Top 883 Solely Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Solely quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Nothing in Nature, much less conscious being, Was e'er created solely for itself.
So when I feel the spirit upon me it's something I don't take it for granted, and I don't think I'm solely responsible for these things.
These are used solely for Blood Rites. (Leo) Is that like special ed? (Susan) — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
These are used solely for Blood Rites. (Leo) Is that like special ed? (Susan)
A priest is he who lives solely in the realm of the invisible, for whom all that is visible has only the truth of an allegory.
Women are called womanly only when they regard themselves as existing solely for the use of men.
It is inconceivable that people are motivated solely or even mainly by external incentives.
For most of my 20s I felt the need to focus solely on my goals and let nothing distract me.
if companies are in business solely to make money, no consumer can fully trust what they do or say.
Nothing can be more obvious than that all animals were created solely and exclusively for the use of man.
I do believe that our climate is changing. I don't agree that all the changes are necessarily due solely to human activity.
Man's freedom is relative and it cannot be held solely responsible for the imperfection of his nature.
Personally making a film solely for the shock value serves no purpose to me.
My issue in the past with nudity was that these scenes had been written solely for box office draw. — © Neve Campbell
My issue in the past with nudity was that these scenes had been written solely for box office draw.
If we are to succeed, we must recognize that the community redevelopment is not solely the rehabilitation of housing, or putting a mall in the business strips.
The consequence is that every man comes to know himself solely in terms of his power for defence and attack.
If you begin to consider yourself solely responsible to a political party, you're half-way to a dictatorship.
My goal was solely to fight against the aggressors, mainly the communists, who forbid my brethren to practice their religion.
Discipleship is based solely on devotion to Jesus Christ, not on following after a particular belief or doctrine.
Being thy servant, O Mary, is a surety of salvation God grants solely to those He will save.
Viewing the child solely as an immature person is a way of escaping comforting him.
I believe that producing pictures, as I do, is almost solely a question of wanting so very much to do it well.
I advise you to go on living solely to enrage those who are paying your annuities. It is the only pleasure I have left.
Who you are isn't tied solely to what you say, even though it may feel that way to you now.
None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps.
Men enter local politics solely as a result of being unhappily married.
Love is first and foremost exemplified by action - by practice - not solely by feeling.
I judge people based solely on the quality of bands on the black concert t-shirts they wear.
From the American newspapers you'd think America was populated solely by naked women and cinema stars.
I learned guitar solely for the purpose of meeting women. I'd heard it's a great lady-catcher.
Attacking another American's qualifications solely based on his ethnic background is bigotry. Plain and simple.
Versification is, indeed, indispensable for music, but rhyme, solely for rhyming's sake, most pernicious.
The howl of self-interest is loud ... but the heart is black which throbs solely to its note.
Most super PACs are a money-laundering operation that exists solely to enrich the members or its founders.
If you start out to solely make money, you will attract the wrong kind of employees.
I obviously did not volunteer to go to Afghanistan solely to protect the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.
I often wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool.
Man is not on the earth solely for his own happiness. He is there to realize great things for humanity.
What I am looking for is not happiness. I work solely because it is impossible for me to do anything else. — © Alberto Giacometti
What I am looking for is not happiness. I work solely because it is impossible for me to do anything else.
We've got to stop focusing solely on the symptoms of crime, and start caring about the causes as well.
How we put our collective talents to work is a social issue, not solely a personal one.
Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld.
The two years I spent solely writing for other people kind of took me away from myself.
To invoke solely the weaker arguments and yet triumph is an art worth more than a hundred thousand drachmae.
If deep change depended solely on outside intervention it would never happen.
Whatever authority I may have rests solely on knowing how little I know.
All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.
I've never found a client's business problem that could be solved solely through advertising.
We're finally moving out of the realm of solely discussing biology in regards to a drug-based world. — © Ryan Bethencourt
We're finally moving out of the realm of solely discussing biology in regards to a drug-based world.
Focusing solely on what you can potentially do better than any other organization is the only path to greatness.
Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to each of us.
So many directors are solely focused on their own success in Hollywood and multimillion dollar budgets and deals.
It is no longer correct to regard higher education solely as a privilege. It is a basic right in today's world.
It terrified me to have an idea that was solely mine to be no longer a part of my mind, but totally public.
I don't want to be defined solely by what I do as a jazz musician at a club or a festival. That's not all of me. It's not even close.
constituted a critical lapse in judgement and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely responsable
To be interested solely in technique would be a very superficial thing to me.
It cannot be a good thing when a club is run solely from a commercially-driven perspective.
I don't believe you can find any evidence of the fact that I have changed government policy solely because of a contribution.
The decision on the right balance between competition and investment can no longer be solely a national issue.
There comes a time in your life when you focus solely on what you believe is right, regardless of what everybody else is doing.
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