Top 1200 Sit Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Sit quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Don't stand if you can sit, don't sit if you can lie down.
Sometimes we just sit around and sit on our hands and don't do anything because it's like, 'Hey, that's not my problem.' You can't do that when you're a superhero.
As footballers that's what we do when it comes to bonuses. we don't sit there and go 'yeah can I get £20million as a bonus.' You have to sit down, 'how much money does the club make, what's their reported loss.' You have to sit and go through it all and go OK, this is what you take, we feel that we should get that if we do this.
Jeff [Gordon] doesn't sit down and explain things. We don't sit and have meetings where I'm the student. He really teaches by example. I've learned a lot on and off the racetrack.
The inspiration can come in such small ways that if you sit there just waiting for the big epiphany you'll sit there for the rest of your life. — © Irvine Welsh
The inspiration can come in such small ways that if you sit there just waiting for the big epiphany you'll sit there for the rest of your life.
My life is routine. I wake up early in the morning. I brush my teeth. I sit on the floor of the cell I do not go to breakfast. I stare at a gray cement wall. I keep my legs crossed my back straight my eyes forward. I take deep breaths in and out, in and out, and I try not to move. I sit for as long as I can I sit until everything hurts I sit until everything stops hurting I sit until I lose myself in the gray wall I sit until my mind becomes as blank as the gray wall. I sit and I stare and I breathe. I sit and I stare. I breathe.
Traffic: Sit there. Sit. Occasionally move your foot from the brake and crawl forward, then put it back. That's all you do for hours. It's very calming.
It's hard for me to sit still. Now if you'll sit me in front of a great old movie, I'll sit still, because I love that, too.
I got two stools, in case I want to sit down and sit down again on something else.
Sometimes the songs just come to me. I don't sit down to write like you'd sit down to make a pair of boots.
I love public transportation! Who wants to sit in a car and be angry at other drivers for eight hours? I'd rather sit on a bus or train and read a book.
I will never sit down with Gerry Adams . . . he'd sit with anyone. He'd sit down with the devil. In fact, Adams does sit down with the devil.
In the immortal germ line of human beings - that is, the eggs that sit in the ovaries - they actually sit there in a state of suspended animation for up to 50 years in the life of each woman.
We don’t sit in meditation to become good meditators. We sit in meditation so that we’ll be more awake in our lives.
As you sit there and as I sit here, they are going in. They're taking over, and they just walk in and they can do whatever they want. They have essentially already taken it over.
Sometimes I sit and think and other times I just sit. — © Satchel Paige
Sometimes I sit and think and other times I just sit.
We get bored because we don't want to sit with our fears. We don't want to sit with our anxiety. We don't want to sit with our stress because it's uncomfortable.
For the title, if they say, 'Ok, let's sit and wait,' I will sit and wait because I know it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I don't sit down to write a country song. I don't sit down to write a rap song. I just sit down to write a song, you know what I mean? And I try to make that song the best it can be.
I had something called the back of the chair test. Where I sit, we don't sit like you and I do. I can see a sliver right behind them and they come out and they sit like this like god students and they don't touch the back of the chair.
When I sit in Paris in a cafe, surrounded by people, I don't sit casually - I go over a certain sonata in my head and discover new things all the time.
I only had the right to sit in the shadows of the world,in complete silence. Whether I was laughed at, or told I was discusting, or thought of as unpleasant I would sit in the shadows.
I understand what's going on, and when I see the fervor, when I see 25,000 people that have seats and not one person during an hour speech will sit down, I say sit down everybody, sit down, and they don't sit down, I mean, that's a great compliment but I do understand the power of the message. There's no question about that.
Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry? Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die? Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand? Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you damned?
Every time you sit down to meditate, you have to sit down with a resolve to win. You are going to sit there and will your mind to be happy, quiet and still.
Mere physical sitting is not enough. You have to sit carefully and attentively. Let your body and breathing sit. Let your mind and emotions sit. Let your blood circulation sit. Let everything sit. Then your sitting becomes indestructible, immovable.
People tend to sit where there are places to sit
To be able to sit back and enjoy the game, sit back and watch guys that you know played and you might have worked with it or you personally know, it's cool; it's awesome to sit back and say I know that guy because you're more of a fan of that game and that person.
If you let people loose in a landscape and tell them to choose a house site, half of them will go sit on the ridges where they'll die in the next fire, or where you can't get water to them. Or they'll sit in all the dam sites. Or they'll sit in all the places that will perish in the next big wind.
We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox.
I would rather sit in a factory than sit in a Maybach.
For me, I can sort of sit there and write something down, but I can't develop it. Because to do that, I have to sit on my own and sing. I have to be really alone to do that.
Now it's just sharp elbows, and instead of having a caucus where you sit down and say, 'What are you doing for your country?' you sit figuring out how to screw the other side.
Now they had to sit in separate places and sometimes they'd even have to sit outside and look through the windows. But they did worship together.
I’m someone who can sit in a Buddhist temple, and I can sit with Pentecostals or with Orthodox Jews, and I still feel like I am in tune with all of them.
The whole idea is you can't sit around and do nothing. You have to get up and start living one day at a time. That's what I did my entire career. You can't sit around and say, 'Oh, poor me. Nobody likes me. Nobody is giving me a job.' You have to get up and go. If you sit at home and do nothing, that is what is going to happen.
Always play to the cheap seats. That's where the critics sit. The people who sit up front don't come to hear you play; they come to sit up front.
Mess up and draft somebody at my position, because you are going to sit around and watch him sit the bench. That's always been my mentality. I see it as a challenge.
My respect for animation has gone way up. It's a truckload of work. I have to sit with my animators the same way I'd sit with my actors and cast them.
I never was a sick like throwing up type of guy. I get nervous with the butterflies in the stomach. I was never a throwing up kind of guy... I'm kind of a pacer. I can't sit down. I can't sit still. I guess that's why I don't ever sit down the whole game.
I can't just sit around and do nothing. Although, I can sit on the couch sometimes and just watch movies. — © Brian Austin Green
I can't just sit around and do nothing. Although, I can sit on the couch sometimes and just watch movies.
When I sit down to write a book, I do not know where the energy and the words come from. I just sit down, and soon it is flowing through my hand and onto the paper.
Here with my beer I sit, while golden moments flit: alas! They pass unheeded by: and as they fly, I, being dry, sit idly sipping here, my beer.
I made a sofa that is constantly being updated the more people sit on it, or sit through it, or don't sit on it because it's so uncomfortable.
If you sit in judgment, investigate, if you sit in supreme power, sit in command.
Free countries are great, because you can actually sit in somebody else's space for a while and pretend you're a part of it. You can sit in the Plaza Hotel and you don't even have to live there. You can just sit and watch the people go by.
I remember a night when I was living in Swindon on my own, and I couldn't sit on the couch because there were two cushions, and I couldn't sit equally between them.
I'm not going to sit here and be stupid. If someone comes and offers me double what I'm on, of course I'm going to sit down and seriously look at it.
You've got to work. You've got to want an audience to sit forward in their chairs sometimes, rather than sit back and be bombarded with images.
[When asked: "If women voted, would they not have to sit on juries?":] Many women would be glad of a chance to sit on anything. There are women who stand up and wash six days in the week at 75 cents a day who would like to take a vacation and sit on a jury at $1.50.
I sit down and draw from my lyric book. I sit down and start looking through it and see if there is anything that strikes me that I've written. — © Amy Ray
I sit down and draw from my lyric book. I sit down and start looking through it and see if there is anything that strikes me that I've written.
Yes, I have a small coffee corner where I like to sit. It's right next to the windows and the power seat of the living area. When I sit there, I can see Bandra Reclamation in front of me.
It's after college that I started to tell myself that you have to persevere, and you have to sit in discomfort and let all the doubts and questions you have... they sometimes just have to sit around you, and you can't answer them.
I think I sit down to the typewriter when it's time to sit down to the typewriter. That isn't to suggest that when I do finally sit down at the typewriter, and write out my plays with a speed that seems to horrify all my detractors and half of my well-wishers, that there's no work involved. It is hard work, and one is doing all the work oneself.
I quite like it to be risky. I'm not ready to sit down in a chair with my name on it yet. I've arrived at that point in the art world where there really is a chair that you sit in.
Now, metaphorically, I sit at any table that I want. I can sit with the jocks, I can sit with the gang members, I can sit with the politicians, I can sit with the CEOs. My brand can fit anywhere.
3. There are bears and there are small dogs. Be strong like bear! If they take out your teeth, sit on the dogs. Bears always forget they can just sit on the dogs. Sit on the dogs.
I don't have time to sit at home and not do anything. I used to just sit there and just watch TV and eat crisps. Now I don't have five minutes to do that.
We can't continue to sit on our hands and sit idly by as people are being brutalized, disenfranchised, and left out of the system.
So even if the hot loneliness is there, and for 1.6 seconds we sit with that restlessness when yesterday we couldn't sit for even one, that's the journey of the warrior. (68)
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