Top 1200 Spring In Your Step Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Spring In Your Step quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
You don't write the kitchen scene just because you're eager to do it that day and you're avoiding something else. I think it has to move slowly, step by step. I pride myself on the construction of my stories but it's not something I impose on them.
I don't want to live life too cautiously. I mean, you can step off a curb and twist your ankle.
I'm clean, I've always been clean. But it never ends. It seems like every reporter from last season to this season has reported and opened up a new can of (expletive). And I haven't even been to spring training. At least let me get to spring training and (expletive) up before you crucify me.
To get better you have to step out of your comfort zone. You can't do the same things you've always done & improve. — © Jordan Burroughs
To get better you have to step out of your comfort zone. You can't do the same things you've always done & improve.
Be yourself. Be true to that, to your heart. Patience. See what happens if you step back instead of bounding forward.
I'm thankful for the position that I'm in, I'm thankful to go to the ceremony [of Grammys] the first time, thankful for everything. I'm just taking it step by step.
Just try new things. Don't be afraid. Step out of your comfort zones and soar, all right?
In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title. Do not lose your knowledge that man’s proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads.
. . . the cruel part is that, to let the play live, you have to surrender control and let your characters go. You have to let them stumble, fall into walls and be mute, let them drift and be lost. If you hold the reins too tight, they won't spring to life.
That there is a Spring, or Elastical power in the Air we live in. By which ?????? [elater] or Spring of the Air, that which I mean is this: That our Air either consists of, or at least abounds with, parts of such a nature, that in case they be bent or compress'd by the weight of the incumbent part of the Atmosphere, or by any other Body, they do endeavour, as much as in them lies, to free themselves from that pressure, by bearing against the contiguous Bodies that keep them bent.
However high be your endeavors, unless you renounce and subjugate your own will - unless you forget yourself and all that pertains to yourself - not one step will you advance on the road to perfection.
THE FIRST STEP in changing the future is Desire, that is, define your objective - know definitely what you want. SECOND: construct an event which you believe you would encounter following the fulfillment of your desire - an event which implies fulfillment of your desire - something which will have the action of Self predominant.
This is my world. You step into my world, you will step out a loser - I guarantee it.
It's only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home - it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love.
This, at last, was where things were as they ought to be. Everything was in its place -- the tree, the earth underneath, the rock, the moss. In autumn, it would be right; in winter under the snow, it would be perfect in its wintriness. Spring would come again and miracle within miracle would unfold, each at its special pace, some things having died off, some sprouting in their first spring, but all of equal and utter rightness.
Most people feel like they're out of step, so just have the conviction to go your own way. — © Nicola Walker
Most people feel like they're out of step, so just have the conviction to go your own way.
Six months after 9/11, Jean-Marie Le Pen was almost elected president of France. There were a number of leaders and a number of parties running in the French national elections that year in the spring of 2002. But it ended up being not just a shock across France, and not just a shock across Europe. But it ended up being almost a worldwide shock when in the spring of 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen came in second in those national elections. That put him in a two-man runoff for the presidency of France, spring of 2002.
Be patient with yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Know that all things are working in your favor. If you take one step toward the light of Spirit, Spirit will take five steps on your behalf.
When you get your chance, you just have to be ready and believe that chances will come, that you are going to step forward and produce.
For me, taking care of your health is the first step towards empowerment whether you're a man or a woman.
I think it's a different kind of activism. Like, women shouldn't have to step into men's roles to be empowered. They should be able to step into themselves. So that's what I try to bring, that we shouldn't be thinking of it as menswear or womenswear; it should be clothing for people.
When you're at the end of your rope, all you have to do is make one foot move out in front of the other. Just take the next step. That's all there is to it.
In contrast to how tech firms want to disrupt and break things - developing drugs must be incremental and step-by-step. This is the kind of work that involves people putting their lives on the line every day with clinical trials.
As tough as things have been, I am convinced you are tougher. I've seen your passion and I've seen your service. I've seen you engage and I've seen you turn out in record numbers. I've heard your voices amplified by creativity and a digital fluency that those of us in older generations can barely comprehend. I've seen a generation eager, impatient even, to step into the rushing waters of history and change its course.
The next time you look into the mirror, try to let go of the storyline that says you're too fat or too sallow, too ashy or too old, your eyes are too small or your nose too big; just look into the mirror and see your face. When the criticism drops away, what you will see then is just you, without judgment, and that is the first step towards transforming your experience of the world.
I never start anything 'I want to be No. 1. I want to win Grand Slam.' For me, no. It's always step by step. The only thing I want to do, it's to push the limit.
Do not stand in the way of the next step in human progress. No one living who reads the signs of the times but realizes that woman suffrage must come. We are working for the ballot as a matter of justice and as a step for human betterment.
You could say that when you introduce humour to your work, you also step back a little from it. You create a distance.
If you want to know why your people are not performing well, step up to the mirror and take a peek.
All personal achievement starts within the mind of the individual-knowing your problem is the first step in finding the solution.
You could say that when you introduce humour to your work, you also step back a little from it. You create a distance
The best I can say is that you move forward in your life. After every step you take, you can't go backward.
The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy's cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him.
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.
Each day life sends you chances to learn, grow and step into your best. Don't miss them.
Congratulations. The fact that you're reading this means you've taken one giant step closer to surviving until your next birthday.
Non-mainstream people seem to balk at the idea of 12-step. A lot of us think 12-step recovery means sitting in a church basement full of Republicans and Christians who drink to much.
Trust is built step by step, commitment by commitment, on every level.
The art of living is to enjoy what we can see and not complain about what remains in the dark. When we are able to take the next step with trust that we will have enough light for the step that follows, we can walk through life with joy and be surprised at how far we go.
Every time I step on the field, I step on the field to make plays. — © Colin Kaepernick
Every time I step on the field, I step on the field to make plays.
Sometimes you can just step into the character, and you get all your feelings and emotions just from sympathizing with her and being her. But then, other times, you just have to resort back to anything that you've been through in your own life and try to play that.
When you're at the end of your rope, all you have to do is make one foot move out in front of the other. Just take the next step. That's all there is to it
We're going to step on the field knowing that every team we're going against is going to push their game to that whole new level that we probably hadn't seen. ... We've just got to be ready to step up with them
We can none of us step into the same river twice, but the river flows on and the other river we step into is cool and refreshing, too
You kind of gotta step back from your dreams and your passions once in a while, and kind of do something else for a minute so that you can come back to it with a fresh outlook, and be real inspired by something else, so you can give something back to your dreams and your passions.
No one goes on a direct path, even though it sometimes feels like your peers might be racing ahead. Everyone's trying to figure it out. But if you just put yourself out there, step out of your comfort zone, establish yourself in terms of skills, mentorship, but leave space for your passions, then you're going to turn out pretty well.
If you can inculcate in your team that every moment means everything, you can then step back to let them lead.
If you have made the good profession, if you claimed to have passed through the gate, if you have received baptism in a public declaration of your faith, and you begin to walk-it doesn't matter how long it appears you're walking in that path-if you step off that path and there's no discipline and you continue on that path, you can have no assurance whatsoever of your salvation. And it is not that you lost your salvation, it's that you're showing now that you never had it. If we would only preach these truths
I'm really good at improvising on stage, so if I'd forget a step, I'll just make up something. And the rest of the dancers would be like... what is she doing!? It always looked like they have forgotten the step, so I got away with it!
Being on set is difficult for the writer. Your job is done, and you have to step back and hand it over to the director.
I only wanna go up the steps toward a different level of stardom. The BET Awards was one of those steps, the VMAs was another huge step. And the next step, eventually, hopefully, would be the Oscars.
Step by step
Moment by moment
We live through
Another day — © Anne McCaffrey
Step by step Moment by moment We live through Another day
It's important to stand up for your work - otherwise somebody else will step in and say they did it.
Fantasies are real. They have effects on your soul, even though, as I was too young to really step forward.
Perhaps no order of mammals presents us with so extraordinary a series of gradations as this [step by step, from humans to apes to monkeys to lemurs] - leading us insensibly from the crown and summit of the animal creation down to creatures, from which there is but a step, as it seems, to the lowest, smallest, and least intelligent of the placental Mammalia. It is as if nature herself had forseen the arrogance of man, and with Roman severity had provided that his intellect, by its very triumphs, should call into prominence the slaves, admonishing the conqueror that he is but dust.
Avataric periods are like the spring-tide of creation. They bring a new release of power, a new awakening of consciousness, a new experience of life - not merely for a few, but for all. Qualities of energy and awareness, which had been used and enjoyed by only a few advanced souls, are made available for all humanity. Life, as a whole is stepped up to a higher level of consciousness, is geared to a new rate of energy. The transition from sensation to reason was one such step; the transition from reason to intuition will be another.
Walking the walk doesn't begin with a step. It begins with a choice. You can turn fear into action and let doubt become confidence. Find your pride and let it fuel your courage. Turn tomorrow into today and turn today into RIGHT NOW!
Your slightest look easily will unclose me, though I have closed myself as fingers, you open petal by petal myself a Spring opens her first rose.
Starting each day with a positive mindset is the most important step of your journey to discovering opportunity.
Our difficulties launch us into new states of consciousness where we are inspired to step out of the reality of our smallest thoughts and step into the limitless freedom of our biggest dreams.
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