Top 1200 Spiritual Unity Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Spiritual Unity quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
We now know that unity, the cornerstone of Canada's greatness and prosperity, is above all a matter of emotion and reason for every citizen.
If a man brings a good mind to what he reads he may become, as it were, the spiritual descendant to some extent of great men, and this link, this spiritual hereditary tie, may help to just kick the beam in the right direction at a vital crisis; or may keep him from drifting through the long slack times when, so to speak, we are only fielding and no balls are coming our way.
World unity is the wish of the hopeful, the goal of the idealist and the dream of the romantic. Yet it is folly to the realist and a lie to the innocent. — © Don Williams
World unity is the wish of the hopeful, the goal of the idealist and the dream of the romantic. Yet it is folly to the realist and a lie to the innocent.
Don't think of us as separate beings. Imagine that we are one body and it's been split into millions. When we sit in the mediation hall - that is unity
What I've taken from my spiritual study is the wisdom of living a balanced life. My spiritual path has also helped me to be more emotionally centered, to be more understanding of those that disagree with me, and to learn how to let go of some of my power issues so that I can be more effective and bring a sense of humility to my work - while still having the self-confidence to be effective.
Human society needs essntially fellow-feeling and unity. When these two are present, humanness will flourish.
As a religion, bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness, produced no unity, and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions.
Instead of giving in to cynicism and division, let's move forward with the confidence and optimism and unity that define us as a people.
When the whole and the parts are seen at once, as mutually producing and explaining each other, as unity in multeity, there results shapeliness.
If God gives me the privilege of dying for the Hinduism of my conception, I shall have sufficiently died for the unity of all and even for Swaraj.
Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity.
The Hundred Years' War, like the crises of the Church in the same period, broke apart medieval unity.
I still believe Americas destiny is to become a living testament to what free human beings can accomplish by acting in unity. — © John F. Kerry
I still believe Americas destiny is to become a living testament to what free human beings can accomplish by acting in unity.
Creating unity and compassion and understanding of each of our brothers and sisters is so powerful. We have to preach that to the ones that don't want to listen and understand.
When Malcolm X was assassinated I was working at the Apollo. They brought his body to the Unity Funeral Home, which was around the corner.
Real meditation we get from within or from a spiritual Master. We can never get it from books. From books we can get inspiration or an inner approach to the fulfilment of our outer life. But in order to have true meditation we have to go deep within or follow the guidance of a spiritual Master.
Nothing has afforded me so convincing a proof of the unity of the Deity as these purely mental conceptions of numerical and mathematical science.
Hymns should have unity, graduation and mutual dependence in the thoughts, a conscious progress, a sense of completeness and be easily understood.
Spiritual formation is character formation. Everyone gets a spiritual formation. It's like education. Everyone gets an education; it's just a matter of which one you get.
My love of South Africa is not gray; it's not vague. It's very specific. It's in keeping with our Constitution - 'Unity in diversity.'
Thus God alone is the primary Unity, or original simple substance, from which all monads, created and derived, are produced.
All the classical meditation traditions, in one way or another, stress nonattachment to the self as a goal of practice. Oddly, this dimension is largely ignored in scientific research, which tends to focus on health and other such benefits. I suppose the difference has to do with the contrast in views of the self from the spiritual and scientific perspectives. Scientists value the self; spiritual traditions have another perspective.
Of course, we have known for a long time that a word, like any verbal sign, is a unity of two components.
Unity of minds, natural love and co-operation, are the qualities we have to develop today. Education is not for securing university degrees.
It would be really dangerous for us to assume that Christian hip-hop's popularity equals racial unity.
I like feeling a sense of unity with the crowd even though everybody might be thinking something different.
By faithfulness we are collected and wound up into unity within ourselves, whereas we had been scattered abroad in multiplicity.
Following Him is walking in the light and not in darkness. Man on account of sin is in moral and spiritual darkness. Believing on Christ and following Him delivers from both. In His fellowship the believer is delivered from the power of darkness, from the power of sin and from ignorance as to spiritual things.
It is man who, through his thoughts and actions, creates turmoil and disintegration in the natural, harmonious unity of the world.
If any influential nation had the great spiritual strength to lay down its arms and appear with clean hands before the world, the world would be changed. I see no evidence that any influential nations has such great spiritual strength and courage. Therefore disarmament will be a slow process, motivated by the wish to survive.
A friend of mine urged me to see my pain as an opportunity. And since the same psychic that contacted Dion Fortune had told me that I was a "teacher" - she didn't mean at Columbia, she meant in the spiritual sense - I decided my affliction was the universe telling me that it was time to stop writing fiction and become the spiritual guru I was clearly meant to be.
It came to my mind that in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, in Indian spiritual literature, and in the Bhagavad Gita, and when I started reading about outstanding yogis and people of exceeding spiritual power such as Ramana Maharshi, or Yogananda, they all had the ability to do what we would call - I don't know what you would even call it - psychic phenomenon, magic, transform objects, be able to perceive the future, the past and the present simultaneously.
There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence.
Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. By training you in attacks and defenses it refines your body and your soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of Judo a part of your very being. In this way you are able to perfect yourself and contribute something of value to the world. This is the final goal of Judo discipline.
From the standpoint of our spiritual development, it might be important for us to realize that we came from an unknown somewhere; we brought with us an attained state of consciousness; and while we are here, we are expanding that consciousness. From some perspectives, it may seem that we are making giant strides, but from the greater overview, our quantity of spiritual knowledge is smaller than Ptolemy's knowledge of astronomy!
As long as a believer is worrying about whether or not they are truly saved, they will never grow up in spiritual maturity. It basically guarantees that a Christian will remain stuck in spiritual infancy. And worse, it paints a picture of God that is not only untrue but also unbiblical. It cheapens the gift of salvation – the gift of grace – and make God look like a finicky human.
We have spilt an ocean of blood for the brotherhood and unity of our peoples and we shall not allow anyone to touch or destroy it from within.
France was built with swords. The fleur-de-lis, symbol of national unity, is only the image of a spear with three pikes. — © Charles de Gaulle
France was built with swords. The fleur-de-lis, symbol of national unity, is only the image of a spear with three pikes.
The progress of science is the discovery at each step of a new order which gives unity to what had seemed unlike.
There is a fundamental error in separating the parts from the whole, the mistake of atomizing what should not be atomized. Unity and complementarity constitute reality.
What I think is that we in the church - and especially I as an Archbishop - I'm responsible for maintaining our rules, and making sure we hold to unity in the Body of Christ.
There is a big difference between an honest mistake made in a moment of spiritual weakness and a willfull decision to disobey persistently the commandments of God. Those who deliberately choose to violate God's commandments or ignore the standards of the Church, even when promising themselves and others that someday they will be strong enough to repent, are stepping into a dangerously slippery slope upon which many have lost their spiritual footing.
For electronica music, David Linton has been doing this series called Unity Gain, which is pretty cool.
My position on democracy is really clear. Any attempt to overthrow the country is a betrayal to our unity and is treason.
Strength is derived from unity. The range of our collective vision is far greater when individual insights become one.
The assumption that the square of a unit vector is positive unity leads to an algebra whose characteristic quantities are non-associative.
Absolute faith is not the place of self-affirmation, but the place of self-negation. Life of faith is not limited to our spiritual life. What is important is how our spiritual sensitivity is applied to our relative environment.
The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever. These ideas which mobilized the masses are only a worthless currency. — © Muammar al-Gaddafi
The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever. These ideas which mobilized the masses are only a worthless currency.
The Doctrine of the Trinity teaches that within the unity of the one Godhead there are three separate persons who are coequal in power, nature, and eternity.
True health is only possible when we understand the unity of our minds, emotions, spirits and physical bodies.
We want justice, but at the same time, we gotta love and come together and bring unity, and I feel it's gonna happen.
We are educated to be amazed by the infinite variety of life forms in nature. We are, I believe, only at the beginning of being flabbergasted by its unity.
Pray May all reach the shore of peace, spreading the sweet holy fragrance of Love and vibrations of unity and harmony.
Just as an earthly garden needs constant attention, so, too, does our spiritual garden. When we first begin our journey of spirituality our garden is filled with all sorts of interesting items--it was not, after all, a fallow place before we sought to investigate what might be there and what we could possibly put in it. Everyone's spiritual garden is different, because each individual is unique.
Football, like no other sport, creates a sense of unity, equality, and inclusion. All of these are at the heart of my vision for a changing Gabon.
Let us not let the world be defined by the destruction wrought by one virus, but illuminated by billions of hearts and minds working in unity.
In our house we don't take ourselves too seriously, and laughter is the best form of unity, I think, in a marriage.
Leonardo Da Vinci combined art and science and aesthetics and engineering, that kind of unity is needed once again.
Life is not about making money. It is about enhancing the quality of life for every single being so that they go from physical satisfaction to astral satisfaction to mental satisfaction to growing spiritual satisfaction, up and up and up, all the way. It's all spiritual.
The Stoics also teach that God is unity, and that he is called Mind and Fate and Jupiter, and by many other names besides.
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