Top 1200 Share Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Share quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
My fans make me feel as young as they are. We share the same spirit and I share their outlook on life
Those who have had no share in the good fortunes of the mighty Often have a share in their misfortunes.
You are going to share in the most intimate parts of your patients' lives. You will share in their moments of tragedy. But you will also share in their moments of greatest joy.
Here is a shared memory that we didn't share, forgot to share, for almost ninety years. — © Mary McAleese
Here is a shared memory that we didn't share, forgot to share, for almost ninety years.
There is a lot of pressure on tennis players like other sports that are singular like you're not on a team. When all the pressure rides on your shoulders, it can be a lot different. Team sports you share those moments with the teammates. You share the pressures. You share the wins. You share the losses. You have a coach that can change the course of matches. But in tennis you're out there by yourself. There are no caddies. There are no coaches. You do it alone in the arena and I think that ups the ante a little bit.
We all share the planet, the rainbows share the sky, why can't we all share the same dream? And rap about what we see?
A man must have a good share of wit himself to endure a great share in another.
It is my fundamental belief that all human beings share the same basic aspirations: that we all want hapiness and that we all share suffering. Asians, just like Americans, Europeans, and the rest of the world, share a desire to live life to its fullest, to better ourselves and the lives of our loved ones.
You don't share the things you're forced to share [on a movie set].
If you have a light, share it with people; if you have a darkness, share it with the Sun!
You may share the labors of the great, but you will not share the spoil.
We are here because we share a fundamental belief: that poverty, illiteracy, disease and inequality do not belong in the twenty-first century. We share a common purpose: to eradicate these ills for the benefit of all. And we share a common tool to achieve this: the Millennium Development Goals.
Those who want to share their code can make products and share their work without additional legal risks.
If we have 99% [market] share of Ford Company, the question to us is 'How do we improve the customer satisfaction in order to get that additional 1% share? — © Michael Dell
If we have 99% [market] share of Ford Company, the question to us is 'How do we improve the customer satisfaction in order to get that additional 1% share?
When you share your misery, it will not diminish. When you fail to share your joy, it diminishes. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with anyone else, as that will only increase the problems. Share your joy with everyone. Listen to others; yet do not listen. If your mind gets stuck in their problems, not only are they miserable, but you also become miserable.
Everybody has to share something. This is one of the most important laws of the human condition, is the necessity to share. This is the task of the writer - but not only of a writer, of every human being - it is to share something that he or she has.
Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It'll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called "perfection," which will open the doors to the most important relationships you'll ever be a part of.
Before you can have a share of market, you must have a share of mind.
The minute you hear the word 'share,' you start thinking Twitter and Facebook. These are the places that people can very quickly share something they've just discovered.
My message is love and righteousness and peace and to share and care for yourself and share for others as you would share for yourself. A message of your inner thoughts.
Do not share your inventions with many; share them only with the few who understand and love the sciences.
I never thought I could travel unless I had a wife or someone to share it with. You don't necessarily need that, but I am the type of person that wants to share a lot.
God has given me this gift to get out there and share my music and share my experiences and share my testimony. Why not be open? Why not be real? Why not walk in my truth?
You can see it on the Internet now. New society demands that people share their knowledge. It's asking multimillionaires to share their money and creative people to share their creativity. Whoever doesn't share their wealth, be it knowledge, money, or creativity, will be dead.
In terms of what we share from our lives, I tend to share everything. My instinct would be to share everything.
If you are angry you will share anger, if you are greedy you will share greed, if you are full of lust you will share your lust. We can share only that which we have, we cannot share that which we don't have. This has to be the fundamental thing to be remembered; hence the first step is meditation and the second step is compassion.
History and memory share events; that is, they share time and space. Every moment is two moments.
I frequently say that I never share blame, I never share credit, and I never share desserts!
I got to share the Octagon with Clay Guida. I got to share the Octagon with Cub Swanson. Now I'm going to share the Octagon with Frankie Edgar. These are things that, as a fighter, you always dream of.
Mind share before market share.
If a youngster can come up to me and share his problems or share his experiences or share something that he does off cricket, that can obviously help you build a better relation with one-on-one, and that can help you captain him on the cricket field.
Be grateful for the love you have to share-share it, and it will return to you ten times over.
Pirate Bay gives you the opportunity to share information for free, but there is also a need for something where you can share money as well.
Don't share your dreams with everyone. Make them a reality - then share.
I can't expect others to share my virtues. It's good enough for me if they share my vices.
I feel like there's an obligation - this sounds terribly pretentious - if you're an artist, to share your own experience in a way that's truthful and honest: 'This is what I have to share; this is my life.'
I love to share in a scene - I'd rather share than be alone.
Share prices fluctuate more than share values.
I respect the rights of those who do not share my beliefs, but to teach my faith to my children and to share it with anyone who will listen - that is my right, too. — © Marco Rubio
I respect the rights of those who do not share my beliefs, but to teach my faith to my children and to share it with anyone who will listen - that is my right, too.
I am treating you as my friend, asking you to share my present minuses in the hope that I can ask you to share my future plusses.
I have been given such a wonderful opportunity, and I want to share that with people. If I can share that with kids in hospital, then that seems like the right thing to do.
Working collectively and collaboratively is the difference between mediocrity by yourself or success as a team. You have to share the pain and the responsibility and if you do then you will also share in the rewards.
You grow up and share life experiences. That's one of the best parts of this business. You share how you're mellowing out and your new sense of self.
Real love is on the inside. It's somebody you have a common ground with, you share the same values, you share the same interests, you share the same humor, you share all those things that are things that will last you the rest of your life.
We are a team. We share the ball, we share the game, we share the worries.
I don't share blame. I don't share credit. And I don't share desserts.
Each must drain His share of pleasure, share of pain.
I believe it is my duty to share the gifts I have learned. How dare I have the tools for finding serenity and not share them with the world?
I respect the rights of those who do not share my beliefs...but to teach my faith to my children...and to share it with anyone who will listen...that is my right too! — © Marco Rubio
I respect the rights of those who do not share my beliefs...but to teach my faith to my children...and to share it with anyone who will listen...that is my right too!
I feel like my mission is to be honest with myself. My mission is to share my truth - share, not give. I think that's what an artist is supposed to do: I think they share.
If you can't share wealth, prosperity and happiness, then you must at least share suffering, pain and death. To destroy in order to create!
That's what real punk is about - doing it yourself and building a community where people share ideas and share creativity.
I want to share what I have, and I'd rather share it with people that are a little bit more open-minded.
God created man to share friendship with Him and share in His happiness.
There are big parts of my life that I don't share. I don't share myself eating dinner with my family. I don't talk about who I'm dating. That's private; that's me.
Share love. Share time. Share friendship. Just share. Put some love into everything you do.
Human freedom increasingly depends on who controls what we know and, therefore, how we understand our world. It depends on what information we are able to create and disseminate: what we can share, how we can share it, and with whom we can share it.
It’s what happens when two people become one: they no longer only share love. They also share all of the pain, heartache, sorrow, and grief.
When you get together with childhood friends, for example, there's an intimacy that you instantly have because you share something really profound in your past. There's a shortcut to emotional intimacy if you share your past with somebody. It's really empowering when you're reunited with people who share that.
Never participate in the secrets of those above you; you think you share the fruit, and you share the stones - the confidence of a prince is not a grant, but a tax
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