Top 1200 Self Talk Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Self Talk quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
In Maybe I Will, Laurie Gray writes about important topics that teens need to talk about, including sexual assault, friendship, and alcoholism or self-destructive behaviors that result from trauma. Maybe I Will may help some teens know they're not alone.
A crucified Savior will never be content to have a self-pleasing, self-indulging, worldly-minded people.
Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living. — © James Hunter
Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living.
If you stay away from parties, you're called a snob. If you go, you're an exhibitionist. If you don't talk, you're dumb. If you do talk, you're quarrelsome. Pardon me while I change my nail polish.
Fiction is nothing less than the subtlest instrument for self-examination and self-display that Mankind has invented yet.
Fighting with self!! Why not? If we can live in harmony with self, we also have a full right to fight ourselves as well.
If you talk in a way that is too dissimilar to the character, when people are showing up to see you talk about the show, often it seems like it's jarring to them.
Projecting yourself until everything is talking about you is, of course, a self-flattering form of self-pity
We shouldn't just think about mammograms and self-exams and self-care once a year. It should be an ongoing thing.
You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny surrenders of self-respect to self-interest.
If we only identify with the mortal world, then we identify with a level of scarcity and lack and brokenness, and that will be our experience. But if we shift our experience of self-identification - and this is what enlightenment is - from the body-self to the spiritual-self, then we place ourselves under an entirely different set of possibilities and probabilities.
Ignorance is the failure to discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent, the pure and the impure, bliss and suffering, the Self and the non-Self.
You have to do stand-up quite a long time before you learn how to do it well. It was probably years before I was confident enough in stand-up that I was able to talk about the things I wanted to talk about, the way I wanted to talk about them.
Odd as it may seem, I am my remembering self, and the experiencing self, who does my living, is like a stranger to me. — © Daniel Kahneman
Odd as it may seem, I am my remembering self, and the experiencing self, who does my living, is like a stranger to me.
Self-denial is simply a method by which arrests his progress, and self-sacrifice a survival of the mutilation of the savage.
Self-interest, or rather self-love, or egoism, has been more plausibly substituted as the basis of morality.
In science, self-satisfaction is death. Personal self-satisfaction is the death of the scientist. Collective self-satisfaction is the death of the research. It is restlessness, anxiety, dissatisfaction, agony of mind that nourish science.
I was painfully self-obsessed and self-aware. I wanted people to love me but at the same time I was terrified of them.
Since every individual is accountable ultimately to the self, the formation of that self demands our utmost care and attention.
Friendship is strengthened by...that which ever so lightly elevates us from the trough of self-concern and self-devotion.
Women all think that if a guy likes you he will come and talk to you. That's nonsense - 'actually the opposite is true. The more attractive he finds you, the less likely it is he'll talk to you.
I think there is a place where self-awareness becomes self-preoccupation if you don't take what you have discovered and bring it to bear on the conditions of the world.
The Northwest, to make a generalization, is a fairly sensitive populace. Slightly self-conscious and very self-reflexive.
It is his capacity for self-improvement and self-redemption which most distinguishes man from the mere brute.
How can both Nics, the loving and considerate and generous one, and the self-obsessed and self-destructive one, be the same person?
When the collective mentality of any organization is self and self-preservation first, it's a sure sign of pending doom.
I think when we talk of craft we talk of a certain set of processes, whether that be clay of glass if jewelry or textiles, and we look back through history instantly.
Forget about trying to stabilize the personal sense of Self. It is inherently unstable. See that the Self watches this.
Deep down, there is in the substance of the cosmos a primordial disposition, sui generis, for self-arrangement and self-involution.
The mastery of the true self, and the refusal to permit others to dominate us, is the ultimate in living and self-expression in athletics.
For a justice of this ultimate tribunal [the U.S. Supreme Court], the opportunity for self-discovery and the occasion for self-revelation is great.
To deny one's self, to take up the cross, denotes something immeasurably grander than self-imposed penance or rigid conformity to a Divine statute. It is the surrender of self to an ennobling work, an absolute subordination of personal advantages and of personal pleasures for the sake of truth and the welfare of others, and a willing acceptance of every disability which their interests may entail.
Exercise often moves us straight from stagnation to inspiration, from problem to solution, from self-pity to self-respect.
I've made an odd discovery. Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I'm convinced of the opposite.
It is easier to talk about money -- and much easier to talk about sex -- than it is to talk about power. People who have it deny it; people who want it do not want to appear to hunger for it; and people who engage in its machinations do so secretly.
What force is yanking at our sleeves? This process of self-revision and self-correction is so common we don't even notice. But it's a miracle.
The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife, - this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. In this merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost... He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American.
When hard times come, the greatest danger does not necessarily lie in the circumstances we face, but rather in the way we treat ourselves at the time. Nothing is more dangerous than self-hate. Nothing makes it more difficult to heal or to find the grace of peace than self-attack and the agony of self-doubt.
The difference between self-confidence and conceit is as simple as love and fear. Jesus was self-confident ... Hitler was afraid. — © Bill Crawford
The difference between self-confidence and conceit is as simple as love and fear. Jesus was self-confident ... Hitler was afraid.
People cannot stand the saddest truth I know about the very nature of reading and writing imaginative literature, which is that poetry does not teach us how to talk to other people: it teaches us how to talk to ourselves. What I'm desperately trying to do is to get students to talk to themselves as though they are indeed themselves, and not someone else.
Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.
The goal of privacy is not to protect some stable self from erosion but to create boundaries where this self can emerge, mutate, and stabilize.
There is no other industry that is more self-congratulatory and self-delusional than journalism. Well, maybe with the exception of Hollywood.
You are wonderful. Valuable. Worthwhile. Lovable. Not because others think so. Self worth comes from only one place: self.
A self-awareness moment. All of a sudden everything he has done comes flashing into his mind, a self-criticism that is unbearable.
Self-awareness is probably overrated. A complex, self-regulating system doesn't need it in order to be successful, or even smart.
Why must one talk? Often one shouldn't talk, but live in silence. The more one talks, the less the words mean. (Nana Kleinfrankenheim, Vivre Sa Vie)
An animal will conquer others. A Spirit-filled man conquers himself - self-discipline , self-control.
What the neurology tells us is that the self consists of many components, and the notion of one unitary self may well be an illusion. — © Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
What the neurology tells us is that the self consists of many components, and the notion of one unitary self may well be an illusion.
Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
[Iggi Pop] is very self-taught, self-educated, but, man, that guy knows about so many things.
There are a lot of ways to talk about the life of a photograph. You can talk about the afterlife of a photograph, and in the end I talk about that, with the Richard Prince picture. But mainly, what I dedicated the book to being about was how photographs begin their life, and where they begin it. And they begin it with the photographer's imagination and instinct and experience.
The essence of conversation is not which media format we choose to talk to each other with, so we don't differentiate between snaps and chats. It's just someone wanting to talk to you.
In my own one-woman show, 'Feeling Good,' I talk about my childhood and write a letter to my younger self in the show. The most important thing I would tell her is to trust my instincts. Just trust them. They're little whispers from God, I think. You've heard it a million times, but it's true: Listen to that inner voice.
In the self-appraisal of efficacy, there are many sources of information that must be processed and weighed through self-referent thought
God, is this all it is, the ricocheting down the corridor of laughter and tears? Of self-worship and self-loathing? Of glory and disgust?
Self-actualization cannot be attained if it is made an end in itself, but only as a side effect of self-transcendence.
The evil done by oneself, self-begotten, self-bred, crushes the foolish, as a diamond breaks a precious stone.
Delia's arms were inscribed with a grid of self- inflicted wounds, an intricate text of self-loathing
In a drama of the highest order there is little food for censure or hatred; it teaches rather self-knowledge and self-respect.
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