Top 1200 South Australia Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular South Australia quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Australia has an economic interest in ensuring our cities have 21st century urban rail transport to reduce traffic congestion.
I think it's interesting that the United States and Australia are two of the most individualistic nations in the entire world in terms of national personality.
India is still searching for its first World Cup title. Australia and England have shown they are able to bounce back from disappointment. — © Mithali Raj
India is still searching for its first World Cup title. Australia and England have shown they are able to bounce back from disappointment.
I hate the feeling when I'm overseas, away from Australia, that I'm trapped, blocked by an ocean from getting to the people I love. That gives me anxiety.
I have travelled the world and lived in places such as Africa, Australia, America, and I have to say there is a great sense of belonging that comes with finally settling in Mumbai.
Another time, we had three days off in Australia, so we went out of our way to fly to Ayres Rock.
Australia is a phenomenally beautiful country, and every time I go away and come back, it never ceases to amaze me.
I actually built my own dining table back home in Australia. It's a secret hobby of mine that I weirdly find transfixing.
I am not surprised Cameron says he supports what Gillard is doing in Australia because we have, in the U.K., a totally misconceived climate change plan as well.
Liberals believe that crime is inextricably linked with poverty. In reality, most poor people never resort to crime, and some wealthy people commit evil acts to enrich themselves further. Harlem, East Los Angeles, the South side of Chicago are not the poorest communities in the United States. According to a new U.S. Bureau of the Census report, the poorest communities are Shannon County, South Dakota, followed by Starr, Texas, and Tunica, Mississippi. Have you ever heard of these residents rioting to protest their living conditions?
For sheer majestic geography and sublime scale, nothing beats Alaska and the Yukon. For culture, Japan. And for all-around affection, Australia.
When one travels around the world, one notices to what an extraordinary degree human nature is the same, whether in India or America, in Europe or Australia.
I think at times I get treated a bit unfairly, but then so do other athletes in Australia, and I feel like things can change. — © Nick Kyrgios
I think at times I get treated a bit unfairly, but then so do other athletes in Australia, and I feel like things can change.
'Legality' is a mad phrase to use when it comes to the founding of nations. Australia was founded on illegality. For the Americans to go in and dispossess the American Indians was illegal.
We have so many American and English films in Australia that we hear those accents often, so they're not too hard to pick up, but it's always a challenge.
In Australia...they celebrate Easter the telling our children a giant bunny rabbit...left chocolate eggs in the night
In Australia, there is a very famous show called 'Home and Away.' I was cast on that at 15. The day I started filming, my life changed.
It's always a fine line. If you overdo (aggression) it's 'ugly Australians', but if you have a smile on your face it's Australia being too nice.
From the Far East I send you one single thought, one sole idea - written in red on every beachhead from Australia to Tokyo - "There is no substitute for victory!"
Every fight, I try to get out there and set an example to show the rest of the world we have fighters from Australia, and we're for real, and we're here to stay.
When I came to Australia in 1987 as an adoptee from India, I could not have had any idea where my life journey would take me.
If you want to appeal to everyone, you can't do a world tour and expect black people to show up at every date - when you're in Australia, when you're in Dubai, when you're in Indonesia.
In South America euphemism appears to be the grisly preserve of violent power. 'Liberty' was the name of the biggest prison in Uruguay under the military dictatorship, while in Chile one of the concentration camps was called 'Dignity.' It was the self-styled 'Peace and Justice' paramilitary group in Chiapas [Mexico] that in 1997 shot 45 peasants in the back, nearly all of them women and children, as they prayed in a church. What have the souls of the south done over the past few decades to deserve quite so much liberty and dignity and peace and justice?
Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to Aboriginals.
The truth is that we have long had a multi-track Europe with very different objectives. The traditional differences between the north and the south in fiscal and economic policy are far less problematic than those that exist between Eastern and Western Europe. In the south and east, China is steadily gaining more influence, such that a few EU member states no longer dare to make decisions that run counter to Chinese interests. You see it everywhere: China is the only country in the world that has a real geopolitical strategy.
I spent seven years in clubs in England, Australia, etc. Not all comedians cross over to sell out in a theatre.
Every man's got to find themselves, and I found myself in bloody Western Australia, of all places - there was as far away as I could.
Jimmy Grants is my first stop every time I go home to Australia. They make the best souvlakis you have ever tasted.
I was in Australia for nine years. I decided to come back in 2015 to set up some interesting projects in my own country.
They make about three mini-series a year in Australia and then they put two of them up against each other!
My parents and my grandfather on my mom's side would travel the earth. They went to Australia and China, and they went to probably every soccer game I ever played.
Without social media, I wouldn't have young girls messaging me from Australia or Mexico City or the Midlands, but I do wonder if I'd be on it if it wasn't part of my job.
Australia's a place I've always wanted to visit because of the beautiful beaches. I am surprised by how cosmopolitan the cities are; it wasn't what I expected.
Per capita, I would say that Australia has more biomimetic projects going than many other countries I've been to.
My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. She's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia
When we heard that actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, who were also in Australia, had contracted coronavirus, it was alarming.
I would love to make a film in the outback or in Papua New Guinea, in Port Moresby. I know that it's not in Australia, but it's not too far.
I knew a bit but we don't study a lot of British history at school in Australia. We have our own 50-year period to concentrate on. — © Eric Bana
I knew a bit but we don't study a lot of British history at school in Australia. We have our own 50-year period to concentrate on.
When I have a bad day, I dream about opening up a gelato stand on the streets of Sydney, Australia. Doesn't everyone have a random escape fantasy?
Cricket is semi-pro for women in Australia, but the girls work damn hard, and it's credit to them to try and grow the sport.
People forget that a huge proportion of our jobs still depend on agricultural production in Australia so of course there are exports. That's easily overlooked.
Even when I was dating a man I always said I'd never get married until marriage equality was passed in Australia. It wouldn't feel right.
Australia as a nation, as a set of cities and some regional centres, that project died a death and we didn't get it up, but I still think there's merit in that.
We need to act now. Otherwise the biodiversity that makes Australia so wonderfully unique is going to be lost to us forever.
Having all this success in Australia is life-changing and incredible and has given me the opportunity to come to the U.S. and get started over here.
The two things that I miss most when living out of Australia are the bush and the Pacific coast, especially fishing in the surf at night!
Growing up in Australia, we didn't really go on holiday. We lived beside the beach, so when I walked out of the back gate I was on the sand.
The challenge that climate change presents to us, both in Australia and around the world, won't be solved by ramping up the nuclear industry. — © Peter Garrett
The challenge that climate change presents to us, both in Australia and around the world, won't be solved by ramping up the nuclear industry.
Under Howard, federal government support for black Australia slowly dried up. Services were slashed, native title restricted.
I was 12-13 years old, nobody knows the sort of life I had. We came to Australia with basically nothing. It was tough.
Australia can no longer afford to go down the path of confrontation and fragmentation which has embittered and disfigured so many aspects of the national life.
Don't you stupid Aussies get it? Australia is doomed! Nothing, and nobody, can help you. You have sinned willfully after you have received knowledge of the truth.
I think when you come to Australia you immediately get the sense of fitness and taking care of yourself and being healthy, and it really shows.
As a Latin musician, I understand that there are so many places where people don't know who I am. My albums never came out in Australia or Japan.
My point was that the war was intrinsically wrong, and as a result of our participation we haven't improved Australia's security but created a greater danger at home and abroad.
I was at number one in Australia with both my album and my single. And then I was told I had cancer. I thought, 'What a strange turn of events.'
The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation.
I have friends who come to the Australia Zoo, and it's just, instead of playing video games, we get to hug and kiss a giraffe or walk a tiger.
One meal I'm constantly reminded about is when I ate kangaroo tail in the desert in Australia; it wasn't necessarily my favorite, but I will always remember it.
I travel way too much to have any pets. But if I could have one, I'd want a quokka. They're basically small kangaroos native to Western Australia.
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