Top 1200 Spiritual Intelligence Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Spiritual Intelligence quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
Bible Gateway has created a way to make the Word of God accessible and reflective of the technological world we live in. Bible Gateway has proven that embracing innovation can bring people closer to God. I've used unconventional ways to bridge the gap between the secular and the spiritual worlds in my own career, so I admire Bible Gateway's bold, brilliant, and effective way of contributing to the spiritual journeys of many people around the world.
It is intelligence that brings order, not discipline.
I'm a big advocate of financial intelligence. — © Daymond John
I'm a big advocate of financial intelligence.
Second, if you disbelieve in the reality of good and evil spirit agents, you fundamentally change the narrative of Scripture. The motif of spiritual warfare is a through-line of both the Old and New Testaments (NT). And in the NT, the meaning of what Jesus was doing in his life, ministry, death and resurrection is fundamentally tied up with the belief in spiritual warfare. Take away Satan, and you take away one of the most fundamental reasons Jesus came to earth!
If it were a fact, it wouldn't be called intelligence.
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence.
There is a spiritual capacity in carbon as there is a carbon component functioning in our highest spiritual experience. If some scientists consider that all this is merely a material process, then what they call matter, I call mind, soul, spirit, or consciousness. Possibly it is a question of terminology, since scientists too on occasion use terms that express awe and mystery. Most often, perhaps, they use the expression that some of the natural forms they encounter seem to be "telling them something."
Wealth can be created. Wit and intelligence can't.
Dancing: The Highest Intelligence in the Freest Body.
One definition of man is an intelligence served by organs.
If you meditate long enough, deep enough, it is impossible for you to hurt anybody for food; it is impossible. It is not a question of argument, it is not a question of scriptures, it is not who says what, it is not a question of calculating that if you take vegetarian food you will become spiritual; it is automatic. It is not a question of cunningness, you simply become spiritual. The whole thing seems so absurd. Just for food, killing animals, birds, seems so absurd, it falls down.
To lack intelligence is to be in the ring blindfolded.
I've never thought intelligence was age-related. — © Michael De Luca
I've never thought intelligence was age-related.
There is huge demand for artificial intelligence technologies.
Intelligence is not discernment and judgment or critical evaluation.
Artificial intelligence is a tool, not a threat
Intelligence seems to blossom in the barest ground.
Poets are the sense, philosophers the intelligence of humanity.
I don't view wealth as something that validates my intelligence.
Intelligence is the handmaiden of flexibility and change.
Yet spiritual realizations often remain compartmentalized, apart from everyday life, or become used as a rationale for living in an impersonal or soulless way. That is why, if we are to live our realizations and bring them into this world, we also need to work on the vessel of spirit - our embodied humanity. Soulwork is the forging of this vessel... If spiritual work brings freedom, soulwork brings integration. Both are necessary for a complete human life.
I believe in the great spirit and intelligence of Americans.
Intelligence is derived from two words
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.
I want to exude strength and intelligence.
In the Lord's discourse on spiritual nourishment, we hear Him says: "Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life." (John 6:27). He then continued by talking about the true bread from Heaven the bread of God, and the bread of life. (John 6:32-35). Here He appeals to the soul for its nourishment and our thoughts to the spiritual way so as not to occupy our minds with the body and its needs.
Intelligence is ten million rules.
I think funniness is a sign of intelligence.
Cynicism is the intellectual cripple's substitute for intelligence.
Fools do not understand men of intelligence.
My conservatory is in the streets. My intelligence is instinct.
In reality, serial killers are of average intelligence.
Therefore a person fully absorbed in the bodily concept of life is surely killing himself by not making spiritual progress. Such a person is called pasu-ghna. Especially excluded from spiritual life are the animal hunters, who are not interested in hearing and chanting the holy name of the Lord. Such hunters are always unhappy, both in this life and in the next. It is therefore said that a hunter should neither die nor live because for such persons both living and dying are troublesome.
When dealing with a difficult person, all that matters from a spiritual standpoint is how you react and treat the person. It's not about getting the other person to change or agree with you. Your spiritual growth is all about the way that YOU deal with the relationship, the person, and the situation. Even if the situation would justify you acting harshly, resist this temptation. Ask for heaven to purify and uplift your thoughts and feelings so that everything you do and say is aligned with Divine Love. This is the path and purpose of the lightworker. This is why you are here.
Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.
A man that advances in spiritual and in temporal matters at the same time, minding to keep the spiritual first, will not let the temporal lead him; he will not place his heart upon his farm, his horses, or any possession that he has. He will place his desires in heaven, and will anchor his hope in that eternal soil; and his temporal affairs will come up as he advances in the knowledge of God.
I see fear as a sign of intelligence, of preservation. — © Rickson Gracie
I see fear as a sign of intelligence, of preservation.
The first duty of intelligence is to recognize the obvious.
Interviews can be stimulating. It depends on the intelligence of the interviewer.
Everywhere, I'm looking to reach elegance and intelligence.
Our personal intelligence is everlasting and divine.
Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined
I tend to equate sadness with intelligence.
Intelligence is a mere instrument of circumstances.
My biggest turn-on has to be brains, intelligence.
Concealed in every new situation we face is a spiritual lesson to be learned and a spiritual blessing for us if we learn that lesson. It is good to be tested. We grow and learn through passing tests. I look upon all my tests as good experiences. Before I was tested, I believed I would act in a loving or non-fearing way. After I was tested, I knew! Every test turned out to be an uplifting experience. And it is not important that the outcome be according to our wishes.
You are a being composed of light, love, and intelligence. — © Doreen Virtue
You are a being composed of light, love, and intelligence.
Complexity has nothing to do with intelligence, simplicity does.
There is a lot of strength and intelligence in Hollywood.
Intelligence without character is a dangerous thing.
Intelligence, guided by kindness, is the highest wisdom. . . .
If you have a problem or desire a healing, try this exercise before falling asleep. Catch yourself at that point just before you fall asleep - between waking and sleep. Imagine bathing yourself with the healing orange light. You then can ask the Inner Master to help you regain spiritual balance by saying, "If it's for the good of all concerned and doesn't interfere with my spiritual growth, would you please heal me?" Then holding that thought, drift into sleep.
While I've always been critical about this peddling of spiritual materialism, it wasn't until I went to Nepal that I came face-to-face with my own spiritual materialism. The thing is, Kathmandu is noisy, and dusty, and crowded, and everywhere you go you see these same Western yoga teachers, hashish-smoking backpackers, and fair-trade shop owners, all seeking the stalls filled with amazing Buddha statues, hand carved mirrors, beautiful yak scarves, and thangka paintings. And everyone is buying stuff!
Every intelligence operation carries risks.
Intelligence is nothing without delight.
Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.
Intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant.
Curiosity is the surest sign of intelligence
An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy.
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