Top 1200 Sport Quotes & Sayings

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Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Soccer is Europe's biggest sport and the world's biggest sport, so as we look to go into Europe, soccer is the way to do it because of the sport's size and scale, as well as its athletes who know and understand our brand.
For me, I just want to be a role model, put a positive impact on the kids that are watching the sport, that want to be a part of the sport, and leave a good everlasting impact on the sport, continue my legacy down the road.
In this sport if you want to win you need to be selfish, it is that kind of sport, even though it is a team sport you need to think about yourself. — © Valtteri Bottas
In this sport if you want to win you need to be selfish, it is that kind of sport, even though it is a team sport you need to think about yourself.
This sport is brutal. This sport is a hard sport.
As far as my sport is concerned, my mission is to make it as big as it deserves to be. We've been growing, it's just not as noticeable. The NCAA picked beach volleyball up to be a championship sport, and it was the fastest test sport that's been adopted. That's a really big deal for our sport because that just means the USA system is going to have a feeder system from the college system.
I had a really dark time after the Olympic Games... But then I said to myself, 'This is a sport that's blessed me with a home, with an education, with some money. I can't hate this sport. This sport took me out of Louisiana. This sport gave me a chance when so many people don't get a chance. And I love this sport.'
I think sport in general affects what people see in movies. I always try to explain to people in Hollywood that we have to make movies more like sport because, in sport, everything can happen and it's so much better than movies in some ways.
I think boxing is a singular sport, because the stakes are so high and because it just appeals to people's primal instincts. It's a life and death sport, and it's a sport of sacrifice. It's a humbling sport, and people are coming from humbling circumstances. It's always fun to watch a person that's come from nothing to having everything and losing it again.
Sport used to play a phenomenal part in my life, because I used to play a lot of county sport, a lot of sport for my school. I love team sports. Talk about being with the boys. I love the camaraderie. That's why I like acting.
I think the sport of wrestling, which I became involved with at the age of 14... I competed until I was 34, kind of old for a contact sport. I coached the sport until I was 47. I think the discipline of wrestling has given me the discipline I have to write.
Football was really my least favorite sport and the last sport that I ended up picking up as a kid. My dad started me off with baseball, which most kids did at that time. I really enjoyed basketball. That was my favorite sport.
To not only be a cancer survivor, but to return to the sport of boxing, because, I mean, this is not basketball, this is not baseball, this is not a sport you play. This is a sport where you can die in the ring. So it says a lot to me to come back and be a world champion in that aspect.
Football isn't a contact sport, it's a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport.
If a rating is bad in another sport, do you see a writer say, 'This sport's over?' No. — © Dana White
If a rating is bad in another sport, do you see a writer say, 'This sport's over?' No.
I don't look at it as a man's sport because the women play as well. It's an open sport.
My father used to play ice hockey, though not at a high level, and my mother wasn't involved in sport at all, but they were keen that we played some sort of sport. They chose tennis because they thought it was a good sport for girls to play.
For any sport to be sustainable, it cannot survive on government or corporate grants alone. The sporting ecosystem needs more investments from businesses, and businesses need to see the returns from their investment in sport. Cricket has achieved that distinction, but I feel a country of a billion-plus people cannot remain captive to one sport.
It's the only sport that's played in every country in the world. It's played and watched all over the world, it's the most popular sport in probably 90% of the countries, and then with the World Cup, you have the most viewed tournament of any sport in the world.
I have never managed to find a sport I'm good at - I love sport but I just can't do it.
Everybody thinks this is a tough man's sport. This is not a tough man's sport. This is a thinking man's sport. A tough man is gonna get hurt real bad in this sport.
I'm always positive when it comes to professional bodybuilding, hell I'm Mr. Olympia for God's sake. If I'm number one in our sport and I have a negative attitude then our sport don't need me and I don't need our sport. There are problems and controversy in all sports. That's really unavoidable.
Sport has the power to change the world... Sport can awaken hope where there was previously only despair.
Sport strips away personality, letting the white bone of character shine through. Sport gives players an opportunity to know and test themselves. The great difference between sport and art is that sport, like a sonnet, forces beauty within its own system. Art, on the other hand, cyclically destroys boundaries and breaks free.
I want to continue to be a part of the sport, and not just as an owner in the Nascar Xfinity Series. I want to be a valuable asset to the growth of the sport and continue to help raise the bar and raise the awareness of the sport and promote the sport as much as I can.
BMX is still a young sport in Olympic terms. So the sport science behind it is also relatively new. As a program, it's only going to get better as the sport gets bigger and more extreme.
I believe that I'm not just a fighter in this game; I love to study the sport. And in studying the sport, I believe I have a good eye for the sport, and I'm able to talk about the sport.
I think the sport of cycling is different then racing. The sport is just about being healthy and giving yourself an outlet so it's a easy sport to do and I think there are more and more women cycling everyday.
Boxing is an American sport - a 'so-called sport' to many - in which images of incalculable beauty and violence, desperation and ingenuity, are routinely entwined; the sport that evokes the most extreme reactions - loathing, revulsion, righteous indigation; a fierce and often inexplicable loyalty.
When people say that a certain sport is not a sport - have them play that sport and see if they can do it. Golf is one of the hardest sports you've ever played. Bowling is all about concentration, it's all about focus, it's all about aim.
There's definitely a lot of people out there in the industry who feel that skateboarding shouldn't be a competitive sport. Or be a sport in general at all. Those are the people who want to keep skateboarding at the core side of things. But me personally, I love seeing the sport of skateboarding grow in general. It's just going to naturally happen.
I'm worried about our sport. Our sport, we've taken a lot of hits as a sport.
Football is not a contact sport, it is said: it is a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport.
I give my heart for this sport. I give my leg for this sport. I give my time for my family for this sport.
My thing is that if you love the sport, appreciate the sport as a whole. If you love the sport, you love the slick boxer; you love the guy who can box and punch. You love the brawler.
Sport is not about being wrapped up in cotton wool. Sport as about adapting to the unexpected and being able to modify plans at the last minute. Sport, like all life, is about taking risks.
Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game.
Only in sport? The qualification would seem meaningless to many Australians. What also is there that matters as much as sport? It is only in sport that many Australians express those approaches to life that are un-Australian if expressed in any other connection.
We need to get more women into sport, whether that's young girls in karting or off the track. The more we get into sport, the more you are going to get rising to the top of the sport.
When you do something as long as I have, you obviously love the sport - although not everything about the sport. — © Scott Steiner
When you do something as long as I have, you obviously love the sport - although not everything about the sport.
My father was a basketball player, so I loved basketball because he did. It was a direct transference. But, more than that, basketball, in the United States at least, plays the same function that soccer does everyone else in the world. It's the sport of poverty. It's the sport born of poverty. It's the cheapest sport.
It is not true that the English invented cricket as a way of making all other human endeavors look interesting and lively; that was merely an unintended side effect... It is the only sport that incorporates meal breaks. It is the only sport that shares its name with an insect. It is the only sport in which spectators burn as many calories as players - more if they are moderately restless.
You can tell MMA is a carb sport because it's fast; it's explosive. It's not a fat storage sport.
Sport must be amateur or it is not sport. Sports played professionally are entertainment.
My favorite was always whichever sport was in season. I think these days it's almost saddening to see kids who are 10 or 11 and are forced to choose one sport and specialize in that sport and play that sport year-round. By playing different sports... you become a better all-around athlete.
Every sport has a 'guy' that personifies what the sport is about and almost creates what the sport is on his own.
I'm too busy with entertainment to think about anything else. No one knows this sport better than I do. I've been a fan of this sport since UFC 1 in Denver. I've followed this sport, I've been obsessed with this sport, I've trained with the best of the best, and I've fought the best of the best.
I love the sport but it's definitely taken a toll on me. The first two years after I retired I was in pain and couldn't even sit in a chair for 2 years. 2 years! You want a sport that takes care of you the way you take care of the sport.
If you are in your sport for your country, you should be able to go to the Olympic Games and represent your sport for your country bringing people together in the interests of sport. It's a fantastic Olympic ideal, and I uphold it as much as I can.
To reach the heights of a truly global sport, in a sport as difficult as this, is a monumental achievement. — © Israel Adesanya
To reach the heights of a truly global sport, in a sport as difficult as this, is a monumental achievement.
By continually increasing the difficulty of the sport, we are discouraging younger athletes from starting and continuing in the sport. But most importantly, we are losing the beauty of our sport. We do not want gymnastics to lose what makes it so great - its artistic beauty.
Paralympic sport and other disability sport can and should be celebrated in its own right.
Football isn't a contact sport; it's a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport.
I always had a problem when someone was trying to place sport in social and political context. Sport is a separate and unique kind of human activity, which functions under its own rules and principles. It has nothing to do with the political agenda, and neither it should. When politics interferes with sport, unjust things happen.
I think one thing Liberty finds frustrating is a lot of this business is conducted through the media. That's something they're not used to with American sport. There's that constant comparison of America sport and franchises verses Formula One - American sport works in America, it doesn't work globally.
The thing about sport, any sport, is that swearing is very much part of it.
Bullfighting has some of the elements of a sport or contest, and in the United States most people think of it as a sport, an unfair sport. If you're in Spain or Mexico it's absolutely not a sport; it's not thought of as a sport and it's not written about as a sport. It has elements of public spectacle, but then so does, for example, the Super Bowl. It has elements of a deeply entrenched, deeply conservative tradition, a tradition that resists change, as you pointed out.
A lot of people like to think that golf is a lazy man's sport. Or it's a rich man's sport, or it's a sport that they can't be involved in.
The thing is this, this sport you deal with a lot of guys in this sport and most of them are cool.
When you don't have sport, it's like, oh, what do we fall back onto? And I think Nelson Mandela was the first person to really say that: sport unites people in a way that nothing else does. And if you take sport away, then I don't know really what we have.
I have been listening to sport and watching sport on the BBC since I was a tiny boy.
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