Top 1200 Standards Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Standards quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
After we leave the E.U., the British Standards Institute should also remain a member of the European Standards Organisation, which is not an E.U. institution.
As Governor of Texas, I have set high standards for our public schools, and I have met those standards.
Regulators around the world have achieved an unprecedented level of collaboration since the financial crisis to create global standards for financial institutions. American regulators have largely viewed these international standards as a floor, and imposed higher standards on U.S. institutions.
Only the mediocre are always at their best. If your standards are low, it is easy to meet those standards every single day, every single year. But if your standard is to be the best, there will be days when you fall short of that goal. It is okay to not win every game. The only problem would be if you allow a loss or a failure to change your standards. Keep your standards intact, keep the bar set high, and continue to try your very best every day to meet those standards. If you do that, you can always be proud of the work that you do.
As has been said, standards are always out of date - that is why we call them standards. — © George Will
As has been said, standards are always out of date - that is why we call them standards.
States are free to modify the Common Core State Standards or adopt their own individual standards, because academic standards are the prerogative of the states.
Multiculturalism is a good reminder that when standards are relative, there are no standards at all.
In putting together your standards, remember that it is essential to involve your entire team. Standards are not rules issued by the boss; they are a collective identity. Remember, standards are the things that you do all the time and the things for which you hold one another accountable.
Nobody likes me!" "I wish I could like you, Charlie Brown, but I can't... If I were to like you, it would be admitting that I was lowering my standards! You wouldn't want me to do that, would you? Be reasonable! I have standards that I have set up for liking people, and you just don't meet those standards! It wouldn't be reasonable for me to like you!" "I hate myself for being so unreasonable!
We want to show all of our customers that the industry standards that we had been employing before - which are considered great standards - were not good enough.
Trust is a big word for a manager. You expect certain standards and attitudes and they know if they lower those standards, I'll jump on them.
CAFE standards have little impact on greenhouse gas emissions, and the environmental benefits of increasing CAFE standards are frequently overstated. Their impact on human health is more certain: CAFE standards have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths since their adoption.
There needs to be some standards around launching an ICO and investing in ICOs in the space, and I caution all to tread carefully until those standards emerge.
If we are to have such a discipline we must have standards, and to get our standards under existing conditions we must have criticism.
I think that I set such high standards for myself that sometimes I expect other people to live up to these standards, and it's not fair because they're not setting the same goals for themselves.
Acceptance of prevailing standards often means we have no standards of our own. — © Jean Toomer
Acceptance of prevailing standards often means we have no standards of our own.
If liberals didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
Honestly, Korean beauty standards are harsh. People are even putting pressure on non-celebrities to be super skinny, and the standards of thinness are just getting worse.
You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standards for yourself and then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards.
One does not avoid incompetence if one makes an attempt whose likelihood of success is too low. This seems little more than analytic: when the performance is in a domain that imposes standards of risk, attempts may or may not meet such standards. And the relevant competence of agents then includes reliably enough meeting those standards.
I have standards. Well, okay, they're love standards, but I have them.
The whole point is, give me a break with the standards. You go to the average jazz label and suggest a record and they want to know which standards you're going to play. I'm saying let's break the formula.
Professional standards, the standards of ambition and selfishness, are always sliding downward toward expense, ostentation, and mediocrity. They tend always to narrow the ground of judgment. But amateur standards, the standards of love, are always straining upward toward the humble and the best. They enlarge the ground of judgment. The context of love is the world.
We used to have adults who set standards, moral standards, cultural standards, legal standards. They were better than we were. They gave us something to aspire to. They were people that we described as having dignity and character. That's all gone now, particularly the upper levels of the Democrat Party. There isn't any of that kind of decency, dignity, character, morality.
It's weird because here I am, an actress, representing - at least in some sense - an industry that places crushing standards on all of us. Not just young people, but everyone. Standards of beauty. Of a good life. Of success. Standards that, I hate to admit, have affected me.
Who's married and who isn't married. I have my standards but I shouldn't have to impose my standards on others. Other people have their standards and they have no right to impose their marriage standards on me.
The Common Core State Standards are more rigorous standards than the great majority of states had in place previously.
Well, by the standards of a lot of countries, by Latin American standards, it wasn't so bad.
By many peoples' standards, my playing is very primitive but by punk standards, I'm a virtuoso.
Education standards need to be set at the state level. High standards are an important way to ensure that the education system we are funding is actually working and producing, at a minimum, what we would expect it to.
The standards to get in are very high. We don't want to lower those standards.
I set very high standards, normally for myself. For other people, I try to lower my standards.
If we're going to have standards in schools, let's be honest and have standards.
Of course my standards are out of date! That's why they're called standards.
Furthermore, America suffers not only from a lack of standards, but also not infrequently from a confusion or an inversion of standards.
In business, standards establish the rules of the game, creating path dependencies as investments are made and corresponding designs are set in stone and plastic. Inferior standards can prevail due to smart marketing or industry collusion.
The respect for human rights is nowadays not so much a matter of having international standards, but rather questions of compliance with those standards.
The gains we made in the United States that have made our country great have, in large part, been made over the opposition of major corporations. On nearly every issue, from fair labor standards, to the minimum wage, to environmental standards, to standards for a safe workplace, corporations have fought against them every step of the way.
Maybe the standards should be higher to be an officer. People will say there area high standards, but clearly they're not high enough.
I think that, because I set such high standards for myself in my first season, it became an issue of me keeping up to those standards. — © Scott Sinclair
I think that, because I set such high standards for myself in my first season, it became an issue of me keeping up to those standards.
It's your life - but only if you make it so. The standards by which you live must be your own standards, your own values, your own convictions in regard to what is right and wrong, what is true and false, what is important and what is trivial. When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else . . . you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being.
There is - and always will be - the legacy of chattel slavery in this nation, an obsession with racial and gender differences, but I think that, at its best, this nation is capable of creating standards for itself and reaching towards those standards.
moral codes and standards in our societies very rarely apply to all people equally. This is the most damning proof of how immoral such codes and standards really are.
Out of the past come the standards for judging the present; standards in turn to be shaped by the practice of present-day dramatists into broader standards for the next generation.
You must form your own fashions in a way which demonstrates that you flout the standards from knowledge, not from ignorance. . . But I may flout the standards? . . . Of course. What do you think standards are for?
Indian standards of artistry, and Indian standards of humanity, and Indian standards of love, and of family, devotion, commitment, stand for me as the standard for how one should behave.
Standards are always out of date. That's what makes them standards.
Conceivably, blockchains could rely on a number of standards above the Internet's existing standards to allow a smooth bridging from one layer to another. That would be a breakthrough.
God elevates nations that behave in conformity with God's standards but he withdraws his blessings from a people who disregard those standards.
I do think we need to hold countries accountable who violate trade agreements that are already in place. We need to get stronger about enforcement, that in the future if we strike a trade agreement, toughening up labor standards and environmental standards and enforcement standards is something we absolutely need to do.
The Common Core State Standards are based on the best international research. They are built on the standards used by the most effective education systems around the world, including Singapore, Finland, Canada and the U.K.
There is no question we need higher academic standards and at the local level the rigor of the Common Core state standards must be the new minimum in classrooms. — © Jeb Bush
There is no question we need higher academic standards and at the local level the rigor of the Common Core state standards must be the new minimum in classrooms.
By all standards, except for 'Star Trek' standards, 98 episodes of any television show is a wildly successful run.
The standards you establish for others must reflect the standards you set for yourself. No one will follow a hypocrite.
We are all seeking to live up to normative standards that we recognize, even if we don't all recognize the same standards. This is something basic that we have in common despite our differences.
We have no basis for having a recall of any particular type of voting equipment because there are no standards. And when we do have standards, even these standards are required to be voluntary.
Have you ever thought, headmaster, that your standards might perhaps be a little out of date? Of course they're out of date. Standards are always out of date. That is what makes them standards.
Any policy is a success by sufficiently low standards and a failure by sufficiently high standards.
We do all, myself included, we tend to hold ourselves to pretty low standards. But when it comes to judging public figures or politicians or people we've never met, we tend to hold people to very high standards, and, if we held ourselves to those standards, we'd always fall short.
The unwillingness of most leaders to set standards, to administer feedback when standards are not met, to praise clearly when standards are met, stands in the way of the development of excellence. The leader who makes no demands of his disciples cannot really lead them at all. The sense of new excitement and new challenge generated by the gospel will be blunted by leaders who shield followers from the full demands of fellowship.
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