Top 793 Severe Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Severe quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Praise to the undeserving is severe satire.
I'm the strongest advocate you can imagine for doing things honestly and paying your taxes. Take advantage of every tax break you're legally entitled to. But I follow the letter of the law, because the consequences are severe if you're caught. I was a perpetrator at one time and suffered severe consequences. It is difficult in some places, but if you live in places like California, move somewhere else to save some money.
I think every physiotherapist will tell you that it's not a very good idea, and there are many musicians in the metal scene who have suffered severe damage - like, the guitar player from Iced Earth, Jon Schaffer, had severe neck problems due to headbanging.
I have really severe tinnitus. — © Lou Barlow
I have really severe tinnitus.
If there's a severe recession, the automatic stabilizers will come into effect, and we will still try to reduce the structural deficit, but we will not try to keep cutting the budget so that we keep worsening a severe recession.
I got back from Toronto, where they had a severe outbreak of SARS - you know, Severe Asian Racism Syndrome.
My parents were truly severe.
My family was too serious. They didn't take care of me - it was a very serious and severe life. Not severe in a bad way; just boring - like totally neutral. I felt no emotion.
I have severe ADD, and I'm constantly looking to amuse myself.
The severe household has no fierce slaves, but it is the affectionate mother.
Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness.
A critic is never too severe when he only detects the faults of an author. But he is worse than too severe when, in consequence of this detection, be presumes to place himself on a level with genius.
You do have a tendency to severe spinal cords." "Only for you.
To charge Snowden with espionage is a severe form of political persecution. — © Mark Weisbrot
To charge Snowden with espionage is a severe form of political persecution.
Remove severe restraint and what will become of virtue?
When I met my first savant in 1962, I was impressed by the abilities in these youngsters who had severe disabilities. They appeared to me to be islands of genius in the sea of disability. So I've maintained that word picture since that time, of these islands of genius that are so striking and so jarring when you see them, especially in people who have severe disability.
When I was a teenager, I battled some severe depression.
I have severe OCD and I like fun too much.
But the fallout from this coronavirus long term is going to be severe and lengthy.
Mild autism can give you a genius like Einstein. If you have severe autism, you could remain nonverbal. You don't want people to be on the severe end of the spectrum. But if you got rid of all the autism genetics, you wouldn't have science or art. All you would have is a bunch of social 'yak yaks.'
Love is a severe mental disorder.
There is no condition so severe that you cannot reverse it by choosing different thoughts.
There seems little doubt in my mind that depression, in particular at the severe end of the experience of this condition, is as real a disorder as diabetes is at the severe end of blood glucose levels.
All pain is either severe or slight, if slight, it is easily endured; if severe, it will without doubt be brief.
Death is not only an unusually severe punishment, unusual in its pain, in its finality and in its enormity, but is serves no penal purpose more effectively than a less severe punishment.
Severe isn't a word normally associated with a cold. Severe is for weather or third-degree burns...No one responds 'severe' when someone asks how her cold is.In fact, nine out of ten Americans respond to 'How's your cold' with 'It sucks.' So there should be an It Sucks cold formula.
Gentle to others, to himself severe.
Happy the poet who with ease can steer From grave to gay, from lively to severe. [Lat., Heureux qui, dans ses vers, sait d'une voix legere Passer du grave au doux, du plaisant au severe.]
Severe weather can come at any time, and millions of people are impacted by storms each year. Truly, the best defense against severe weather is for families to create an emergency plan, practice that plan, and always stay alert and ready.
The silence of a man who loves to praise is a censure sufficiently severe.
I was in Toronto when they had a severe outbreak of SARS - you know, Severe Asian Racism Syndrome. I was in the airport and there were these big snowboarder guys and they had white masks around their necks, and as soon as they saw me, they put their masks on. So I went "cough, cough, cough... You wanna egg rorr?
A tree is beautiful, but what's more, it has a right to life; like water, the sun and the stars, it is essential. Life on earth is inconceivable without trees. Forests create climate, climate influences peoples' character, and so on and so forth. There can be neither civilization nor happiness if forests crash down under the axe, if the climate is harsh and severe, if people are also harsh and severe. ... What a terrible future!
No confict is so severe as his who labors to subdue himself.
I know of no severe depression, in any country or any time, that was not accompanied by a sharp decline in the stock of money, and equally of no sharp decline in the stock of money that was not accompanied by a severe depression.
Because depression is so thematically powerful and so dark, when it's very severe, it can make people feel not only as if they've lost a loving connection, but as if the whole world is devoid of love. So if we wonder how somebody could take 149 people with him when he commits suicide, one answer can be that depression, when it's most severe, can make people feel that life is completely without value, not just for them but for anyone.
There are few punishments too severe for a popular novel writer.
He who is not just is severe, he who is not wise is sad.
And truth severe, by fairy fiction drest.
Severe initiations increase a member's liking for the group. — © Carol Tavris
Severe initiations increase a member's liking for the group.
Be gentle and kind with every one, and severe with yourself.
The pain of severe depression is quite unimaginable to those who have not suffered it.
African leaders work really under severe limitations and constraints.
Be not so severe as to cause shyness, nor so clement as to encourage boldness.
One of the lowest points in my life was when I was diagnosed and combated with severe ulcerative colitis which is severe ulcers in you colon that bleed.
The British climate, although it is very wet, it is quite mild in winter. We don't get these severe - generally don't get severe winters.
The more severe the pain or illness, the more severe will be the necessary changes. These may involve breaking bad habits, or acquiring some new and better ones.
Be kind to all and severe to thyself.
To not know math is a severe limitation to understanding the world.
I have severe osteoporosis. Your bones start to collapse. — © Joan Kirner
I have severe osteoporosis. Your bones start to collapse.
Remember that pain has this most excellent quality. If prolonged it cannot be severe, and if severe it cannot be prolonged.
It is as hard and severe a thing to be a true politician as to be truly moral.
A severe war lurks under the show of peace.
Problems associated with the menstrual cycle are now commonplace. The majority of teenagers whom I have seen suffer problems such as PMS, severe cramping, and irregular or heavy cycles. Severe hypothyroidism may cause the menses to stop. Dr. Barnes noted his patients with menstrual problems usually suffered many other telltale symptoms of hypothyroidism. Mine do as well. A large majority of menstrual problems resolve after treatment with dessicated thyroid.
It's unthinkable not to love - you'd have a severe nervous breakdown. Or you'd have to be Philip Larkin.
I suffer from depression. Severe cases of it. Not one case of depression, not a severe case, but severe cases of depression. Music is my only outlet, it's therapeutic to me. It's a release. It's how I vent emotionally.
It is evident that it is the belief of Christian people in this country and in all other enlightened portions of the world that as a nation, we have passed through a severe ordeal - that severe judgments have been poured out upon us on account of the manner in which a poor, oppressed race was treated in this country.
Preserving health by too severe a rule is a worrisome malady.
The Duke of Buckingham gave me once a short but severe character of the two brothers. It was the more severe, because it was true: the King (he said) could see things if he would, and the Duke would see things if he could.
Coffee makes us severe, and grave and philosophical.
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