Top 1200 Speed Limits Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Speed Limits quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
What is speed? The sports press often confuses speed with insight. See, if I start running slightly earlier than someone else, I seem faster.
Because terms limits are so popular, the interest of a member of Congress in staying in office would be congruent with supporting my term limits joint resolution.
I took a speed reading course and my speed shot up to 43 pages a minute, but my comprehension plummeted. — © Brian Regan
I took a speed reading course and my speed shot up to 43 pages a minute, but my comprehension plummeted.
The limits of my language means the limits of my world.
I think it's better to have limits. My limits are different from other people's limits. I'm all for freedom, I'm all for people doing what they want. I'm also all for people shouldering the consequences of their behaviors, and not being assholes, and not lying unless they need to, and being honest except when you shouldn't, and being faithful except when it's okay to cheat. I guess I'm just a mass of contradictions.
There is one grand lie - that we are limited. The only limits we have are the limits we believe.
Don't do speed, speed turns you in to your parents.
If you have to choose between power and speed and it often turns out you have to make that choice, you've got to go for speed.
Sometimes, when I was really loaded, I'd sit on the floor and sort out every nut and bolt in the house. It was just sheer insanity. And often there'd be speed in the cut, so I was a speed freak, too.
Experience constantly proves that every man who has power is impelled to abuse it; he goes on till he is pulled up by some limits. Who would say it! virtue even has need of limits.
IQ is equivalent to chip speed, and superior chip speed will enable certain things that inferior chip speed will not enable. The same is true about just about any human attribute you can think of that has no relationship to IQ whatsoever.
The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.
Before I had my child, I thought I knew all the boundaries of myself, that I understood the limits of my heart. It's extraordinary to have all those limits thrown out, to realize your love is inexhaustible.
To have good farming or good land use of any kind, you have got to have limits. Capitalism doesn't acknowledge limits. — © Wendell Berry
To have good farming or good land use of any kind, you have got to have limits. Capitalism doesn't acknowledge limits.
We must speed up the deployment of broadband in order to bring high-speed data services to homes and businesses. The spread of information technology has contributed to a steady growth in U.S. productivity.
If I had to name the number one asset you could have for any sport I'd say speed. In baseball, all a guy with speed has to do is make contact.
Obviously, I don't have any real speed to work with so I have to use other things. The modern game is very speed based so as soon as managers see that you haven't got that pace it can be tough.
We make boundaries so that we can feel separate and move coherently through the world: it's part of our necessary natural growth to do that. In doing it, we forget the secret, which is that we are not separate... Respect your limits. Love your limits; they protect you from an abundance so immense it can be intolerable. If, however, you stretch your limits also, you will move in the direction of receiving and becoming unconditional love.
The 2 timeless drivers that underpin the behavior of every generation: the need to belong and the need to be significant. The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Only God has no limits (except those he voluntarily imposes on himself). The mantra "no limits" is actually a call to idolatry.
Any fool can see the limits of seeing, but not even the wisest know the limits of knowing. Thus is ignorance rendered invisible, and are all Men made fools.
Whether we like it or not, each of us is constrained by limits on what we can do and feel. To ignore these limits leads to denial and eventually to failure. To achieve excellence, we must first understand the reality of the everyday, with all its demands
You can't have a relationship with a device whose limits are unknown to you, because without limits, it keeps becoming something else.
I'm going to focus on speed, doing little things like my turns and my starts - just speed.
Take the American declaration of Independence. It contains no mention of territorial limits. We are not obliged to fix the limits of the State.
The power of magic has no known limits. A person knows, in a fair way, his own physical capacities, the weight of the blows he can deal, the furthest range of his arrows, the strength of his voice, the speed and endurance of his running; but the reaches of his mind are indefinite and, to his feeling, infinite.
Some day man will travel at the speed of light, of small interest to those of us still trying to catch up to the speed of time.
Mysticism and exaggeration go together. A mystic must not fear ridicule if he is to push all the way to the limits of humility or the limits of delight.
I've always found that the speed of the boss is the speed of the team.
In the cage, you can't say, 'Oh wait, that's off limits.' There's no timeouts, there's no substitutions and there's no saying my knee is off limits. This is a full contact sport.
I've always been working hard on my speed for the last few years. Obviously I'm not slow, but as a striker, the more speed you have, the better you are.
My A-number one visceral fear is speed. More than knives or snakes or confined spaces. Speed. I won't even go on a motor boat if I can help it.
I feel that I'm more of a speed player, being able to rush the edge with a lot of speed coming around the corner. But I also have the athletic ability to cover and play in space.
You push the limits and you find out where the limits are.
When you watch some old sitcoms, however charming they are, they have often lost speed over the years. The speed of 'Fawlty Towers' has lasted the distance.
In software speed to market, speed to learning is really key. In hardware if you screw it up you are dead. So accuracy really matters.
Based on my experience; I would develop fast speed before anything else. Get your young runners so they can run and teach them speed.
I want to be remembered as an imaginer, someone who used his imagination as a way to journey beyond the limits of self, beyond the limits of flesh and blood, beyond the limits of even perhaps life itself, in order to discover some sense of order in what appears to be a disordered universe. I'm using my imagination to find meaning, both for myself and, I hope, for my readers."-Clive Barker
God has been pleased to prescribe limits to his power and to work out his ends within these limits. — © William S. Paley
God has been pleased to prescribe limits to his power and to work out his ends within these limits.
The task of science, therefore, is not to attack the objects of faith, but to establish the limits beyond which knowledge cannot go and found a unified self-consciousness within these limits.
You know, you look at term limits, you poll term limits, 70, 80 percent of Republicans or Democrats are for it.
The only thing faster than the speed of thought is the speed of forgetfulness. Good thing we have other people to help us remember.
To speak of 'limits to growth' under a capitalistic market economy is as meaningless as to speak of limits of warfare under a warrior society.
My limits are limitless. I find my limits every time I act.
The 'Ramayana' explores the limits of secular freedom and the limits of religion.
I'd like to see fashion slow down a bit. What freaks me out about fashion today is the speed - the speed of consuming, the speed of ideas. When fashion moves so fast, it takes away something I always loved, which is the idea that fashion should be slightly elusive. Hard to grasp, hard to find.
Beyond the limits there lies other limits.
Driving at high speed where safe and legal is part of my life. As well as a higher top speed I wanted even better stability in my FX and that meant work on the aerodynamics.
Off the field, all my training is speed and quickness. The agility work, the cones, training with my track coach and keeping my speed. — © DeSean Jackson
Off the field, all my training is speed and quickness. The agility work, the cones, training with my track coach and keeping my speed.
It is consciousness that sets all limits of life, if there are any limits.
Humanity must have a speed of advance higher than the speed of advance of cosmic disasters or big global catastrophes!
We are pushing the limits on the chassis and the engine sides a lot in order to have a competitive car, and this is why we are winning races, but also, if you push the limits at a certain stage, you find them.
I kind of enjoy the limits. If you've got no limits, you can do absolutely anything, it's very difficult, actually. I always enjoyed working with machines like color photocopiers and letter-pressing type settings, things where the limits are very apparent. You push the machine to do something, and it tries to do its best, and it usually has wonderful qualities all of its own. Then you get a sort of dialogue going, and the limitations become qualities.
The only limits we have are the limits we give ourselves.
The catechism says rich nations should welcome strangers within the limits of the possible. In Italy, we have reached the limits of the possible.
Good technique includes quick changes, great variety and speed. It may be a system of reversals much like a concept of God and the Devil. In the speed of events, which one is really in charge? Do they change places with lightning speed? The Chinese believe so. To put the heart of the martial arts in your own heart and have it be a part of you means total comprehension.
The terror of the atom age is not the violence of the new power but the speed of man's adjustment to it, the speed of his acceptance.
We should set goals within the limits of our resources while working to the limits of our powers.
I am thrilled to be alive at time when humanity is pushing against the limits of understanding. Even better, we may eventually discover that there are no limits.
The Master Speed No speed of wind or water rushing by but you have speed far greater. You can climb back up a stream of radiance to the sky, and back through history up the stream of time. And you were given this swiftness, not for haste nor chiefly that you may go where you will, but in the rush of everything to waste, that you may have the power of standing still-- off any still or moving thing you say. Two such as you with such a master speed From one another once you are agreed that life is only life forevermore together wing to wing and oar to oar.
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