Top 1200 Stay True Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Stay True quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Originality is the essence of true scholarship. Creativity is the soul of the true scholar.
I stay in character at all times regardless of whoever's playing well, the team isn't playing well. if we're up or down, I'm going to stay in character.
As uncommon a thing as true love is, it is yet easier to find than true friendship. — © Francois de La Rochefoucauld
As uncommon a thing as true love is, it is yet easier to find than true friendship.
True disputants are like true sportsmen: their whole delight is in the pursuit.
And it only matters how true you are. Be true to yourself and follow your heart.
It's true that friendships in the film industry are fickle but that holds true for life in general.
Be true to love where ever you find it, and be true to yourself and everything that you really are.
Why are the ones who are too good to be true always being true to someone else?
The true liberation, the true path to freedom, lay in the ability to forgive.
I don't think it's true that blondes have more fun... Trust me, it is not true!
True love is quiescent, except in the nascent moments of true humility.
True faith begins with true repentance for whatever we have been doing that is wrong.
I am always true to myself, that is the problem. Who else could I be true to? — © Adam Phillips
I am always true to myself, that is the problem. Who else could I be true to?
I tell people, 'It's just like a cliche, but it's true: In Hollywood, dreams can come true.'
I wanted to be involved with the making of some kind of parallel world. I thought, there's no reason to go to different parts of our world, because you can write them. You can stay home, stay in a little room, and imagine all these worlds. And I wanted to do that. Why did I want to do that, I'm not sure if I can tell.
[Mystery] is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
There is no right faith in believing what is true, unless we believe it because it is true.
I care what is actually true, even more than what I hope is true.
It feels like when I write, it's intuitive. This is true of Frances, and it's true of this [The Funniest Movie Of The Summer].
Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation
Some things ARE true, even though the party says they are true.
Without the study of Samskrit one cannot become a true Indian and a true learned man.
True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance.
Glances of true beauty can be seen in the faces of those who live in true meekness.
You see, if you make believe hard enough that something is true, then it is true for you.
It would be nice if everybody were a little bit more mindful of what kind of product you're putting out there. Nothing's for everybody. People are liked and disliked, but at least be mindful of what you're doing and what your message is, and trying to stay true to your authenticity and what you're trying to attain or what your goals are, and don't let anybody get in the way of that. At the same time, have a goal, and have a message.
Accept that you are that - you are the matchless, eternal reality. That's true seeing, true humility.
There can be no true goodness, nor true love, without the utmost clear-sightedness.
Sweet is the pleasure itself cannot spoil. Is not true leisure one with true toil?
If it is true that there is always more than one way of construing a text, it is not true that all interpretations are equal.
It is not our believing of the Gospel that makes it true. It exists as independent, true Truth.
When you grow up in the city, New York is so big that you can kind of stay in your own little corner of the city and think that that's it because you don't need anything. You don't have to venture out; you don't have to touch the boroughs. You can kind of stay in your neighborhood, and there's everything there.
What most clearly characterizes true freedom and its true employment is its misemployment.
If we're going to stay the gold standard, we're going to stay ahead of the curve, well, then, when people try to do the things we're doing, we're trying to do more. We're trying to do something different. We're coming at it a different way. That, for me, to be honest, is the fun part.
Trouble comes looking for you. Lots of times I just stay in the house and enjoy my family. I try to be a father to my child, I'll stay out of trouble if I can, because I have lots to do. Other folks have different hardships. It's hard for a black man to raise a family.
But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. [...] True sorrow is as rare as true love.
My true church is a whorehouse – the only one that gives me true satisfaction.
Wherever valor true is found, true modesty will there abound. — © W. S. Gilbert
Wherever valor true is found, true modesty will there abound.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true.
No true Latter-day Saint and no true American can be a socialist or a communist.
If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.
That which gives us true freedom and true happiness is the compassionate love of Christ.
People from Brooklyn grow up with a certain common sense. If it doesn't ring true, it's not true.
True paurusha, true bravery, consists in driving out the brute in us.
However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.
All true things must change and only that which changes remains true.
'Let God be true but every man a liar' is the language of true faith.
Let God be true but every man a liar" is the language of true faith — © Aiden Wilson Tozer
Let God be true but every man a liar" is the language of true faith
Three stages of truth for scientists: It's not true. If it is true, it's not very important. We knew it all along.
Nothing in Scientology is true for you unless you have observed it and it is true according to your observation.
The first step to believing something is true is wanting to believe it is true... or being afraid it is.
What's true in our minds is true, whether some people know it or not.
If there is no love in your heart - so sorry, Then there is no hope for you - true, true
The purpose of life is to stay alive. Watch any animal in nature--all it tries to do is stay alive. It doesn't care about beliefs or philosophy. Whenever any animal's behavior puts it out of touch with the realities of its existence, it becomes exinct.
It is a true story, the monster said. Many things that are true feel like a cheat.
Because of Billy Joel, I've been playing piano since I was knee high. The house was always full of music, so of course he's influenced me, but I think I've also developed my own sound. He's also been really good about giving me advice, which I think has helped me really stay true to what I want to do musically.
It is true that I do not speak as well as I can think. But that is true of most people, as nearly as I can tell.
If it is true that wars are won by believers, it is also true that peace treaties are sometimes signed by businessmen.
In this sullen apathy neither true wisdom nor true happiness can be found.
Sometimes you believe a thing that isn't true because in the world you wish to live in, it would be true.
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