Top 1200 Stamp Act Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Stamp Act quotes.
Last updated on December 11, 2024.
The dictator can be removed in a day, but it can take years to stamp out the lingering remnants of his dictatorship
The rights [to religious freedom] are of the natural rights of mankind, and ... if any act shall be ... passed to repeal [an act granting those rights] or to narrow its operation, such act will be an infringement of natural right.
The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job. — © Napoleon Hill
The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.
I'm a very style-driven composer, and I like to give every project its own unique stamp.
I feel like every running back should have their own little stamp on the game.
If a person cannot foresee the consequences of his act, and is not capable of understanding what he is told about its outcome by those with more experience, it is impossible for him to guide his act intelligently. In such a state, every act is alike to him.
Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind.
It would be hard to conceive of any activity more useless than stamp collecting.
Self-laudation abounds among the unpolished, but nothing can stamp a man more sharply as ill-bred.
What is there in the vale of lifeHalf so delightful as a wife;When friendship, love and peace combineTo stamp the marriage-bond divine?
I'm not a rubber stamp, and people know that. If you can convince me of the merits, you will have my vote every time.
The part of the envelope that tells a person where to place the stamp when they can't quite figure it out for themselves.
As human voice and instrument blend in one harmony, as human soul and body blend in each act of feeling, thought, or speech, so, as far as we can know, divinity and humanity act together in the thought and heart and act of the one Christ.
Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of the ages through which they have passed. — © J. Paul Getty
Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of the ages through which they have passed.
Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they passed.
I hope someday we can stamp out illiteracy in America. Of course you'll have to kill alot of my relatives to do it.
All these guys that want to act tough and act like they're hard in the street, that's cool, man. I'm glad you want to act hard, and your emotions are driving crazy, but you need to get out of your feelings, nerds.
America and Americans always rise to the occasion. If we say we are going to stamp out hunger, I believe we will.
Love is the only way of knowledge, which in the act of union answers my quest. In the act of loving, of giving myself, in the act of penetrating the other person, I find myself, I discover myself, I discover us both, I discover man.
I weigh the man, not his title; 'tis not the king's stamp can make the metal better.
Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell have made no secret of their desire to stamp out individualism and enterprise.
That was probably the stamp that went into my mind, because I worked in television for many years, doing that kind of music, so that really was my strong forte.
One of the fun things about wrestling is that you can do a move and leave your stamp on the business forever.
For three years between 16 and 19 I was the opening-act-for-the-opening-act-for-the-opening-act, you know? And then I was on tour with Ice-T, Stetsasonic, EPMD, Sir Mix-a-Lot--legends--and went on to sell 160 million records. It still baffles me.
I think too many artists from my era tend to just stamp out a record.
If someone has it inside them to commit an act, then that act would be committed anyway. It's very easy for someone to place the blame on something other than the person who committed the act. It's people looking for scapegoats, you know?
One of the exciting things about producing a comic is seeing the artist stamp his own interpretation on it.
Food Stamp recipients didn't cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did.
Custom is the most certain mistress of language, as the public stamp makes the current money.
As soft wax is apt to take the stamp of the seal, so are the minds of young children to receive the instruction imprinted on them.
Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.
I'm not the same person I was. I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am, nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who looked up to me. I know now that I can make a difference, that I have the power to do that.
I think that an industrial process is not like a rubber stamp. Everything has to be put together and, as such, should have its own expression.
People who do not see their choices do not believe they have choices. They tend to respond automatically, blindly influenced by their circumstances and conditioning. Mindfulness, by helping us notice our impulses before we act, gives us the opportunity to decide whether to act and how to act.
The brain seems a thoroughfare for nerve-action passing its way to the motor animal. It has been remarked that Life's aim is an act not a thought. To-day the dictum must be modified to admit that, often, to refrain from an act is no less an act than to commit one, because inhibition is coequally with excitation a nervous activity.
As far as leadership goes, it's important to know that we don't have to act like men to be leaders. Since men have been all we have had to look to as examples of leaders, that's how we think we have to act. But generally that's not how we have to act. We just have to act like ourselves. We do have to maintain a collaborative spirit. Also, at the end of the day you do have to step into your own power and say, "Okay, I've listened to all of these different opinions, advice, and so forth, but I am deciding this and this is how we are going to go."
Persecution, in short, is like the goldsmith's stamp on real silver and gold - it is one of the marks of a converted man.
Be what you wish your children to be. Parents have perpetuated by precept and example their own stamp of character to their posterity. — © Ellen G. White
Be what you wish your children to be. Parents have perpetuated by precept and example their own stamp of character to their posterity.
The Who would never have been successful without two special people, Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp
On 'Ant-Man', I took a rubber stamp from the office of Hank Pym, who's played by Michael Douglas.
There's just something about being on stage and being with the people that, once that camera turns on, you find the strength to keep it cool, look good, act like you're not cold, act like you ain't nervous, act like you aren't scared. I think that comes with confidence and practice.
There are personalities so powerful that they leave their stamp on any place they inhabit. Their presence is always there, like a spoor, whether or not they themselves are.
The Patriot Act has increased the flow of information within our government, and it has helped break up terror cells in the United States of America and the United States Congress was right to renew the terrorist act. The Patriot Act.
The very name Jerusalem means City of Peace. Violently evicting families from their homes in which generations have lived is not an act of peace. A show of strong force during prayer is not an act of peace. Destroying holy sites is not an act of peace.
For three years, between 16 and 19, I was the opening-act-for-the-opening-act-for-the-opening-act, you know? And then I was on tour with Ice-T, Stetsasonic, EPMD, Sir Mix-a-Lot - legends - and went on to sell 160 million records. It still baffles me.
My wife is a real Puritan. She thinks licking the stamp on the envelope of a Valentine is foreplay.
Quality. That's the key. Everything I do, I want it to have that stamp that people like Jay Z, for instance, have on all the things they touch.
I've made my stamp on the earth. My name will go down in history, and if I never want to work again, I don't have to.
The common people do not judge of vice or virtue by morality or immorality, so much as by the stamp that is set upon it by men of figure. — © Roger L'Estrange
The common people do not judge of vice or virtue by morality or immorality, so much as by the stamp that is set upon it by men of figure.
Never bully anyone because Karma has everyone’s address and a motherf**king stamp!
If things are said maliciously, and they're meant to hurt, then that's the sort of thing we need to try and stamp out.
There is one act par excellence which profanes money by going directly against the law of money, an act for which money is not made. That act is giving.
From the way I sing to what I write about to what I put out with my stamp separates me from everyone else.
I look on trade and every mechanical craft as education also. But let me discriminate what is precious herein. There is in each ofthese works an act of invention, an intellectual step, or short series of steps taken; that act or step is the spiritual act; all the rest is mere repetition of the same a thousand times.
I'll have a stamp on me forever. There will always be questions. I brought new fans to the Orioles' organization, and that's good.
We know we can't stop every act of violence, every act of evil in the world, but maybe we could try to stop one act of evil, one act of violence.
I do not intend to allow the Senate to rubber-stamp the president's plan to reward the Chinese Communists.
The object of punishment is to... lift the man up; to stamp out his bad nature and wicked disposition.
I tend to gravitate toward the "act two," or "act three," or "act four" stories - either things that are underreported, where we think we already know the common narrative, or things that are at the margins of an over-reported story, where we're all so focused in one direction that we're missing something crucial that's unfolding off to the side.
No one should walk into a party and have a stamp that says 'mayor' or 'businessman' on their head. Everyone is just there to have a good time.
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