Man's responsibility increases as that of the gods decreases.
Love is powerful. It can bring the gods to their knees.
He whom the Gods love dies young.
There are many roads to happiness, if the gods assent.
Gods are what people worship. Men are what die.
We are making gods out of global celebrities.
We are as gods and might as well get good at it.
Gods should not resemble men in their anger!
All gods are one God, and all goddesses are one Goddess, and there is one Initiator.
Men create the gods in their own image.
In the time of gods and monsters, what is the worth of a man?
The gods look in pleasure on penitent sinners.
It is at the time of dawn that we must commune with the gods.
You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.
Gods given us all strengths and gifts.
The glorious gifts of the gods are not to be cast aside.
When you collect photographs, you're sort of at the mercy of the gods.
Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible.
We've had this program for a number of years now, called 10,000 Small Businesses, where Goldman Sachs has convened a group of partners to basically give business education to small business owners.
He is nearest to the gods who knows how to be silent.
The gods are fond of the cryptic and dislike the evident.
Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay small acts of kindness and love.
Makes you wonder if the gods are always right.
There is as much confusion in the world of the gods as in ours.
The Gods are but names for the forces of Nature themselves.
The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.
God became man, that we might be gods.
The weather is perfect. The gods are shining on us.
The gods come to us in the forms we recognize.
If you start the day not really expecting substantial change, but anticipating some small new revelation or some small alteration, then over time you're able to find them in more places.
Pray, for all men need the aid of the gods.
Even the gods couldn't devise a fates so twisted.
From my example learn to be just, and not to despise the gods.
If the gods care not for me and for my children, There is a reason for it.
Where men can't live gods fare no better.
I write traditional drama, and the small enclosed communities work well with this form. I enjoy exploring secrets. On small islands, privacy is important, and there are secrets that everyone can guess but nobody talks about.
No mercy goes unpunished by the angry gods.
On the Disc the gods dealt severely with atheists.
If cows and horses had hands and could draw, cows would draw gods that look like cows and horses would draw gods that look like horses.
Ideas are the invisible Gods of our universe!
I had a series of jobs in the small fishing village in West Wales where my family lived when I was a teenager. I worked as a fisherman in the day, and then the skipper and his wife ran a small restaurant - she'd cook the fish he caught.
Beware of politicians who tell you they'll do all these wonderful things for you for only a small tax increase. Those tax increases are never as small as you might imagine, and the benefits are always smaller than promised and/or imagined.
There's nothing like the energy in a small comedy club room or a small theater when it's going really well. I can see everybody's face practically in the whole room. There's no cameras in the way, and it's just me.
Thank the Gods! My misery exceeds all my hopes!
It is said that gifts persuade even the gods.
Pray the gods do not envy your happiness!
The friendship of a great man is a favor of the gods.
If it shakes you in the right places, it's Gods gift.
You don't need a grand plan, you don't need to go back to the ancestors and rewrite the rules. You just need to take small steps and accumulate small wins.
The minds of the everlasting gods are not changed suddenly.
Doubting does not prove that a man has no faith, but only that his faith is small. And even when our faith is small, the Lord is ready to help us.
We have complicated every simple gift of the gods.
I tell the gods are still alive / And they are not consoling.
Coincidence is Gods way of staying anonymous.
A small room is enough; a small quantity of food is enough; a few clothes are enough; one lover, a very ordinary man
Slow but sure moves the might of the gods.
Whether or not they exist we are slaves to our gods.
I keep a small - a very, very, very small circle. It's just me and my mom and my sister. And maybe Chris Paul.
Good and evil have nothing to do with gods. It has to do with us.
There are men and gods, and beings like Pythagoras.
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