Top 1200 Something New Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Something New quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
There's something quite exciting when you have a history with somebody and you see them do new and different things.
Why do eight out of ten new consumer products fail? Sometimes because they are too new. The first cold cereals were rejected by consumers. More often new products fail because they are not new enough.
Because of new technologies, new wealth, new conditions of domestic life and of international relations, unprecedented criteria and issues are coming up for national decision.
The whole world has become a crowded theater. You could say something here in New York and have it be heard in Afghanistan and potentially trigger riots and it may be something that to you was innocent or was in jest or was satirical and it's taken out of context. I mean, a joke, a tweet or a blog post can make it halfway around the world before the context gets its boots on.
Vampires as creatures have evolved over time as different vampire bloodlines have hit different populations of humans. Every once in a while the blood will make something new and mutate into a new species with different powers, abilities, weakness, physical characteristics, and so on. I don't want to give anything away, but there are whole species and branches that date all the way back to pre-modern times.
I will never stop improving until I stop my career because I think every day you can improve, every day you can do something new, and every day you can do something better.
Don´t be unnecessarily burdened by the past. Go on closing the chapters that you have read; there is no need to go back again and again. And never judge anything of the past from the new perspective that is arriving, because the new is new, incomparably new and the old was right in its own context, and the new is right in its own context.
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. — © Walt Disney
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
I love collaborations, as every combination provides a unique opportunity to create something new.
Any time you learn something new about your character, that's really exciting.
When we're passionate about something, we have a positive attitude and embrace each day with a new outlook.
Military families are resilient through countless relocations, leaving friends, networks and transitioning to new schools and new jobs while fitting in to new communities.
I keep to old books, for they teach me something; from the new I learn very little
Rarely, someone comes around that is influenced by so many things but is looking for a new way to do something.
The new film I'm shooting in Jerusalem - which is partly why I'm here in Israel - is something I co-wrote.
A strategy is something like, an innovative new product; globalization, taking your products around the world; be the low-cost producer. A strategy is something you can touch; you can motivate people with; be number one and number two in every business. You can energize people around the message.
The energy of the crowd fuels something new inside. It reminds me to live in the moment.
Different and new is relatively easy. Doing something thats genuinely better is very hard. — © Jonathan Ive
Different and new is relatively easy. Doing something thats genuinely better is very hard.
I'm definitely drawn to things that are new, so something specifically for me would have been fun.
Samsung's future hinges on new businesses, new products and new technologies. We should make our corporate culture more open, flexible and innovative.
New ways of seeing can disclose new things: the radio telescope revealed quasars and pulsars, and the scanning electron microscope showed the whiskers of the dust mite. But turn the question around: Do new things make for new ways of seeing?
Share what you do profusely, because it will be remixed by others into something new, rich and strange.
In the rolling sea of new state, new school, new dangers everywere, Daniel was the only rock she had to hold on to.And he was adout to leave her?
New technologies can be used for destructive purposes. The answer is to develop rapid-response systems for new dangers like a bioterrorist creating a new biological virus.
He was my first boyfriend, and I made him my everything - he was my new life, my new love, my new compass point. I guess that's the danger with firsts - you lose all sense of proportion.
It seemed [there are] musical nodes on the planet where cultures meet and mix, sometimes as a result of unfortunate circumstances, like slavery or something else, in places like New Orleans and Havana and Brazil. And those are places where the European culture and indigenous culture and African culture all met and lived together, and some new kind of culture and especially music came out of that.
What I want to happen is to be really creative, and to play something new in the improvisations, every time.
If I do something for a public space, it's not something that I have in my head and go, "Oh that's a good location. I should put it here." That for me never exists. When I see the site, then I have an idea that is new and I would never do unless it's there. It's the space or the people there, which will give me the idea.
The media has a lot of power, and everything I do is what I want people to see, whether it's putting out a new single, dropping a new album, doing a new movie or new collab with a designer - this is what I want people to see.
I think people were looking for something new in the EDM scene and found it in my music.
For me, DJ culture - with its obsession with collecting records and archiving everything - predated the "cloud" concept with primitive material like the mixtape. Now we would call it "collaborative filtering" or something technical, but the impulse is the same - gather fragments, make something new. That is how you will bypass the climate-change skeptics: render them totally obsolete.
Have you ever noticed that when your mind is awakened or drawn to someone new, that person's name suddenly pops up everywhere you go? My friend Sophie calls it coincidence, and Mr. Simpless, my parson friend, calls it Grace. He thinks that if one cares deeply about someone or something new one throws a kind of energy out into the world, and "fruitfulness" is drawn in.
Give thyself time to learn something new and good, and cease to be whirled around.
One of the things I most wanted to do in New York was to go to a performance by Martha Graham. For me, she's Miss Mattie T. Graham. I thought she needed something in the middle. If she's going to be an honorary Southerner, she's got to have something in the middle, so I just put an initial T and a period.
Maybe you know exactly what it is you dream of being, or maybe you're paralyzed because you have no idea what your passion is. The truth is, it doesn't matter. You don't have to know. You just have to keep moving forward. You just have to keep doing something, seizing the next opportunity, staying open to trying something new.
New York is made up of millions of different people, and they all come here looking for something
I put pressure on myself to propose something new - I think it's the minimum that you can do as a fashion designer.
We don't do lots of jamming on stage, but I think we have the attitude of exploring things and trying something new.
I think every job that I've done to this point has had something new to challenge me.
That's the beauty with music in the digital age: you're always one follow away from experiencing something new.
If I can introduce someone to something new, as is constantly happening to me, then I am elated.
One sure-fire way to stay creative: force yourself to learn something new.
When I'm in the studio with a writer, I don't mind for them to take the lead and show me something new. — © Stefflon Don
When I'm in the studio with a writer, I don't mind for them to take the lead and show me something new.
I think the last few weeks for me have been just a very different emotional experience. Something I never thought I would feel myself. And I find...a lot of things affect me differently now. As any new parent knows, you're only too happy to show off your new child and, you know, proclaim that he is the best looking or the best everything.
The way I make art - the way a lot of people make art - is as an extension of language and communication, where references are incredibly important. It's about making a work that is inspired by something preexisting but changes it to have a new value and meaning that doesn't in any way take away from the original - and, in fact, might provide the original with a second life or a new audience.
If we go the direction that many of the leaders of this country want and close the borders and discourage new immigrants, then we are ruining the possibility of new ideas and new experiences.
I just so desperately wanted to be published in New Yorker, and I'd so desperately try to get something in it. But I'd always get nice letters back telling me that Mr. Shawn [William Shawn, the New Yorker's editor from 1952 to 1987] just didn't like this or didn't like that about what I submitted.
I hope that we're creating something that fans will look forward to for every new performance.
Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God.
America has been the New World in all tongues, to all peoples, not because this continent was a new-found land, but because all those who came here believed they could create upon this continent a new life -- a life that should be new in freedom.
I've read 'Autobiography of a Yogi' at different ages and interpret something new each time.
In my career the push has always been to take another step, to try something new.
When a market makes a historic high, it is telling you something. No matter how many people tell you why the market shouldn't be that high, or why nothing has changed, the mere fact that the price is at a new high tells you something has changed.
No, make something different from war. Don't allow your enemies to be enemies. Make them something else, because otherwise they have a power over you that they should not have. If you think in the same ways as the past, you will only get new versions of the past. Think differently. That's what I'm saying.
Before people can begin something new, they have to end what used to be and unlearn the old way. — © William Bridges
Before people can begin something new, they have to end what used to be and unlearn the old way.
My cousin Roger once told me, on the eve of his third wedding, that he felt marriage was addictive. Then he corrected himself. I mean early marriage, he said. The very start of a marriage. It's like a whole new beginning. You're entirely brand-new people; you haven't made any mistakes yet. You have a new place to live and new dishes and this new kind of, like, identity, this 'we' that gets invited everywhere together now. Why, sometimes your wife will have a brand-new name, even.
It is not enough to invent new machines, new regulations, or new institutions. We must understand differently and more perfectly the true purpose of our existence on this earth.
It's a great opportunity when one gets something new to grasp, and I feel we should just grab it.
And initially, a lot of companies avoid trying to make a really radical new kind of title for a new system, because that would involve learning a new machine and learning how to make the new title at the same time.
Step through new doors. The majority of the time there's something fantastic on the other side.
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