Top 1200 Something Real Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Something Real quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I try to show the children how every lesson I teach them is going to be something they use in their real life. That's why my kids work so hard, not because I'm so cool. They're working for themselves.
Painting is a magical process that I like, where you conjure something out of nothing; you get a little idea that leads you through ... You can go into a trance while you're doing it, so it's a nice contrast to real life.
Narrative, fiction filmmaking is the culmination of several art forms: theater, art history, architecture. Whereas doc filmmaking is more pure cinema, like cinema verité is film in its purest form. You're taking random images and creating meaning out of random images, telling a story, getting meaning, capturing something that's real, that's really happening, and render this celluloid sculpture of this real thing. That's what really separates the power of doc filmmaking from fiction.
I think there's something quite interesting about the almost tragic quality of a lot of overwrought prose, because it has a much more self-conscious awareness of its own failure to touch the real.
Now that's a concept that's always fascinated me: the real world. Only a very specific subset of people use the term, have you noticed? To me, it seems self-evident that everyone lives in the real world - we all breathe real oxygen, eat real food, the earth under our feet feels equally solid to all of us. But clearly these people have a far more tightly circumscribed definition of reality, one that I find deeply mysterious, and an almost pathologically intense need to bring others into line with that definition.
Reality's all you've got. But here's the real secret, the real miracle: it's enough. — © Brad Warner
Reality's all you've got. But here's the real secret, the real miracle: it's enough.
They made it to the middle class, my dad working as a bartender and my mother as a cashier and a maid. I didn't inherit any money from them. But I inherited something far better - the real opportunity to accomplish my dreams.
People want to see real skill level, real Jiu Jitsu, real boxing, put together and mixed up. They want to see mixed martial arts. They don't want to see five minutes of holding. I think there should be points deducted when you do that.
Movies are thankfully about real people nowadays, and I don't necessarily always look like a real person.
I believe change should come from the real leader, who can make a real peace, and his name is God.
If God exists and we are made in his image we can have real meaning, and we can have real knowledge through what he has communicated to us.
Real heroes don't wear capes. Real superheroes wear uniforms and badges and stethoscopes! Real superheroes are members of our military, law enforcement, and first responders. Pretend superheroes wear capes!
I think right about now we have to beware of marketed Malcolms and Martins. Real people do real things.
I'm 100% real, even when what's real is ugly. I don't take any pride in covering up, hiding and lying.
I feel just in terms of knowing who is real, who has got your back, and who's there for you is what helps you stay grounded and real.
Once I do something, I need to be obsessed - or maybe I don't need to be obsessed, but I get obsessed because that's just the way my brain works - but I need to pay a lot of attention to detail. Because everything counts to me once I do something, even if it's a movie that nobody cares about. That's why I need to choose very well what I want to do. But in real life, when I watch TV or whatever, I guess I'm not that obsessive guy, and I'm pretty boring.
The thrill of acting is making a character real. Modeling is the opposite of real. It's being fake in front of the camera. — © Cara Delevingne
The thrill of acting is making a character real. Modeling is the opposite of real. It's being fake in front of the camera.
I would love for us to get back to a place in this country where we have real journalists, where we have real news reporting.
I often feel that with a crime story, the moral standards have to be higher. You're deal with real victims and with real consequences.
Being trustworthy is something you are, something you stand for and a core value you live by. It isn't something you can train for nor is it something you can manipulate. You either have those values or you don't.
I'm not all dolled up. We tried to keep it as real as we could. We're telling you something that happened. It's a part of history. I hope this movie [ 'Surviving Compton'] gives you a little bit of me and of my music and my heart.
People don't understand real musicians anymore. Jack White is great - he's the real thing - but he isn't having hits.
Everyone tries to create a world he can live in, and what he can't use he often can't see. But the real world is already created, and if your fabrication doesn't correspond, then even if you feel noble and insist on there being something better than what people call reality, that better something needn't try to exceed what, in its actuality, since we know it so little, may be very surprising. If a happy state of things, surprising; if miserable or tragic, no worse than what we invent.
I was real good at music and real bad at everything else.
America deserves a real discussion about real policy.
There's a real gun culture in the U.K., for those who don't know. It's very real.
Show business is not conducive to mental stability. It's a constant rollercoaster of adrenaline spikes and devastating let-downs. There's something about seeing a face from the telly in real life that makes people deranged.
If you listen to Bryson Tiller's record, there's some real music. There's some trap stuff, but if you listen to what's on top of that stuff, that's real music. I look at that and I know it's real. I respect it immensely.
What I admire is people who are grounded and resistant to all kinds of whisperings. Kimi Raikkonen, for example. You may like him or not, but he lives his way. He does the things he has identified as worthy for him and he is not trying to be everybody’s darling. At least he doesn’t give that impression. He is straightforward and honest and he tells you if he has a bad day. Period. He is real. He’s not political. He’s never up to something. If he doesn’t want to tell you something he will say so and not hum and haw. He doesn’t beat around the bush, never coming to the point.
We have to realize only in communication, in real knowledge, in real reaching out, can there be an understanding that there's humanity everywhere, and that's what I'm trying to do.
You must have something new in a landscape as well as something old, something that's dying and something that's being born.
When you get right down to it, there's something uniquely satisfying in being gripped by a great plot, in begrudging whatever real-world obligations might prevent you from finding out what happens next.
I've got a million people telling me why I can't do it. You know, that I'm not a real designer, that I'm not this. I'm not a real rapper, either!
I love the idea of making drawings and seeing them become real. It's really like heaven to be able to draw something and then see it as a reality, even strange moments such as fire.
I think probably [Donald Trump] is not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he's trying to hide.
Zach Woods loves to go jet-skiing. That's a real thing in his real life. He's obsessed with it.
People would be surprised to see the real Sudha. I am gawky and not well dressed in my real life.
I have an array of beautiful godchildren and nephews and nieces, and children are my real thing, my real love, and I can't wait to have my own.
The real question is how do you stay funny in your 70s and 80s? And that's a real accomplishment, you know, the longevity.
Impurity is a mere superimposition under which your real nature has become hidden. But the real you is already perfect, already strong.
And all the while, I suppose," he thought, "real people were living somewhere, and real things happening to them. — © Edith Wharton
And all the while, I suppose," he thought, "real people were living somewhere, and real things happening to them.
When real independence comes to India, the Congress and the League will be nowhere unless they represent the real opinion of the country.
Girl I know it's real cause I've been around it. You only want what's real you just never found it
I want to tell authentic, real stories with real characters.
How can depression be real if our eyes arent real?
Any real person has a front and a real part to themselves.
The realization that I may have only a few good yeras remaining has hit me with real force, and I have done a lot of thinking as a result. I would like to have come up with something profound, but I haven't.
For me, luxury isn't just the real thing. It's also fake. Swarovski crystals or real diamonds? It's a game.
The sociopaths - that's the real problem. The whole street demeanor is about pretending to be a sociopath as well so that the real ones can't find you.
I get to see my baby's development. I get to change diapers, I get to be a real father, something that I didn't have growing up.
Kendrick Lamar is the real deal. He's a real artist, and he's gonna be here for awhile because this guy is seriously talented.
Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone. — © John Steinbeck
Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone.
Ronald Reagan had a kind of shallow movie-star charisma - a combination of makeup and the skill of a good actor - but it wasn't the real thing, and was something that he could turn off when the cameras weren't running.
The realization that I may have only a few good years remaining has hit me with real force, and I have done a lot of thinking as a result. I would like to have come up with something profound, but I haven't.
I'm real strong, and I'm also real feminine, and I don't find a struggle having those two things under one roof.
Potential audiences are real people found in real places.
Photography has always been important to me for that, being able to make sense of something or understand something or remember something or laugh at something.
The concept of 'Heavy Rain' is to offer real-life situations with real characters. There are no supernatural elements in the story.
The real religion is about the understanding that if we can only still our egos for a few seconds, we might have a chance of experiencing something that is divine in nature. But in order to do that, we have to slice away at our egos and try to get them down to a manageable size, and then still work some practiced light meditation. So real religion is about reducing our egos, whereas all the churches are interested in is egotistical activities, like getting as many members and raising as much money and becoming as important and high-profile and influential as possible.
Who here actually thinks I would do 50 Shades of Grey as a movie? Like really. For real. In real life.
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