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Top 1200 Share Quotes & Sayings - Page 14
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Last updated on December 13, 2024.
Find people who share your values, and you'll conquer the world together.
Books make great gifts because they're something you love that you can share.
In the world of photography, you get to share a captured moment with other people.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but they'll never increase market share.
You know you are in love when you are willing to share your cash-machine number.
My cake is dough, but I'll in among the rest, Out of hope of all but my share of the feast.
The common agenda both sides seem to share is: Whatever works.
Nature allowed only the fit and the lucky to share this paradise-in-the-making.
Do not keep what you have selfishly bottled up; pour it out, share it with the world.
Continue to share your heart with people even if it's been broken.
I share the administration's goals in dealing with Iraq and its weapons of mass destruction.
I've made my share of mistakes, but had the good fortune to have them not be so public.
The universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with.
I think that you are serving others when you share pieces of yourself with other people.
All players have equal duties and merits and share the reward and sometimes the blame.
I always encourage other people to share a story and voices. That is so important.
It's not for me to share the meanings of others. I am only in charge of my own.
The impulse to connect the dots - and to share what you've connected - is the urge that makes you an artist
Music is such a powerful fundraising tool and it's so easy for me to share that and it's such a light.
It's a despicable thing to share your personal inner torment for money.
I suppose I built my share of model airplanes, but I can't remember that I was a flying fanatic.
In our world, it's a big deal when you have a favourite collaborator and share them.
I always encourage over-tipping if you can afford it because share the wealth.
True friends share everything, except the past before they met.
Seraphs share with thee Knowledge; but Art, O Man, is thine alone!
Nothing more do I ask than to share with you the ecstasy and sacrament of my life.
I have certainly seen my share of the world as it really is and not how I wish it would be.
I want to be clear that I only share passages from the Bible as a gesture of love.
I learn so much on Twitter all the time, and it would be a shame not to share that with my readers.
Film is the only technology that allows us to share subjectivity with someone else.
I think there are definitely a lot of subjects I don't share with people, but I'm not sure where that border is.
Unless we share with each other we gotta start makin' changes
such fickle days of love when pain and ecstasy share the same hour
How terrible it was to love people when you could not really share their lives!
My intention was always to share my experience and my gifts on the largest stage possible.
Is it not ignorance that we share? A lie takes two. The truth we find alone.
I love playing shows. That's the time I have to really share what I am about.
In intelligence work, there are limits to the amount of information one can share. Confidentiality is essential.
There is no brotherhood between love and dignity, Nor can they share the same abode.
I share my personal experiences of what is right according to me in a particular situation.
We willingly share personal information with companies for the convenience of using their products.
A painter leaves his emotions behind him for posterity to share.
Yeah Jesus could turn water in to wine, but he didn't share. Douche.
I suppose all we can really share with people is a taste for the same kinds of weather.
Happiness is only the threshold to misery. When a friend refuses to share in joys.
The burden of living one’s own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share.
For years, I traveled the state to share my vision for a more prosperous Louisiana.
The best thing we can do for the dead is to do their share of living with a smile. ~Train Heartnet
Other people's appetites easily appear excessive when one doesn't share them.
I'm one of those women who likes to chat and share knowledge and pass it around.
At the end of the day, the biggest obstacle to evangelism is Christians who don’t share the gospel.
I'm lucky to find a person to share my life, and the best friend I'll ever have.
I know what people like, and fortunately they seem to share my sense of humor.
How could I share the way my heart was breaking when my confessor didn’t believe
Let's prove that the American dream is big enough for everyone to share in its promise.
Sometimes the only way to carry a heavy burden is to share it with another
Nobody is happy alone. To share experiences is always a good thing.
Too often, shared visions really mean, "I have a vision; you share it!"
We share responsibility. It's important to have a good spouse; that's where I sympathize with single parents.
As important in a trusting relationship as the truths you share are the lies you never have to tell.
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