Top 1200 Self Talk Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Self Talk quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
I think self-reliance and self-responsibility and self-accountability will help you as a parent, a teacher, as a citizen as a friend.
Writing is the perfect balance between self-confidence and self-doubt, with a bit of self-delusion thrown in.
Anything that has a relationship with pleasure, we reject it. Eating, they talk about cholesterol; making love, they talk about AIDS; you talk about smoking, they talk about cancer. It's a very sick society that rejects pleasure.
The idea, the pattern, is self-projected; it is a form of self-worship, of self-perpetuation, and hence gratifying. — © Jiddu Krishnamurti
The idea, the pattern, is self-projected; it is a form of self-worship, of self-perpetuation, and hence gratifying.
I want to talk with people who care about things that matter that will make a life changing difference. True or true? Yes or yes? I never let my subject get in the way of what I want to talk about. When your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it. In imagination, there's no limitation. Don't think it, ink it.
Gratitude is a divine attitude in the wisdom traditions. It takes you out from the ego self and takes you into the higher self. That higher state of consciousness initiates self repair, self regulation and healing.
The self forms at the edge of desire, and a science of self arises in the effort to leave that self behind.
Anything that has a relationship with pleasure we reject it. Eating, they talk about cholesterol; making love, they talk about Aids; you talk about smoking, they talk about cancer. It's a very sick society that rejects pleasure.
Let India become alive by self-purification, that is self-restraint and self-denial, and she will be a boon to herself and mankind.
A Mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually VACCINATES her daughter against low self-esteem.
Since I've started fighting it has taught me a lot about self respect, self confidence and self control.
Talk is free. You never know what's going to happen after you talk. There's always a perception about a guy until you actually sit down and talk with him.
The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with technology.
I'm still the same person who grew up mostly in a Midwestern, factory-working neighborhood where talk about "self-esteem" would have seemed like a luxury. — © Gloria Steinem
I'm still the same person who grew up mostly in a Midwestern, factory-working neighborhood where talk about "self-esteem" would have seemed like a luxury.
There is no second, or higher self to search for. You are the highest self, only give up the false ideas you have about your self.
First off, I don't do self-deprecation comedy based on being fat. I would always talk about it honestly. Secondly, I don't care how much I weigh.
My father could talk about the Romany way of life and its culture. He could talk about freedom and the Scottish spirit. But that was all he could talk about. I was desperate for someone to talk to but there was just nobody there.
The self of which you speak, whether it is the great self or the small self, is only a concept that does not correspond to any reality.
Jealousy is the result of one's lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance.
His older self had taught his younger self a language which the older self knew because the younger self, after being taught, grew up to be the older self and was, therefore, capable of teaching.
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; these three alone lead one to sovereign power.
Talk, talk, talk: the utter and heartbreaking stupidity of words.
No, you have to talk first. You wanted to talk. It means you say something and I respond and you talk back again. It's one of the human race's most shining achievements. It's called a conversation.
Evidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance.
Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes. He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening.
Thinking is the subtlest form of self-polemics, the art of a certain finesse in psychological self-vivisection and self-crucifixion (Hegel of course called the path of self-disillusion the via dolorosa or "highway of despair," in Baillie's fine and florid rendering, like Jesus' route to Golgotha).
Christian giving is to be marked by self-sacrifice and self-forgetfuln ess, not by self-congratula tion.
An agent won't help you get drafted higher, won't make you win more games, and won't make you faster or stronger. They all say they can, but the people who do the drafting don't talk to agents. They talk to coaches, they watch film, they talk to the people who've worked with players. They don't talk to agents.
Politically, I don't care what party you're from, offer a point of view and let's see what happens and really debate the issues rather than use personal attacks. Really talk about it, talk about immigration, talk about education, talk about pollution.
To me, self-esteem is not self-love. It is self-acknowledgment, as in recognizing and accepting who you are.
I feel like it's my duty to share my experience with self-acceptance. I don't want to bore people and talk about myself, but the biggest struggle for me was my body.
Is it not demonstrated that a true flying machine, self-raising, self-sustaining, self-propelling, is physically impossible?
Self-defence, self-confidence, discipline and self control. The values you learn are priceless.
There's not a woman in the world who hasn't felt self-conscious about something! We as women all experience it but we never talk about it.
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; these three alone lead life to sovereign power.
Sin is believing the lie that you are self-created, self-dependent and self-sustained.
Time management requires self-discipline, self-mastery and self-control more than anything else.
The system of nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing, self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with technology.
It's no accident that most of the great black spokespersons and leaders understood the centrality of self-affirmation, self-respect and self-love. — © Cornel West
It's no accident that most of the great black spokespersons and leaders understood the centrality of self-affirmation, self-respect and self-love.
Clear communication between selves - the surface self and the deep self - is the enemy of self-doubt. It slays confusion.
If you feel inadequate to face challenges, unworthy of love or respect, untitled to happiness, and fear assertive thought, wants, or needs- if you lack basic self trust, self-respect, and self-confidence- your self-esteem deficiency will limit you, no matter what other assets you possess.
Running is the classical road to self-consciousness, self-awareness, and self-reliance.
At the same time the Muslims are commanded to exercise self-restraint as much as possible. Force is a dangerous weapon. It may have to be used for self-defense or self-preservation, but we must always remember that self-restraint is pleasing in the eyes of Allah. Even when we are fighting, it should be for a principle not out of passion.
The "biggest" poems I ever made are based on the psychological principal of the "Johari Window:" what the self freely shares with others; what the self hides from others; what others hide from the self; and what is unknown to the self and others.
Put it down in capital letters: SELF-DEVELOPMENT IS A HIGHER DUTY THAN SELF-SACRIFICE. The thing that most retards and militates against women’s self development is self-sacrifice.
The search for total knowledge starts from the Self and finds its fulfillment in coming back to the Self, finding that everything is the expression of the Self - everything is the expression of my own Self.
Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.
Those who condemn the self-righteous for the sake of self-discovery do so with ironic self-righteousness.
A self-help book can't really address a problem unless it's individualized. It's not going to talk about a globalized problem. — © Hank Azaria
A self-help book can't really address a problem unless it's individualized. It's not going to talk about a globalized problem.
We talk of choosing our friends, but friends are self-elected.
One ounce of the practice of righteousness and of spiritual Self-realisation outweighs tons and tons of frothy talk and nonsensical sentiments.
I always return to Paris, taking my selves along - past self, customary self, the self I never had.
In the end, we self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages are little miracles of self-reference.
There's a lot of talk these days about giving children self-esteem. It's not something you can give; it's something they have to build.
Attraction and aversion create a sense of self. There is no self. They are just thoughts. They are insubstantial. When you die, all the ideas of self will go away.
Don't label me before we get a chance to talk about it. Talk to me first and see what kind of person I am. That's what I like to tell the media: Come talk to me, let's sit down and talk about what's really going on.
Journalism is a flawed profession, but it has a self-correcting mechanism. The rule of journalism is: talk to everybody.
Appearance is the most public part of the self. It is our sacrament, the visible self that the world assumes to be a mirror of the invisible, inner self.
When you are free of your self in your heart, your labouring within your self is therapeutic to your self. It is a constant blend into your self of what your own Being is. The movement of love, enjoying being at work in the self. The movement of love, enjoying making a change in your self. The enjoyment of application.
In our age, self-indulgence and self-destruction, rather than self-sacrifice, are the foundations for new heroic myths.
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