile people who are focused on furthering the Donald Trump cause. Right now we're dealing with a lot of fake news, misinformation, propaganda, parody. My goal is still trying to reach people through compassionate means, and to get them access to real information. My goal is to share my story and get people out of their bubble, so they can empathize.
The line between true self and feigned self is blurred on all sides. Which I think is a rather handy metaphor for falling in love.
Never feel self-pity, the most destructive emotion there is. How awful to caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self.
Perception is the ability to be conscious of self and that which is other than self. Without thinking about it, a distinction is made between who we are and what we perceive.
The law of love and compassion for all living creatures is again a doctrine to which we are all too ready to pay slip service. However, if it is to become a reality, it requires a process of education, a veritable mental renaissance. Once it has become a reality, national as well as international problems will fall into perspectives and become easier to solve. Wars and conflicts, too, will then become a thing of the past, because wars begin in the minds of men, and in those minds love and compassion would have built the defenses of peace.
This desire to fashion, to shape, a self and a life has all but gone from a contemporary culture whose emphasis, paradoxically enough, is so much on self.
Incestuous, homogeneous fiefdoms of self-proclaimed expertise are always rank-closing and mutually self-defending, above all else.
Active, successful natures act, not according to the maxim, "know thyself," but as if prompted by the commandment: will a self, and so become a self.
The sad truth is that among today's evangelicals it is not loving and esteeming God but self-love and self-esteem that are presented as the pressing need!
Self-love is a good thing but self-awareness is more important. You need to once in a while go ‘Uh, I’m kind of an asshole.’ — © Louis C. K.
Self-love is a good thing but self-awareness is more important. You need to once in a while go ‘Uh, I’m kind of an asshole.’
No man can teach another self-knowledge. He can only lead him or her up to self-discovery - the source of truth.
Even the self-assured will raise their perceived self-efficacy if models teach them better ways of doing things.
It's supposed to be fun. You should come to work every day and not have insecurities and not be self-conscious; just be your wonderful, perfect self.
As is the case with all original creators, Charles Chaplin's working life was an amalgam of arrogant self-confidence and deflating self-doubt.
By its very nature, hard-line ideology is self-serving and self-perpetuating; its primary goal is to survive - and that precludes everything.
Children are wise in a funny kind of way. They haven't developed so many vested interests of self. There is a wisdom, a lack of self-consciousness, that is innocence.
The very act of faith by which we receive Christ is an act of the utter renunciation of self, and all its works, as a ground of salvation. It is really a denial of self, and a grounding of its arms in the last citadel into which it can be driven, and is, in its principle, inclusive of every subsequent act of self-denial by which sin is forsaken or overcome.
Incongruities between self-efficacy and action may stem from misperceptions of task demands, as well as from faulty self-knowledge
It so often happens that others are measuring us by our past self while we are looking back on that self with a mixture of disgust and sorrow.
There is no greatness apart from self control. Development that does not include self government will only guarantee our mediocrity.
I suppose everyone continues to be interested in the quest for the self, but what you feel when you're older, I think, is that - how to express this - you really must make the self.
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