Top 1200 Stage Actors Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Stage Actors quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
It was the fashion of the time, still is, to feel that all actors are neurotic, or they would not be actors.
I think the female actors are far more intelligent than the male actors.
Each stage of cosmic development proceeded more quickly than the stage which preceded it. — © Terence McKenna
Each stage of cosmic development proceeded more quickly than the stage which preceded it.
I have a theory... Theatre actors are better at auditions than film actors.
Look, a lot of directors were actors, even if they were unsuccessful actors which I think is helpful. I think it's a really helpful thing for a director to have experienced that. It helps you know how to talk to actors and how to get what you need from them.
I'm just more attracted to actors. I like their choice to be artists - that's ballsy. And a guy who has such access to his emotional life is sexy. Or maybe because lots of the actors I know are so broken. I don't think I'm compatible with anybody I've dated. Maybe I'm so attracted to actors because I'm not ready for the 'settled down' thing yet.
With actors, I have very close, intense working relationships with actors in theater.
For the message of television as metaphor is not only that all the world is a stage but that the stage is located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I have played Dracula a thousand times on stage and I find I have become thoroughly settled in the technique of the stage and not of the screen.
I earned the opportunity to stand on stage with many senior artists at YG, and naturally, I gained stage experience.
I'm sure there are actors out there who work with other actors on a consistent basis - I am not one of them.
Directing non-actors is difficult. Directing actors in a foreign language is even more difficult. Directing non-actors in a language that you yourself don't understand is the craziest thing you can possibly think of.
Chicago actors are hard-nosed. They're tough on themselves and their fellow actors. They're self-demanding. — © Bill Murray
Chicago actors are hard-nosed. They're tough on themselves and their fellow actors. They're self-demanding.
I've never been aware of the difference between so-called posh actors and working-class actors.
I grew up doing stage work as a child and as a teenager, so the stage is my home where I feel most comfortable.
I was trained on the stage, and I can do stage as well as I can do movies, but I prefer films.
A lot of male actors are method actors and they become the characters which they both were.
None of the original love and feel for going on stage is gone. I'm not a true singer. I'm performer, and I need to be on stage.
I know from teaching that actors want to act. Even the subtlest actors can do a little too much.
I've ended up spending more time in front of a camera than on stage, but the stage is where I come from.
I don't think kids of actors become good actors but exceptions are always there.
We are adjusters. We empathize, we change rhythm and above all we listen to our fellow actors-if they're good actors.
When you go through a tunnel - you're going on a train - you go through a tunnel, the tunnel is dark, but you're still going forward. Just remember that. But if you're not going to get up on stage for one night because you're discouraged or something, then the train is going to stop. Everytime you get up on stage, if it's a long tunnel, it's going to take a lot of times of going on stage before things get bright again. You keep going on stage, you go forward. EVERY night you go on stage.
It's so scary to go on stage. I used to throw up before I went on stage, every time.
I'm not an angry person, just very disappointed and contemptuous of my fellow humans' choices - and on stage those feelings sometimes are exaggerated for a theatric stage - you're on a stage you have an audience of 2500 or 3000 people: you need to project the feelings, the emotions it's heightened, and people mistake it for a personal anger but it's more dissatisfaction, disappointment and contempt for these things we've settled for.
My first love is acting on stage. A sitcom is a hybrid of stage and film.
I love working with actors. That's what the set really is, for me. It's my time with the actors.
Audience participation should extend from on-stage to backstage to under the stage
It has been an honor to paint on stage and have my art grace the albums and stage sets of renowned musicians.
The best voice actors all have a live performance background. And are competent, fearless, incredibly creative actors.
It's very different working on stage to film; the immediacy is there on stage.
Actors become disposable. I feel female actors have to back each other.
Brad Pitt is a dude who just wants to make good movies. He's not afraid to surround himself with the greatest actors, which I always appreciate because I've also seen actors who only want to surround themselves with weak actors because it makes them look better. That ends up making a poorer movie.
It used to be that you kind of got pigeonholed into one thing - you're either a stage actor or a TV actor or a movie actor. Today, there's a lot of crossover with film actors doing television, which never happened before, so those lines are a little bit more blurred than they used to be.
The Muppets have such a great tradition of bringing together all of genres of actors and all ages of actors.
Other Asian actors, especially American-born actors, sometimes shy away from immigrant roles.
Good actors are a dime a dozen, but I want actors that are gonna be part of my team and collaborative.
I completely agree when there are actors who say, "Actors should stay out of politics. We're not politicians." — © Jennifer Lawrence
I completely agree when there are actors who say, "Actors should stay out of politics. We're not politicians."
On stage I try to be as spontaneous as possible, feeding off the energy of the audience. I just let myself be and have fun on stage.
These actors who were in 'Dope' are the actors I want to continue to collaborate and make films with from here on out.
Going out with other actors is never good; actresses are neurotic, and actors are horrendous egotists.
Hollywood is more concerned about its male actors being in shape than its female actors.
It's a phenomenon that I see with young actors - a lot of American speaking parts going to British actors.
Recording at home enables one to eliminate the demo stage, and the presentation stage in the studio, too.
If you want to do standup, you have to go on stage. That's the only way to get good - stage times.
I've done a lot of stage in my life, but I never had to dominate a stage for three hours.
Actors are actors, and there should be a complete fluidity for anyone to play anything.
Particularly, the actors, to have analyzed the script in great detail from the point of view of their specific character. So that they have a handle on exactly where the character is in the chronology of things. In that sense the actors become your best check on the logic of the piece, and the way in which it all fits together. They become essential collaborators. The main thing is you have to work with very smart actors.
I know when I watch certain actors or if I watch Thom Yorke sing on stage, I'm affected by it emotionally. I guess that's what we are all striving for in art but that's such a beautiful thing that happens between two people that may never even meet. So when you do get to meet someone who was affected in that way, it's awesome.
I suffer greatly from nerves. I have stage-fright badly, and it gets worse, but the stage is still my life. — © Barry Humphries
I suffer greatly from nerves. I have stage-fright badly, and it gets worse, but the stage is still my life.
I feel very privileged working with other actors. Actors tend to be the best company I know.
The best actors instinctively feel out what the other actors need, and they just accommodate it.
I tend to love actors. I was trained as an actor first so I'm drawn to actors.
Actors love to do extreme things, so that is why they become actors; otherwise, they'd be novelists.
I like to do theater and hopefully be effective. Most actors, at least contemporary actors of my generation, can't do it. They don't have the chops.
My apartment is my stage, and my bedroom is my stage - they're just not stages you're allowed to see.
I didn't want there to be a computer on stage. When I see people with computers on stage, I think, 'Are you sending e-mail?' That's so corny.
AMC has a track record for finding actors who have been working actors but not names yet and casting them.
I'm sure there are directors who don't like to work with actors and don't know how to be sensitive to actors.
I absolutely love being on stage. I live and breathe the stage, and nothing makes me happier, but to perform.
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