Top 1200 Special Olympics Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Special Olympics quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Everybody talks about the FA Cup being special, and now I know from personal experience it is really special to be involved in.
The special relationship between the region and a regional celebrity means that people feel that they have a special investment in you.
Braxton Miller is a special football player and has been special since he stepped on campus. — © Cris Carter
Braxton Miller is a special football player and has been special since he stepped on campus.
Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion; today is special.
We will try to raise awareness in Europe for the special situation and the special security needs of Israel.
Now, Jews integrate but they don't destroy their institutions. They don't close the synagogue. They don't stop having special Jewish graveyards. They don't stop having special Jewish holidays. Why can't we understand that we can have things special to us and still comingle and integrate with others.
Once a place becomes special, it's no longer special.
When 9/11 happened, I was like, 'I gotta do something.' I went and talked to the recruiters, and I found out about the Special Forces 18X program. They take qualified people off the street, and they give them a shot at Special Forces. I was like, 'So I could go try out for Special Forces?'
Winning a Super Bowl is hard to do from the jump. I think that what's special about it is to attain it, it requires a special group of guys with the right DNA to do be able to do it.
My life story is very special. I was raised with a special family as both my parents are teachers. They decided before I was born that I was going to be a chess champion.
Liverpool was a special city that took to me; I will always remember how special that place was. I obviously don't miss the rain.
You're special, if you have some power in the world. People are looking at you and they think you're special.
If you're feeling insecure and you need to feel special, the best place to go is somewhere foreign where people treat you as special because you're different. — © Kristin Scott Thomas
If you're feeling insecure and you need to feel special, the best place to go is somewhere foreign where people treat you as special because you're different.
None of us is born thinking we are ordinary. Feeling special is an essential part of the human birthright. If you don't think you are special, you won't seek to contribute your gift to the world.
Children are just so special that everything they do is special.
Know this. I think you could be special if you only thought there was anything special about yourself.
It is the special privilege of the fine artist to reveal immediate data with a clarity, intensity and purity that promotes them to a special degree of reality.
Perhaps, when a man has special knowledge and special powers like my own, it rather encourages him to seek a complex explanation when a simpler one is at hand.
I knew for a fact it was special, but at the same time, every single song I make, I know it's special. So 'Mine' was a completely similar feeling as I feel about all my other music.
I'm going to a special place when I die, but I want to make sure my life is special while I'm here.
We are called with a special calling, and we have a special mission to perform.
I think hand-drawn animation can be something really special. If the character design is quite simple it has the ability to allow people to easily relate to the characters in a special manner.
Derbies are always special, special games and moments for the city and the people.
Naina is one of the most special films & special characters that I've played in recent times
It's always special when you receive an award. Up here in the big leagues is special.
Are there experts, ethical experts, that's very offensive to all of us? Because it's part of our humanity to have a stake in these questions to feel that we ourselves know the difference between right and wrong. And then along come these experts, philosophers, claiming, you know, an expertise, a special training, a special skill, a special talent.
I'm not special, no more special than anybody else.
I do believe I am special. My special gift is my vision, my commitment, and my willingness to do whatever it takes.
We don't use Hubble to stare at Jupiter unless there's a special event or some special reason.
Life is meant to be a celebration! It shouldn't be necessary to set aside special times to remind us of this fact. Wise is the person who finds a reason to make every day a special one.
Tanks are new and special weapon-newer than, as special, and certainly as valuable as the airplane.
She lifted the drooping muzzle with both hands...It was a special embrace saved for special occasions.
That 'Zombieland' thing was pretty great. I think I didn't realize just how lucky I was after that first movie, to have something so special and to have a cast that's so special.
The left think that America is a special place, but not because of anything the people here did to make it special. It just happens to be. And the people who were here are here simply by winning life's lottery. It's all fate; it's all luck. And if anybody else in the world wants to come to this one special place, then nobody has the right to tell them they can't because we are all immigrants.
47 Ronin is a very special movie for me. Not only a Samurai thing. Not only a Hollywood fantasy. It has a very special mixture between Japanese traditional culture and Western culture for the costume, set, story. Everything. I believe it will be a very special film that no one has ever seen.
Ultimately, much of the dysfunction in Congress is due to the impact of big money, which drowns out the voices of working families and leads to the special treatment of special interests.
I think a nice romantic dinner should be saved for when you and the girl you're dating or seeing have something special and it's a more special occasion.
The pressure of special interests, the demands of special sections of the state, the needs of friends, all must be subordinated to the good of the people as a whole. — © Arthur Capper
The pressure of special interests, the demands of special sections of the state, the needs of friends, all must be subordinated to the good of the people as a whole.
Don't wish for "secrets" of the masters, either. There are none worth fooling with. They had no special mediums or paints, nor special brushes that made their work great.
The sport has changed so much since 2004, it's incredible. If you look even at me, the way I'm fencing now compared to 2004, it's a completely different sport. They've changed so many things just with what [the referees] are calling, they've changed the timing of the [scoring] lights. You always have to be evolving as a fencer. The Olympics is interesting because it's such a small field compared to what we're used to. This world championships, I think we had a hundred and something [athletes]. The Olympics is going to be less than 32.
Some of the events in the Olympics don't make sense to me. I don't understand the connection to any reality... Like in the Winter Olympics they have that biathlon that combines cross-country skiing with shooting a gun. How many alpine snipers are into this? Ski, shoot a gun... ski, bang, bang, bang... It's like combining swimming and strangling a guy. Why don't we have that? That makes absolutely as much sense to me. Just put people in the pool at the end of each lane for the swimmers.
Songs are like children. They are all special to me - you can't just pick a favorite. Of course, 'Lucky Man' was a special tune with a wonderful story behind it. They have all done different things.
It's the Basketball Hall of Fame, not the NBA Hall of Fame. So, for basketball, I played in Olympics; I played in the Junior Olympics. With what I've done and given to basketball is all Hall of Fame.
This was a special week and a special victory for me. I played some great tennis.
You sense when something is special, but you don't know how special it is until it's in front of an audience.
The building is a special place because of its architecture; But it's people who make it special by participating in it.
Being loyal through thick and thin, ups and downs, it makes the special moments that much more special.
I get the ideas from everything. Children sometimes think you have to have special experiences to write, but good writing brings out what's special in ordinary things. — © Laurence Yep
I get the ideas from everything. Children sometimes think you have to have special experiences to write, but good writing brings out what's special in ordinary things.
If you want me to rule out ever being Manchester United manager, I can't. Special clubs need special managers, so in theory it could work.
The voice of women has a special role and a special soul force in the struggle for a nonviolent world.
See, I never wrote arrangements for the band for Judy Garland; I did strictly special material, special lyrics, put together all of her medleys.
If this is understood then things become very clear. Misery makes you special. Happiness is a universal phenomenon, there is nothing special about it.
I have to reserve special thanks to the United fans - whose support has been a very special part of my time in Manchester.
I share a special bond with Ajax. I think we are a special club. And we're known for our philosophy around the world.
It was a very magical upbringing, the quality of feeling special, and people treated us special. You tried real hard to remember all the normal things so you didn't get twisted.
I don't want that title to come to my hands and be like, 'nah, I don't feel like it was deserved or it wasn't earned or whatever' - not saying that any of my accolades weren't, but I want it to be special. I want it to be super special and just super dope, and even if it's not special to everybody else, at least it is to me.
Before I knew I was going to the Derby, I had my shrink on call. It's a special, special moment.
I will get out there and train harder than anyone, five times a day sometimes. You have to be a special person to do that - like, special forces, military maybe.
We have to have a special insight, or we'll put it in the 'too tough' basket. All of you have to look for a special area of competency and focus on that.
I love the sport, I haven't made millions off of it so maybe that's why I just feel like a normal person, I just feel regular, so that when I walk out of my house now with people requesting autographs in the middle of Albertson's aisles. I realize that I did go to the Olympics and did come back with a gold medal, but this is all strange. Somebody pinch me please, because I'm just here on my couch at night watching the Olympics now like everyone else in the world.
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