Top 773 Songwriting Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Songwriting quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Isolation is a big part of songwriting.
I love songs, and I love songwriting, and there's a standard of songwriting within Chicago blues in particular. I don't like the sad blues, necessarily; the Chicago blues is what I like, which is the kind of blues you can dance to.
I didn't even know the industry of songwriting existed. I thought everybody sang songs and they were only singing the songs that they wrote. So after I found out about songwriting in college, I was like, "Okay, I want to do that."
All is fair in love and songwriting. — © Norah Jones
All is fair in love and songwriting.
Baking is more like chemistry, following certain instructions and knowing what comes out in the end. It's almost reassuring! Songwriting is a creative process where you go into a session with nothing and can come out of it with something incredible in the end. I never feel like I'm taking a risk with baking, but always with songwriting.
My songwriting process is painful. Songwriting is brilliant. It's a load of fun - when it works. It's really difficult as well.
Songwriting is therapeutic for me.
I would like the ambition to go directly into songwriting; individual songs. I want to see what I can do to push myself sonically with songwriting. I'm excited to have no parameters. When the idea shows up and I execute it to the best of my abilities and then I'm done.
I've done so much songwriting and I know how to do it.
Songwriting itself, I don't think you can really teach that.
Songwriting is as much a craft as a talent.
There's a standard of songwriting that, when you start immersing yourself in those types of songs, it raises your own bar as a songwriter. There's also simplicity in the songwriting. It's much harder to be simple than it is to be complicated.
I am really heavy into songwriting.
My songwriting is like extending a hand to the listener. — © Dave Grohl
My songwriting is like extending a hand to the listener.
Songwriting is like talking to yourself when there is no one to talk to.
My songwriting has brought so much to me as an artist and my ability that I have as an artist has brought so much to my songwriting that they live off each other. Without one, the other one dies.
Songwriting is a big deal to me.
It's amazing to me that songwriting is an actual job.
I am an open book through the songwriting.
But my strength was in singing and songwriting, which was a new discovery for me when I was 18. And I decided if I pursued songwriting, which is what was closest to my heart, then there would be no competition. I would just live my life being myself and living my dream.
Songwriting and screenwriting aren't that different to me.
I have always written poetry but I have never applied it to songwriting.
Because of my interest in songwriting, I was invited to visit a friend in L.A. for songwriting sessions with him and his friends. We wrote six songs by the end of the weekend, and 'Hide Away' happened to be one of them!
I will write a verse or a story and bring it into a songwriting session, because that's what's big in Nashville - the collaborative part of songwriting.
My songwriting is so influenced by orchestrated music, dramatic, super glam rock-y stuff. Two of my biggest influences in songwriting were Elton John and Freddie Mercury.
Songwriting was always my 'plan B'. I didn't even know that songwriting was a job until my late teens!
I wasn't born with a natural talent for songwriting.
My parents' example of a loving, caring relationship, I think, has affected my songwriting a ton and allowed me to start writing love songs that people could connect to without sounding like you're being cheesy, because they're coming from a real place, something that I saw coming up. I think they're a huge influence on my songwriting.
A lot of bands are influenced by other bands, and that informs their songwriting for sure. It definitely informs my songwriting, too. But it's more about not thinking about it, and if it comes out of you, it's better.
Location is a very important aspect to songwriting.
The idea of songwriting is a transformative thing, and what I do with songwriting is take situations that are quite ordinary and transform them in some way. Apart from things like the murder ballads, the songs I write, at their core, are quite ordinary human concerns, but the process of writing about them transforms them into something else.
You wind up creating from silence, like painting a picture on a blank canvas that could bring tears to somebody's eyes. As songwriters, our blank canvas is silence. Then we write a song from an idea that can change somebody's life. Songwriting is the closest thing to magic that we could ever experience. That's why I love songwriting.
I think I'm more prolific in the songwriting.
Songwriting is my gift from God.
Songwriting is a craft. Writing good songs on a a consistent basis doesn not happen spontaneously. In fact, most of our best songwriters learned to write good songs by writing a lot of not so good ones. Education matters in songwriting, just as it matters for physicists, chemists, doctors, lawyers and MBAs. Education lays the foundataion on which to build experience.
Songwriting is a muscle. The more you do it, the better you get at it.
Songwriting is the cheapest psychiatrist I know.
I think my favorite thing is songwriting.
We influence singing but never really songwriting. — © Charles King
We influence singing but never really songwriting.
Songwriting really anchored me.
Songwriting is what I do, and there could be worse burdens to carry.
I enjoy recording and performing, but it's the songwriting that I love most.
I enjoy songwriting. It's slow-motion improvising.
Songwriting was my own journey. I never fit in with structure in songwriting.
I really wanted to focus on my songwriting, or songwriting with other people. I wanted to go learn from other people who were really good at the classic, more traditional idea of songwriting.
I love songwriting, and rap is part of my songwriting, but I'm not a rapper.
Songwriting's a weird game.
Songwriting has always been close to me.
I feel like songwriting is an experiment in empathy. — © Zooey Deschanel
I feel like songwriting is an experiment in empathy.
My strength was in singing and songwriting, which was a new discovery for me when I was 18. And I decided if I pursued songwriting, which is what was closest to my heart, then there would be no competition. I would just live my life being myself and living my dream.
But there's a thin line between songwriting and arranging.
Much of songwriting is simply a mystery.
Songwriting is my gift from God
I don't enjoy songwriting.
I just love singing, songwriting and touring.
Songwriting for me is about zooming into the canvas, not songwriting in a typical sense.
What I took back, because of my exposure to the Jewish music of the 30s and the 40s in my upbringing with my father, was that kind of theatrical songwriting. It was always a part of my character. This desire to make people laugh...Songwriting is best. It's the hardest-finest-tightest. It also requires the most discipline.
To have John Mellencamp compliment my songwriting? That was unreal.
I love songwriting ! It's my Number One passion other than performing. Well, actually it's like wearing three different hats: songwriting, recording and performing. They're all completely different and draw on different types of skills. With recording, there are so many different phases of production, and you have to be very careful because you can polish it until it doesn't shine.
Performing is the easiest part of what I do, and songwriting is the hardest.
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