Top 495 Shaking It Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Shaking It quotes.
Last updated on October 27, 2024.
Spoiling my ballot paper is the only way I can see of stripping the system of legitimacy, shaking it up, and reforming it so that it favours citizens.
Raw toast," Lucas said grimly, shaking his head. "It goes against the very nature of man.
As shaking terrors from his blazing hair, a sanguine comet gleams through dusky air. — © Torquato Tasso
As shaking terrors from his blazing hair, a sanguine comet gleams through dusky air.
Setting out around midnight, I couldn't help shaking my head, "We're the goddamned hottest vampire hunters ever." I muttered.
I sleep with a glass of water on the nightstand so I can see by its level if the coastal earth is trembling or if the shaking is still me.
I could depend a lot on my shaking, though I never shimmied vulgarly and only to express myself.
Peter's faith had many a shaking, but it was established upon the truth of his God, upon the person and work and righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Eros seizes and shakes my very soul like the wind on the mountain shaking ancient oaks.
What have we given? My friend, blood shaking my heart The awful daring of a moment's surrender Which an age of prudence can never retract By this, and this only, we have existed.
Anyone who said he wasn't afraid during the civil rights movement was either a liar or without imagination. I was scared all the time. My hands didn't shake but inside I was shaking.
I've definitely had my fair share at shaking my fists at the gods of Hollywood, but I'm learning that I cannot think that way or I will go crazy.
Most guys are defeated before they step into the ring with the Klitschkos. They start shaking with fear in their boots.
The cold rain came down in buckets. I was shaking, shivering, and naked, and more soap was getting into my eyes. But hey. At least I was clean.
I don't want you leaving laughing, I want to leave you shaking. That to me is true horror. — © Tony Todd
I don't want you leaving laughing, I want to leave you shaking. That to me is true horror.
You walk into the playgrounds in Shanghai and Beijing, and you see youngsters who are shorter, shaking and baking and having attitude. And Jeremy Lin is going to inspire all of them.
I’m ready when you are, Lucan.” “Okay,” he said, shaking his head in defeat. “Let’s go get our boy.
What I feel for her is a wholly different emotion. It stands and walks on its own, living and breathing and throbbing and shaking me to the roots of my being.
Starbucks is my main fix and it's usually you people working in there - sometimes they're actually shaking. It just makes me feel horrendous because I've been in that situation.
I love meeting the fans, and I love shaking hands, and that's what it's all about. It really is.
You're broke, eh?" I been shaking two nickels together for a month, trying to get them to mate.
Lot, who said to his wife as she was being turned into a pillar of salt, Stop shaking! Never got a dinner!
I walk down the steps of the verandah towards her and with shaking hands she holds my face between them, sobbing, "Look at my beautiful girl.
I kept having chills. This was in the middle of the summer and I was wearing a sheepskin jacket and I was chilling. I was shaking all over.
When the locker room needing shaking up, I did it. I remained myself, a leader, until the end.
Every time I hit a shot, I feel like I am shaking hands with the flag stick.
Humorists are using Twitter to tell jokes in an interesting way. It doesn't have to be profound, and it doesn't have to be earth-shaking, but it is transformative.
Girls come up to me and start crying. Or they're so nervous, they are shaking. Some have tried to sneak grabs of my abs and my butt!
I never know if the person I'm shaking hands with is coming to kill me. That's something you have to live with when you cross the lines.
So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf. You have been King of my glory won't You be my Prince of Peace.
The more famous I get, the more I am tolerated, albeit with some head-shaking.
God has ways of shaking the world when He is at work. He literally caused the ground to quake when Jesus died on the cross.
His hands were weak and shaking from carrying far too many books from the bookshop. It was the best feeling.
I have not wasted my life trifling with literary fools in taverns, as Johnson did, when he should have been shaking England with the thunder of his spirit
Never did a prisoner, released from his chains, feel such relief as I shall on shaking off the shackles of power.
Artists are overcompensating with this aggressive, energetic, hyperstimulating music - it's like someone shaking you. But it can't move people on an emotional level.
Any day you wake up and the ground isn't shaking is a good day.
After reading a paper by a young theoretical scientist, Pauli, shaking his head sadly, commented: That is not even wrong.
Synchronistic events constitute moments in which a 'cosmic' or 'greater' meaning becomes gradually conscious in an individual; generally it is a shaking experience.
I've done 'Letterman' twice and he was friendly, he said hello as he was shaking your hand and in front of the audience, but you never spoke to him before or after. — © Jim Norton
I've done 'Letterman' twice and he was friendly, he said hello as he was shaking your hand and in front of the audience, but you never spoke to him before or after.
When I got my role on 'Seinfeld,' the show was already huge. I was so nervous on my first day. I remember meeting everyone and holding my script and just shaking.
You’re shaking … so am I. It’s because of Jerusalem, isn’t it? One doesn’t go to Jerusalem, one returns to it. That’s one of its mysteries.
Still shaking, in the pew, I understood that it isn't the dead we cry for. We cry for ourselves, and I didn't deserve my own pity.
This dance isn't just about shaking your waist and your ass.
They say sound is vibration and it got my mind shaking/ Can you feel it vibrating? I call it Vibe Ratings
I spent years shaking the damage that comes with being burned by living near someone else's spotlight.
For some days, people thought that India was shaking. But there are always tremors when a great tree falls.
There’s no grandfatherly fondness in me, There are no gray hairs in my soul! Shaking the world with my voice and grinning, I pass you by, - handsome, Twentytwoyearold.
My scars were reflecting the mist in your headlights I looked like a neon zebra, shaking rain off her stripes
When I started finishing games and coming off the field shaking hands, it was a beautiful thing. I mean, you start seeing that you're an important part of the team. — © Dennis Eckersley
When I started finishing games and coming off the field shaking hands, it was a beautiful thing. I mean, you start seeing that you're an important part of the team.
Sometimes the child in one behaves a certain way and the rest of oneself follows behind, slowly shaking its head.
There is a lot of people just shaking their heads and wondering, what was really behind this meeting [of Donald Trump and Enrique Pena] as far as from the president of Mexico.
Fate with impartial hand turns out the doom of high and low; her capacious urn is constantly shaking the names of all mankind.
The most terrifying thing in the world was having to give a speech at my girlfriend's wedding. I was physically shaking and sweating the entire time.
I always say it's much nicer to win by shaking a man's hand rather than slapping him in the face.
Shaking hands is a pretty good way to get yourself sick, not necessarily with Ebola, but with a million other germs that can cause colds and flu.
The universe was a vast machine yesterday, it is a hologram today. Who knows what intellectual rattle we'll be shaking tomorrow.
I got offstage and was just looking at my hands, and they were shaking. I was like, 'I wanna kill someone! What's happening?'
I'm a plus-size person, so when I tried to go into the Gap, I used to just walk out of there shaking my head because they have nothing that fits me.
My first kiss was when I was 13. I was so nervous that I was shaking. Unfortunately, the girl I kissed never spoke to me again.
It scares you: all the noise, the rattling, the shaking. But the look on everybody's face when you're finished and packing, it's the best smile in the world; and there's nobody hurt, and the well's under control.
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