Top 1200 Small Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Small Man quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
The power, indeed, of every individual is small, and the consequence of his endeavours imperceptible, in a general prospect of the world. Providence has given no man ability to do much, that something might be left for every man to do. The business of life is carried on by a general co-operation; in which the part of any single man can be no more distinguished, than the effect of a particular drop when the meadows are floated by a summer shower: yet every drop increases the inundation, and every hand adds to the happiness or misery of mankind.
Africa gives you the knowledge that man is a small creature, among other creatures, in a large landscape.
Learn the value of a man's words and expressions, and you know him. Each man has a measure of his own for everything; this he offers you inadvertently in his words. He who has a superlative for everything wants a measure for the great or small.
I have long been an advocate of starting an IoT journey with a small, low-risk project that can produce immediate benefits. But don't confuse small with non-strategic. Align each project, no matter how small, into your larger strategic vision.
Solitude will be welcomed or endured or avoided, according as a man's personal value is large or small. — © Arthur Schopenhauer
Solitude will be welcomed or endured or avoided, according as a man's personal value is large or small.
Best advice, bro: Think big. Don't think small. If you think small, then you're going to stay small. Think (about) the broad scope.
little every-day courtesies are called the small change of life; but we should be badly off in trade if we had no small change, and must always deal with twenty-dollar bills; while the small change mounts up to the great sum in a lifetime.
I was never one who sought to make the small man tall by cutting off the legs of a giant. I wanted to drag no man down to my size. Only to preserve a way of life which might make it possible for me, one day, to elevate myself until I at least partly matched his size.
Small businesses pay 18 percent more than big businesses for health care, the same health care, just because they're small and they have too small a pool of risk.
As you probably know, half of the people who work in this country work for small businesses. And it's more than that, because two out of every three net new jobs come from small business. So we mean it when we talk about small business being the engine for the economy.
My dad, was the archetypal charming man. If I've inherited even a small bit of what he had that would be enough for me.
Do not fear the face of man. Remember how small their anger will appear in eternity.
A gentleman can withstand hardships; it is only the small man who, when submitted to them, is swept off his feet.
In a small spacecraft, it was hard for the other two guys to sleep when the on-duty man was talking to Mission Control regularly.
If Montaigne is a man in the prime of life sitting in his study on a warm morning and putting down the sum of his experience in his rich, sinewy prose, then Pascal is that same man lying awake in the small hours of the night when death seems very close and every thought is heightened by the apprehension that it may be his last.
The universe extends beyond the mind of man, and is more complex than the small sample one can study. — © Kenneth L. Pike
The universe extends beyond the mind of man, and is more complex than the small sample one can study.
Never forget that the purpose for which a man lives is the improvement of the man himself, so that he may go out of this world having, in his great sphere or his small one, done some little good for his fellow creatures and labored a little to diminish the sin and sorrow that are in the world.
On the subway today, a man came up to me to start a conversation. He made small talk, a lonely man talking about the weather and other things. I tried to be pleasant and accommodating, but my head began to hurt from his banality. I almost didn't notice it had happened, but I suddenly threw up all over him. He was not pleased, and I couldn't stop laughing.
Our lives are made in these small hours, these little wonders, these twists & turns of fate. Time falls away, but these small hours, these small hours still remain. All of my regret, will wash away somehow. But i can not forget, the way i feel right now.
I want to do small things, for small people, and to make the small people big.
The American economy is driven by small business. And there's nothing basically to create incentives for small businesses. We've done no tax reform. They're the highest-taxed group in the country. And corporations can go anywhere they want and do whatever they want. Small businesses have to stay.
I grew up in the small German village of Bosingen, which is located between Black Forest and the state capital of Stuttgart. And when I say small, I mean small. In our village, there were no more than 1,700 people. And we all loved football, but there weren't a lot of places for us boys around town to play in.
I think there was a time where the target man went out of fashion and it was all about the small and quick striker.
But I think it is hardly an argument against a man's general strength of character, that he should be apt to be mastered by love. A fine constitution doesn't insure one against small-pox or any other of those inevitable diseases. A man may be very firm in other matters, and yet be under a sort of witchery from a woman.
Don't call the man a claustrophobe just because small spaces scare him. Right.
She was petite, small in that way that made a man want to slay dragons.
The first time that you escape from home or the small town that you live in - there's a reason a small town is called a small town: It's because not many people want to live there.
It is the nature of a man as he grows older, a small bridge intime, toprotest againstchange, particularlychangefor the better.
I'm a simple man. Grew up in a small town. Came from humble beginnings. No silver spoon.
As a general rule, man strives to avoid labor. Love for work is not at all an inborn characteristic: it is created by economic pressure and social education. One may even say that man is a fairly lazy animal. It is on this quality, in reality, that is founded to a considerable extent all human progress; because if man did not strive to expend his energy economically, did not seek to receive the largest possible quantity of products in return for a small quantity of energy, there would have been no technical development or social culture.
if a man would make his world large, he must be always making himself small.
The small share of happiness attainable by man exists only insofar as he is able to cease to think of himself.
When you're growing up in a small town You know you'll grow down in a small town There is only one good use for a small town You hate it and you know you'll have to leave.
If the whole earth is infinitely small in comparison with the sphere of the stars, what is man compared with all these created beings!
Love occupies a vast space in a woman's thoughts, but fills a small portion in a man's life.
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason for doing so.
The misery of man proceeds not from any single crush of overwhelming evil, but from small vexations continually repeated.
Dragons old and young, true and false, bright and dark. And you. A small man with a big shadow, snarling in the midst of all.
One must obey the man whom the city sets up in power in small things and in justice and in its opposite. — © Sophocles
One must obey the man whom the city sets up in power in small things and in justice and in its opposite.
Small causes are sufficient to make a man uneasy, when great ones are not in the way: for want of a block he will stumble at a straw.
Calculate what man knows and it cannot compare to what he doesn't know. Calculate the time he is alive and it cannot compare to the time before he was born. Yet man takes something so small and tries to exhaust the dimensions of something so large!
Normally, I'd believe that the saying 'There's no small parts, only small actors' is a load of crock because, more often than not, actors relegated to the small-part category stay in 'Who was that guy from that thing' purgatory - however, '90s sitcom 'Friends' proved that the saying is true.
you can't fit the same religion to every man any mo' than you can the same pair of breeches. The big man takes the big breeches an' the little man takes the small ones, an' it's jest the same with religion. It may be cut after one pattern, but it's might apt to get its shape from the wearer inside. Why, thar ain't any text so peaceable that it ain't drawn blood from somebody.
To consider powerful souls as if they were a useful public resource is quite foreign to our customs. In a small sense it is undemocratic, for it assumes that some people really know better in a way that must seem arbitrary to most. In a large sense it is certainly democratic, in that it makes the great man serve as a man.
The malady of civilized man is his knowledge of death. The good artist, like the wise man, addresses himself to life and invests with his private vision the deeds and thoughts of men. The creation of a work of art, like an act of love, is our one small 'yes' at the center of a vast 'no'.
One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought
A mere literary man is a dull man; a man who is solely a man of business is a selfish man; but when literature and commerce are united, they make a respectable man.
We Japanese enjoy the small pleasures, not extravagance. I believe a man should have a simple lifestyle - even if he can afford more.
The one thing that I cannot live without when I'm traveling is a small container of tea tree oil. It's not the most glamorous thing, but if you get a cut, a mosquito bite, a small breakout, no matter what it is, it's my little cure-all. It's inexpensive, it's small enough to carry on, and I bring it with me all the time.
I'm not a human interest story, man. I'm just a musician trying to make some small records and be happy, be peaceful. — © Mark Lanegan
I'm not a human interest story, man. I'm just a musician trying to make some small records and be happy, be peaceful.
The child is small, and he includes the man; the brain is narrow, and it harbours thought; the eye is but a point, and it covers leagues
To allow only the kind of art that the average man understands is the worst small-mindedness and the murder of mind and spirit. It is my conviction that the intellect can be certain that in doing what most disconcerts the crowd, in pursuing the most daring, unconventional advances and explorations, it will in some highly indirect fashion serve man - and in the long run, all men.
I tried to pay some small tribute to A Man and a Woman (1966) with the recurring musical theme.
Reason guides but a small part of man, and the rest obeys feeling, true or false, and passion, good or bad.
When we play the part of a great man too much, we seem very small.
There was once a strange, small man. He decided three important details about his life: 1. He would part his hair from the opposite side to everyone else. 2. He would make himself a small, strange mustache. 3. He would one day rule the world. ...Yes, the Fuhrer decided that he would rule the world with words.
Too elevated qualities often unfit a man for society. We do not go to market with ingots, but with silver and small change.
I know that I am a small, weak man, but I have amassed a large library; I dream of dangerous places.
The difference between the smartest dog and the stupidest man - say a Tennessee Holy Roller - is really very small.
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