Top 1200 Speaking Out Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Speaking Out quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm not violent, I don't believe in killing people, but standing up for yourself, speaking out against injustice, is another form of vengeance.
I am so proud of Pakistanis and specifically of our lawyers for speaking out and getting their heads bashed in for a better Pakistan.
There are examples of ex-presidents speaking out. Jimmy Carter has not held back on a variety of issues. Harry Truman didn't. — © Robert Dallek
There are examples of ex-presidents speaking out. Jimmy Carter has not held back on a variety of issues. Harry Truman didn't.
As a foreign worker in Haiti, speaking for myself, speaking for the workers, our organization is about 95 percent Haitian, but even foreign workers driving through, we have had very minimal security issues.
A public role endures for the literary high-command, as sages and seers, speaking out on social and political issues.
One of the things you learn in government is there's a long tail to American decision-making when it comes to foreign policy. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem, pulling out of the Iran deal, pulling out of Paris, not speaking up for democratic values - the world doesn't end the next day.
I met one child there eleven years old, speaking three languages [in Guinea]. He could speak English, French and Malinke. Speaking my language actually better than I could. And this hypocrisy - they tell us here in America [ that black people can't be intelligent].
You know I still get nervous speaking in front of people. Speaking reminds me of pitching in that way. No matter how much you prepare, there is always that anxiety to perform. Those butterflies. You learn to embrace that stress. Eventually you realize that stress is what pushes you to perform at your peak.... But man the roller coaster! I told myself that after my career was over I would live my life quietly, out of the public eye, with no chance of embarrassing myself in front of large groups of people. I am!
Speaking out, sharing what you think, and expressing yourself - regardless of sexuality or anything else - is the most important thing you can do as a man, as a human.
To hint at a fault does more mischief than speaking out; for whatever is left for the imagination to finish will not fail to be overdone.
I have to say, speaking from experience, just because an actor starts out in a role in the workshop, they won't necessarily play it when it goes to Broadway.
[Speaking of marriage and family] In this entire world there is not a more perfect, more complete image of God, Unity and Community. There is no other human reality which corresponds more, humanly speaking, to that divine mystery.
Some people are diplomatic, some people are outspoken, but the next generation is very clear. People are speaking their mind out. People are worried about other things besides their own careers. It's not accurate to say that they don't speak out.
Do you remember that in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, "How well he spoke" but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they said, "Let us march.
I've always been enthralled with chaos and mayhem musically, and I loved speaking out and challenging stuff, and I thought, why is my music not representing this? — © Yungblud
I've always been enthralled with chaos and mayhem musically, and I loved speaking out and challenging stuff, and I thought, why is my music not representing this?
I am fortunate that I have a good support network who I felt I could say, 'Hey, I need to find out why I am speaking like this,' and they could find out who I needed to speak to.
You learn about yourself when you're collecting art. You learn what you're capable of. After all, we're not speaking about pennies-we're speaking about vast sums of money. I do it on my own back without advice, so I've got the confidence to do it.
Speaking out and creating art that truly reflects the world we live in goes part of the way towards doing that. At least that's what I hope.
Many scientists have been drawn to Buddhism out of a sense that the Western tradition has delivered an impoverished conception of basic, human sanity. In the West, if you speak to yourself out loud all day long, you are considered crazy. But speaking to yourself silently - thinking incessantly - is considered perfectly normal.
I believe, in a funny way, the job of the novelist is to be out there on the fringes and speaking for an experience that has not really been spoken for.
To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.
The people in Arab countries are now speaking out and asking many questions about human rights, minorities, religion, democracy, "the other," and so on.
More recently I've come to terms with what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. That's why you start to see me recoiling from 'let's put out radio records, let's get rich and get on out of here.' I have gone towards more speaking to kids and putting out records that I like.
Just as a little bird cracks open the shell and flies out, we fly out of this shell, the shell of the body. We call that death, but strictly speaking, death is nothing but a change of form.
We seldom repent of speaking little, very often of speaking too much: a vulgar and trite maxim, which all the world knows and, but which all the world does not practice
Speak not at all, in any wise, till you have somewhat to speak; care not for the reward of your speaking, but simply and with undivided mind for the truth of your speaking.
My original plan was to graduate high school and major in computer engineering at college. That went out the window, and I said, 'I have to do something with speaking.'
When Eternity is considered to be the Beginning, then our speaking of the Beginning of the Begun is nothing but our speaking of the Eternity of the Eternal or our speaking of the Eternity of the Begun.
Men who believe that they are accomplishing something by speaking speak in a different way from men who believe that speaking is a waste of time.
When you repeat yourself so many times, even if you're speaking the truth, the repetition starts to feel false. Sometimes, you just feel like the words you're speaking, even if they once had meaning, have lost it. And that makes you feel kind of silly.
Finally, fighting for gay rights, speaking out in various places and making friends, men and women, was great.
Anyone who's making a huge impact or speaking out about what they believe in or who's brave enough to be themselves is a superhero to me.
In the bad sixties, when drugs came into widespread use among adolescents and when Scarsdale mothers developed the habit of not asking about each others children for fear of what they'd hear, one knew that they were speaking-or not speaking, keeping their unhappy silence-on behalf of stricken motherhood everywhere in the country.
I never saw fairy tales as an escape or a cop-out... On the contrary, speaking for myself, it is the way to understand reality.
I see myself as the oldest griot tradition of speaking to truth out here. There's a dark side that people don't even know is there.
Practice, practice, practice in speaking before an audience will tend to remove all fear of audiences, just as practice in swimming will lead to confidence and facility in the water. You must learn to speak by speaking.
I am not going to stop speaking out on behalf of policies that I think are right - regardless of ideology, party or political expediency.
Doreen had intuition. Everything she said was like a secret voice speaking straight out of my own bones. — © Sylvia Plath
Doreen had intuition. Everything she said was like a secret voice speaking straight out of my own bones.
It took awhile for me to get used to speaking candidly about my own life. I got into it, and it turned out to be a wonderful experience.
Donald Trump's impulsivity concerns me. He's fanning the flames of xenophobia and Islamophobia and the American people are speaking out against it.
Yeah, I kind of looked around and I can't understand why nobody else is speaking up. Later when I faced the backlash of speaking up, I realized why nobody did.
I remember hearing my mom saying so many times we should never have left Korea. She would see the way that I was growing up and the fact that I was speaking English and not speaking Korean as well, and she would fear the things that we were forgetting.
Normally I didn’t see a great deal. I didn’t hear a great deal either. I didn’t pay attention. Strictly speaking I wasn’t there. Strictly speaking I believe I’ve never been anywhere.
We wait, all, for a story of us that shall reach to where we are. We listen for our own speaking; and we hear much that seems our speaking, yet makes us strange to ourselves.
When you speak in other tongues, no one understands what you're saying, because you're speaking to God. It's a direct communication between your spirit and God. You're speaking the language that only He understands.
The (post) structuralist temper requires too great a depersonalization of the writing/speaking subject. Writing becomes plagiarism; speaking becomes quoting. Meanwhile, we do write, we do speak.
The #metoo campaign opened a particular window into the gender dynamics in technology, with many prominent women speaking out.
You can't be afraid to speak the truth. If you're speaking truthfully - no matter if you're White, Black, Hispanic, Asian - if it's the truth, it's the truth! And if that's what you're telling, you have no reason to be fearful, or, worry about people trying to diffuse what you're doing. Because, if you're speaking the truth, they can't beat the truth.
On a daily basis, it's heartbreaking to see women put up with violence for years silently and feel ashamed of speaking out about it.
People always put you in a box as a rapper, especially when I get up on a panel and start speaking, and I start speaking when I got some sense. They're like, 'Oh, well, I didn't expect him to have sense.'
But generally speaking, I felt to engage in the political process was to sully oneself to such a degree that whatever came out wasn't worth the trouble put in. — © John Perry Barlow
But generally speaking, I felt to engage in the political process was to sully oneself to such a degree that whatever came out wasn't worth the trouble put in.
What I've learned is that people have a desire to talk after the first line of reporters go away, and they are no longer speaking out of shock.
Whether I go to English-speaking countries or non-English-speaking countries I can just modulate to what works for them.
As a former victim of childhood sexual abuse, my position is unwavering when it comes to speaking out against the hypersexualization of our children.
If you're doing something in the city, then hopefully you're speaking to somebody who has an open mind who is walking by. And you're also speaking to a community of other people who do similar types of work. I like to think that the outdoor community is broad and able and open for anybody to see.
There's a better way to speak out against President Putin and call out his bigotry for exactly what it is: speaking up for equal rights and educating people around the world about the persistence of homophobia. Rather than boycott, I, along with several amazing organizations including Athlete Ally and All Out, plan to use the Sochi Games as a teachable moment for the world.
Protecting animals is very important to me, and I think speaking out against fur is an amazing cause.
For many years, I didn't even like the idea of doing a one-person play. Public speaking got me past that. I've always been good at public speaking, but I never really enjoyed it. Then I started to really enjoy it, and that's made all the difference.
Speaking out against social media giants like Facebook is intimidating, particularly when I come forward as a whistleblower.
Gwendolen, it is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth. Can you forgive me?
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