Top 1200 Shape Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Shape quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
In the heptathlon, you can be any shape. Some of the girls are more built than others, and their strong events are the shot put and javelin.
My own preference is for mixed (beds) where there are ...groups of larger shrubs on corners and elsewhere to give shape to the views and to create surprises.
Children have limited power to shape their own lives, but when they can experiment with possibilities through books, their optimism can be recharged and kept alive.
There are so many different factors - luck, being in good shape when it matters, the draw. For these reasons, it's hard to win a European Cup. — © Andrea Pirlo
There are so many different factors - luck, being in good shape when it matters, the draw. For these reasons, it's hard to win a European Cup.
Well, for Blow I had to age from 20 to 60, starting out in shape and then later putting on fat pads.
Why is geometry often described as cold and dry? One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline or a tree.
We need a president who will stand up for the CFPB and get it back into fighting shape. It is too important to be allowed to disintegrate.
It's important to be precise about words, because of the thought value of them-they frame and shape so much of the way we understand things.
As I get older, I just need to continue to make sure I'm staying in peak shape and taking care of my body the best I can.
The nanny seemed to be extinct until 1975, when, like the coelacanth, she suddenly and unexpectedly reappeared in the shape of Margaret Thatcher.
Banks introduced the installment plan. The disappearance of cash and the coming of the credit card changed the shape of life in the United States.
I have had nothing to do in any way, shape or form with the mailing of these anthrax letters, and it is extremely wrong for anyone to contend or suggest that I have.
I'd love to wear the big pant, like I see on the street, or the blouson, but I'd look ridiculous. I'm not that shape. You must respect yourself.
Novels usually evolve out of 'character.' Characters generate stories, and the shape of a novel is entirely imagined but should have an aesthetic coherence. — © Joyce Carol Oates
Novels usually evolve out of 'character.' Characters generate stories, and the shape of a novel is entirely imagined but should have an aesthetic coherence.
Training full-on year round is great, and I love to stay in shape and always being ready, but I feel sometimes I don't have a life.
I believe it is important that we Japanese write a constitution for ourselves that would reflect the shape of the country we consider desirable in the 21st century.
I do think that exercise is important, not only to keep you in shape but also for your state of mind. However, I am not fanatical about it.
I work out every single day, so you all don't have to worry about me being in shape, and my mind is going to always be sharp.
Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.
There is a discipline, a spiritual code that you should adhere to, that you do not hurt anyone in any way shape or form either mentally or physically.
Literature expresses itself by abstractions, whereas painting, by means of drawing and colour, gives concrete shape to sensations and perceptions.
It's always great to have a family member who knows exactly what you're going through in every way, shape, and form, and I'm blessed to have that in my sister.
I've never worn Prada, I'm more TK Maxx than Harrods, I've always found clothes from the catwalk don't usually flatter my shape.
Women have helped shape North Carolina in every discipline and industry, from manufacturing, medicine, and law to business, the arts, and sciences.
I was brought up in a family of leaders, and I think leadership is a life sentence. I like changing things that will shape the future.
A novel determines its own size and shape and I've never tried to stretch an idea beyond the frame and structure it seemed to require.
Nothing goes to waste on the journey of life. Both good and bad experiences shape your mind and heart for what is to come.
It's important, I think, for a writer of fiction to maintain an awareness of the pace and shape of the book as he's writing it. That is, he should be making an object, not chattering.
As you get older, you either become proactive about staying in shape and taking care of yourself, or, you know, time has its effect on you.
This fork in the road happens over a hundred times a day, and it's the choices that you make that will determine the shape of your life.
A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.
There's no rational reason why opera should exist. It's expensive, time consuming. Yet in some shape or other it has always existed.
A lot of guys need to get back in shape, I'm in the gym all the time so I don't really lose my conditioning as much as other people.
In my opinion the essence of the 'wiggle' shape is one of the most flattering styles a woman can wear, and I urge you to give it a go even if it terrifies you.
From politics and business to music and food to culture, African-Americans have helped to shape our state's colourful past and its future.
There is nothing better than having a personal-best day, being in shape and pushing myself beyond my own limits.
You can be in terrible shape, and if you take a three-hour walk through the forest and along the river, you're simply not the same as when you started out.
As an irrigator guides water to his fields, as an archer aims an arrow, as a carpenter carves wood, the wise shape their lives.
It's very easy for people to be critical of President Obama's first term, but let's face it, he didn't exactly inherit the country in the best shape. — © George Clooney
It's very easy for people to be critical of President Obama's first term, but let's face it, he didn't exactly inherit the country in the best shape.
As irrigators lead water where they want, as archers make their arrows straight, as carpenters carve wood, the wise shape their minds.
Effective leaders have the ability to consistently move themselves and others to action because they understand the “invisible forces” that shape us
Each is like a river that leaves behind its name and shape, the whole course of its path , to vanish into the vast sea of God.
We live in a world of media that are constantly telling us it is only the shape of your body that matters to how attractive you are, and that's silly.
In some shape or form, we do have an emotional connection to our head of state, even if, for the most part, they seem very remote.
I try to keep things as simple as possible: my job as a javelin thrower is to stay in good shape and do my best at each competition.
When I work I have a sculptor's sense of the shape of the words I'm making. I use a machine with larger than average letters: the bigger the better.
The desert sharpened the sweet ache of his longing, amplified it, gave shape to it in sere geology and clean slant of light.
I've never done anything deliberately; I just speak my mind, and that is what I consistently do and will always do in any way shape or form that I can.
The first glimpse that we have of the notions which the Greeks possessed of the shape and the inhabitants of the earth is afforded by the poems passing under the name of Homer.
These differences, they say, are three: shape, arrangement, and position; because they hold that what is differs only in contour, inter-contact, inclination. — © Democritus
These differences, they say, are three: shape, arrangement, and position; because they hold that what is differs only in contour, inter-contact, inclination.
If a person weren't failing in some way, shape or form, would he or she need to blame, justify, or complain? The obvious answer is no.
You have to let go of the things that are darling to you. You have to take the focus off yourself and put it on the shape of the scene and the intention of what everyone else needs.
The glassblower knows: while in the heat of beginning, any shape is possible. Once hardened, the only way to change is to break.
I realized that both the military and religious orders depend on discipline to shape people - which routine does, in a lot of ways.
In my day, if a guy came to spring training 20 pounds heavier than what he left, he was considered out of shape and was probably in trouble.
The earth together with its surrounding waters must in fact have such a shape as its shadow reveals, for it eclipses the moon with the arc of a perfect circle.
If you know the shape of the lens and the image you get, you can work out the path that light followed between the object and your eye.
People are not in good shape to where they have to question their own belief system because of a book or a story somebody wrote, or a SLAYER song.
If some confectioners were willing To let the shape announce the filling, We'd encounter fewer assorted chocs, Bitten into and returned to the box.
I work extremely hard in the weight room, and also on the court to get better and make sure I keep my body in shape.
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