Top 1200 Soul Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Soul quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
It is not a mistress I have lost but half of myself, a soul for which my soul seems to have been made.
Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.
Christ bounds and terminates the vast desires of the soul; He is the very Sabbath of the soul. — © John Flavel
Christ bounds and terminates the vast desires of the soul; He is the very Sabbath of the soul.
It's just a goatee. That sounds kind of weird. A soul patch? I don't know how 'soul' it is.
The soul is not ruled by time and space. The soul is infinite. It blends with the One in infinity.
The soul is not a physical entity, but instead refers to everything about us that is not physical - our values, memories, identity, sense of humor. Since the soul represents the parts of the human being that are not physical, it cannot get sick, it cannot die, it cannot disappear. In short, the soul is immortal.
Fear is, I believe, a most effective tool in destroying the soul of an individual - and the soul of a people.
Speed the soft intercourse from soul to soul, And waft a sigh from Indus to the Pole.
But we need not fear that we can lose any thing by the progress of the soul. The soul may be trusted to the end.
A childish soul not inoculated with compulsory prayer is a soul open to any religious infection.
We are winning millions to Christ, one soul at a time. Every single, solitary soul is precious.
Music is a language in itself and the songs have their own soul, every song has its soul.
What the soul knows is often unknown to the man who has a soul. We are infinitely more than we think. — © Khalil Gibran
What the soul knows is often unknown to the man who has a soul. We are infinitely more than we think.
The soul knows only the soul; the web of events is the flowing robe in which she is clothed.
The soul is not a soul, Has no secret, is small, and it fits Its hollow perfectly: its room, our moment of attention.
The individual soul should seek for an intimate union with the soul of the universe.
Since each soul is some part of the Whole, it is impossible that any soul can be lost.
It is not possible to achieve by vigilance in anger and revenge what the soul is longing for. The soul longs for peace.
The devil tryna rip out my soul. Lost my soul.
Free will carried many a soul to hell, but never a soul to heaven.
All great art is the work of the whole living creature, body and soul, and chiefly of the soul.
A soul you say? Give my pocketwatch to a savage and he'll think it has a soul.
Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul.
Assuming that man has a distinct spiritual nature, a soul, why should it be thought unnatural that under appropriate conditions of maladjustment, his soul might die before his body does; or that his soul might die without his knowing it?
Laughter has been implanted in our soul, that the soul may sometime be refreshed.
Watch yourself with all diligence, lest the enemy steals near and robs you, depriving you of this great treasure, which is inner peace and stillness of soul. The enemy strives to destroy the peace of the soul, because he knows that when the soul is in turmoil it is more easily led to evil. But you must guard your peace.
The greatest joy a petty soul can taste is to dupe a great soul and catch it in a snare.
To love is to find your own soul Through the soul of the beloved one.
For then I knew my soul - every soul - has always held Him.
The soul of the poorest child is of equal dignity with the soul of Adam.
The soul is the effect and instrument of a political anatomy; the soul is the prison of the body
The habits of life form the soul, and the soul forms the physical presence.
Life was intended to be so adjusted that the body should be the servant of the soul, and always subordinate to the soul.
Love is to the soul of him who loves, what the soul is to the body which it animates.
The soul is never quiet till it comes to God . . . and that is the one thing the soul desireth.
Strength your Soul against the stalk of the Ego, make it worth of the name of Diamond Soul.
No outsourcing the "soul" of the company - let's all agree to that. But most companies are more body than soul.
you'd do anything to get a soul mate back, right?… I mean, that's the nature of soul mates. — © Emily Giffin
you'd do anything to get a soul mate back, right?… I mean, that's the nature of soul mates.
There is no soul that does not respond to love, for the soul of man is a guest that has gone hungry these centuries back.
The world has a soul and whoever understands that soul can also understand the language of many things.
And if the soul Is to know itself It is into a soul That it must look: The stranger and the enemy, we've seen him in the mirror.
No-one knows what the soul is. But what we do know is, the soul is where God works compassion
Humility is dependence on God as pride is independence of Him. The humble soul is always the thankful soul.
When someone is themselves through their music, it's soul music. James Taylor is soul music to me 'cause it's just him talking about him. It doesn't have anything to do with black or growing up in the church; it's where it comes from. It's just soul music.
Basically, Aristotle believed that every time you behaved unkind and immorally - performing actions your soul was not proud of - you tarnished your soul. The worst shape your soul became in, the worst shape your mood and spirit.
My soul is my guide, for my soul is of that abode. I will not speak of the earthly. I am of the unknown
Music connects with the soul. I think it's the quickest art form to the soul.
Ah! mon Dieu! how the mind shrinks by loving! it is true that the soul does not, but what can one do with a soul? — © Jeanne Julie Eleonore de Lespinasse
Ah! mon Dieu! how the mind shrinks by loving! it is true that the soul does not, but what can one do with a soul?
To me the soul of an Indian seemed as precious as the soul of an Englishman, and the Gospel as much for the Chinese as for the European.
When you understand that you are your soul, then you will experience Life as an expression of the soul.
All that is good in art is the expression of one soul talking to another, and is precious according to the greatness of the soul that utters it.
There must be a mirror to show the soul to itself before the soul can begin to gather its courage.
If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose.
Never tell a child 'you have a soul.' Teach him, you are a soul; you have a body.
Write from the soul, not from some notion what you think the marketplace wants. The market is fickle; the soul is eternal.
The Lord does not show Himself to a proud soul. The proud soul, no matter how many books it reads, will never know God, since by its pride it does not give place for the grace of the Holy Spirit, while God is known only by the humble soul.
I was introduced to soul music at a very young age - my mom was a soul singer.
The ego of man and woman is the soul. If the soul is independent, how then can it be isolated from the infinite whole?
Yoga is the music of the soul. So do continue, and the gates of the soul will open.
A corporation that is publicly traded, it has one goal: to make money. It doesn't have a soul. If it does have a soul, it comes from the people who run it.
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