Top 1200 Selfish Love Quotes & Sayings - Page 13

Explore popular Selfish Love quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The only thing I think about is helping the team, respecting all my team-mates, not being selfish.
The grossest, the cruelest, the most selfish, the most easily pervertible and perverted thing in this world, is government.
Once you conquer your selfish self, all your darkness will change to light. — © Rumi
Once you conquer your selfish self, all your darkness will change to light.
When it's impossible, it's better to stoop to compromise, without resisting and without complaining. People who complain are selfish.
I love films, I love movies, I love television, I love television series, I love the internet, I love anything that enhances images. But most of all, I love, love movies.
I didn't do this for other people; I did this for me. I fought for this right for me - does that sound selfish?
The common practice of keeping up appearances with society is a mere selfish struggle of the vain with the vain.
Forgiveness, quite frankly, is the most selfish thing you can do. Because it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself.
I think what's most fun is playing someone who's sort of selfish and in a lot of ways unlikeable, but there's this really big heart underneath it that you get little glimpses of.
I would have been a terrible mother because I'm basically a very selfish human being. Not that that has stopped most people going off and having children.
You should sub a player out when you see a player not going full-speed or playing selfish basketball.
Be careful of selfish motives. You can mistake them for principles and end up dying for them.
When you're competing, you need to be selfish. You need to think of yourself first. — © Ben Askren
When you're competing, you need to be selfish. You need to think of yourself first.
Writing is a cop-out. An excuse to live perpetually in fantasy land, where you can create, direct and watch the products of your own head. Very selfish.
Survival," I said softly. "It's selfish, and it's dark, and we've always been a species willing to do anything to satisfy our needs. Individuals have morals. Mobs have appetites.
The selfish leader will attempt to lead others for their own gain and for the detriment of others.
Being stubborn has helped, being selfish is not a bad thing.
We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.
Ridicule, which chiefly arises from pride, a selfish passion, is but at best a gross pleasure, too rough an entertainment for those who are highly polished and refined.
Selfish hedonism is not a pejorative. It is a description - an exactly accurate description of what is involved in homosexual relations.
Some critics accuse capitalism of being a selfish system, but the selfishness is not in capitalism - it is in human nature.
Basketball can serve as a kind of metaphor for ultimate cooperation. It is a sport where success, as symbolized by the championship, requires that the dictates of community prevail over selfish impulses.
My son's the most precious thing to me; he's changed me from being selfish to selfless.
I'm not selfish. I am where I am because I have worked very hard and have always done my job.
Donald Trump is appealing to the basest, the most selfish and the most literally un-American of instincts.
I don't actually think 'The Selfish Gene' is a very good title. I think that's one of my worst titles.
People do things with terrible motivations and those motivations are selfish and self-interested and financially driven.
The truth is, I think we are a self-less society, not a selfish society. Because we're so busy now.
I'm not selfish before a fight or afterwards, but for the time of the fight itself, I have to think totally of myself.
Even if Trump means well, his schemes tend to be blunt, selfish, and short-sighted rather than nuanced, empathetic, and thought through.
Marriage is a mystery and part of it is just being kind to each other, not being selfish.
Guys that are playing in the last year of their contracts are playing for their livelihood and that tends to come off as selfish.
Some people think that evolutionary psychology claims to have discovered that human nature is selfish and wicked. But they are flattering the researchers and anyone who would claim to have discovered the opposite. No one needs a scientist to measure whether humans are prone to knavery. The question has been answered in the history books, the newspapers, the ethnographic record, and the letters to Ann Landers. But people treat it like an open question, as if someday science might discover that it's all a bad dream and we will wake up to find that it is human nature to love one another.
You know, we're really destroying ourselves because we're really making the motivating force of anything we do selfish.
I'm trying to teach people not to be selfish. That's the thing. If you have a good thing share it. Of course we're not in a sexual relationship.
Improvisation has been with me since I was a kid, and, taking a selfish pleasure from that, I just thought, "What the hell. It might as well be something other people enjoy."
It's not a selfish desire, growing a beard, but maybe I need to not have the beard, and it'll bring us more wins.
To be honest, I'm selfish as an artist. I'm doing what I want to do and what I want to hear. — © Tierra Whack
To be honest, I'm selfish as an artist. I'm doing what I want to do and what I want to hear.
If the people are to be the final tribunal then they must vote for what is right rather than according to their own selfish interests, else we are treading the path of danger.
The abortionist I worked for, he's a very greedy man, a selfish man.
There are many selfish people who are extremely original, then they take those pure ideas and use them to raise themselves up, that is an insincere move.
Where art and business intersect is a challenging hurdle for a lot of people, reconciling the fact that not everyone is going to make it in the same way. Yeah, you have to be a little selfish, probably.
Major actions by courageous and wise men will be necessary to avoid our continuing to blunder into the space age like unenlightened and selfish idiots.
I don't want to be remembered for my tennis accomplishments. That's no contribution to society. [Tennis] was purely selfish; that was for me.
A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor's.
My son's the most precious thing to me: He's changed me from being selfish to selfless.
In this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.
The primary occupational hazard of blogging is this: it's easier when you yourself take on some of the traits of insanity. It's a job that requires the doer to be selfish, self-absorbed, and superficial.
I want to create a life that is just healthy and peaceful - an enclave, really, of retreat. It's not helpful for the big picture. It's totally selfish to run away like that.
The craziest, most selfish act is to commit suicide. When you kill yourself, you kill others. — © Jenny Joseph
The craziest, most selfish act is to commit suicide. When you kill yourself, you kill others.
My occupation has been a great deal with David Foster Wallace, and he didn't manage it, and he was very much looking for something that isn't totally selfish, and finding meaning. It's a struggle.
I've grown into that more aggressive, more selfish basketball at times.
We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.
You can't worry about what people say, but... People always harp on athletes being selfish individualists.
The Buddha's teaching leads us to the realization that we must always strive to harm no sentient being, human or nonhuman, whether or not it is in our selfish interest to do so.
Golf is so selfish - it's so much about how do we get better and get to the next level.
A director is a very selfish person. For him, his film is like his baby.
Your unhappiness doesn't help anyone else - and in fact, as I mentioned in another answer, happy people are more altruistically inclined. So happiness is not a selfish goal.
The Bible says somewhere that we are desperately selfish. I think we would have discovered that fact without the Bible.
He is altogether selfish, she thought in some surprise, the only man I have ever sat and talked to alone, and I am impatient; he is simply not very interesting.
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