Top 1200 Steps To Success Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Steps To Success quotes.
Last updated on October 28, 2024.
One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success.
What is success? I think the most important thing is to achieve what you set out to achieve. Just being a CEO in itself is not success. I would not relate success to a title or a position. My career has had a level of serendipity all along. I've never planned anything out more than a few years.
I think our culture views success as visibility, being seen as being successful. Whereas I've learned that success is rooted in helping and connecting to other people, and knowing where you can contribute. I've kind of spent my thirties doing that, because in my twenties I was seeking any kind of success.
If I ask you who is the most famous scientist who ever lived, or the greatest scientist who ever lived you'll say either Einstein or Newton or something like that because their claims were supposed to apply universally. But the claim of somebody who is studying a particular feature of the evolutionary process like whether it's very fast or very slow, or occurs in steps and so on, that's not a universal claim, that's a rather specialised claim and so you can't claim to great fame and great success.
Willpower should be understood to be the strength of the mind, which makes it capable of meeting success or failure with equanimity. It is not synonymous with certain success. Why should one's attempts always be attended by success? Success breeds arrogance and man's spiritual progress is thus arrested. Failure, on the other hand, is beneficial, inasmuch as it opens his eyes to his limitations and prepares him to surrender himself. Self surrender is synonymous with eternal happiness.
Focus on where you're going and you'll know what steps to take. Focus on the steps you're taking and you won't know where you're going. — © Simon Sinek
Focus on where you're going and you'll know what steps to take. Focus on the steps you're taking and you won't know where you're going.
The truth is, success often occurs for reasons we don't expect, under circumstances over which we have little control and sometimes unrelated to our own efforts. There is only one other lesson that success should teach us: Be as amazed by your own success as your friends are. If you truly are, you stand the best chance to repeat it.
Success is when the whole gets enlightened. When you become one with the whole, that's the real success. To be one with the whole is the real success. And when that success is achieved, then you really enjoy that growth - that growth of your awareness which makes you one with the whole. That is what you have to know, is to become your whole. You are just a fragment, a segment, a cell. You have to become the whole and that can be done only through this connection.
there are many ways to fail. Some reject success. And others do not recognize it when success comes.
Success is not achieved by winning all the time. Real success comes when we rise after we fall.
For a coach to believe in you is key. Not only for the success of the player, but mainly for the success of the team.
In business, the earning of profit is something more than an incident of success. It is an essential condition of success. It is an essential condition of success because the continued absence of profit itself spells failure.
To me, success has already happened. I get to make records and live doing that. Success is that.
The idea of capitalism is not just success but also the failure that allows success to happen.
The test of success is not what you do when you are on top. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
You think if you make it to the NFL, it's a success. You make it there, but quickly you say, 'I want to be a starter,' and that becomes success. Then it's, 'I want to win a Super Bowl,' and that becomes a success.
There's no one thing you can do to have success, but if you have a plan and you keep doing things, you'll eventually build to a success. — © M.J. Rose
There's no one thing you can do to have success, but if you have a plan and you keep doing things, you'll eventually build to a success.
IQ is a very important predictor, not just of academic success, but of economic success.
Success doesn't always come in the form of a trophy. Keep striving for success.
You need to identify the steps at which contamination can occur - those are the critical control points. You take steps to make sure that that doesn't happen. And you monitor and evaluate and test to make sure that your system is working properly. And if it's done diligently and done faithfully and monitored carefully, then they're producing safe food. And no astronaut of which I'm aware has ever gotten food poisoning in outer space.
I don’t have a problem with someone using their talents to become successful, I just don’t think the highest calling is success. Things like freedom and the expansion of knowledge are beyond success, beyond the personal. Personal success is not wrong, but it is limited in importance, and once you have enough of it it is a shame to keep striving for that, instead of for truth, beauty, or justice.
If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed.
When I was a child, I had a ViewMaster, those red box glasses with little discs, so that you can see 3D images. They were my first steps in cinema. I was eight years old, I would cut and change the order of the images and that's how I created films that subsequently I recorded and projected and showed my friends. So I already took my first steps in 3D when I was eight years old.
Success is not the result of making money; earning money is the result of success — and success is in direct proportion to our service.
It is especially appropriate to say that the greatest command, the most condensed philosophy, the wisest success-achieving advice ever given was given by a man who was crucified. He summed it all up when he said, "Love one another." One does not really need to fight for success. One can love one's way to success.
My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that 'achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that's nice, too, but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success.
I always assume that nothing that I make is going to be a success, that everything I make is going to be a failure - not a failure but not some huge box- office success. If something is an artistic success, I'll be happy, but I'll maybe be the only person that's happy.
Without self-respect there can be no genuine success. Success won at the cost of self-respect is not success ? for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own self-respect.
The fear among economists across the political spectrum that was - was that we were rapidly plummeting towards a second Great Depression. So, in the weeks and months that followed, we undertook a series of difficult steps to prevent that outcome. And we were forced to take those steps largely without the help of an opposition party, which, unfortunately, after having presided over the decision-making that had led to the crisis, decided to hand it over to others to solve.
Success on the outside means nothing unless you also have success within.
Humility is the true key to success. Successful people lose their way at times. They often embrace and overindulge from the fruits of success. Humility halts this arrogance and self-indulging trap. Humble people share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of success.
There must be a solemn and terrible aloneness that comes over the child as he takes those first independent steps. All this is lost to memory and we can only reconstruct it through analogies in later life....To the child who takes his first steps and finds himself walking alone, this moment must bring the first sharp sense of the uniqueness and separateness of his body and his person, the discovery of the solitary self.
Our success multiplies each time we lead someone else to success.
The defect in wisdom and taste which exists among the majority of dancers is due to the bad education which they generally receive. They apply themselves only to the material side of their art, they learn to jump more or less high, they strive mechanically to execute a number of steps, and like children, who utter a great many words devoid of sense and relation, they execute many phrases of steps devoid of taste and grace.
People can't ignore that Hispanics represent the fastest-growing demographic in the US. The future success of America is intricately tied to the future success of the Hispanic community. And it's the women of these communities - the mothers, sisters, daughters - who make the world go around. I decided to focus on giving them opportunities so that they're set up for success in life.
I think when you have some success, you're living the dream, and you want to have more success.
Lord knows, everyday is not a success, every year is not a success. You have to celebrate the good.
Success brings poise, especially avoirdupois. Success comes before work only in the dictionary.
To me, the model of success is not linear. Success is completing the full circle of yourself.
It's hard to find happiness after success if the goalposts of success keep changing.
We should not wonder at the success of communism, for so much of its success is rather that of religion. — © Robert M. Lindner
We should not wonder at the success of communism, for so much of its success is rather that of religion.
Don't chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you.
Success breeds success, and failure leads to a sort of fallow period.
There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again. When you do well, do not change your ways. Success is not just good luck: it is a combination of hard work, good credit standing, opportunity, readiness and timing. Success will not last if you do not take care of it.
If we were to use the success of 'Need You Now' as the barometer for every other song, then we'll probably be highly disappointed. That song will probably undoubtedly be the biggest song of our career. We can hopefully have success for 20 years, but we may not ever have the success of that one particular song again.
Russia remains an adversary to the United States. We have some overlapping interests. It would be better if our relationship was better. But our relationship is not good right now because of Vladimir Putin. There are steps that I think that we should be taking that we should have taken under the Obama administration. For instance, providing defensive weaponry to Ukraine. I encourage the President and the administration to take a look at those steps.
'The Simpsons' obviously is a huge success, and Fox has nothing to do with its success, with its creative success, and as a result they don't really like the show. They don't like 'The Simpsons' at Fox.
But I am very grateful for my success, and with success, of course, comes a whole lot of celebrity.
There's one good thing about getting in trouble: It seems like you do it in steps. It seems like you don't just end up in trouble but that you kind of ease yourself into it. It also seems like the worse the trouble is that you get into, the more steps it takes to get there. Sort of like you're getting a bunch of little warnings on the way; sort of like if you really wanted to you could turn around.
I was at one of the lowest points of my life when we started this film [Dream of Life], except, of course, that I had two great children. But the film is not documenting a decline; it's documenting a rise up - first baby steps and then big steps up. The worst that could have ever happened to me had already happened. And so the film is on the ascent. And I think that gives it a nice spirit.
Success comes when people turn what they've learned into the daily habits that breed success.
The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero. — © Philip Morrison
The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero.
I've come to the conclusion that it's all about fear- fear that your kid won't come out on top, be a success. Forcing him into these brutal encounters will a) make a dame sure he is a success, and b) all you to see evidence of that success with the added bonus of a cheering crowd. This means that sports are supported with an almost desperate enthusiasm. The football team gets catered dinners before a fame. Honor Society is lucky if it gets a cupcake. Academic success-forget it. That requires too much imagination. There's no scoreboard.
My definition of success is to be happy in what you like to do best. It's not a monetary value; it's an internal value in itself. If you're happy from the inside-out, thats what is important. Success comes as a day to day value or reaching a goal that you have, and you've got to prepare yourself for what's to come when success is there.
For our own success to be real, it must contribute to the success of others.
I think that the project of being alive is to be alive. So there will always be twists and turns and steps forward and steps back, but that's just your life. There is no sort of place at which to arrive, and I think that the more one focuses on an end point, the harder it is to get there. It's like the horizon, sort of ever receding, ever receding, ever receding.
You know, when you don't have your real income, your take-home pay increase for a decade or a decade-and-a-half, it makes you awfully discouraged. And then when you see other things in society changing so rapidly, and you think that government is ineffective and unable to - incapable of taking steps, appropriate steps to make sure that America can lead, lead on the international stage and lead the international economy, I think that was so much of this.
I dare you to try to shortcut success! It's not going to happen! There are no shortcuts to success!
I want to write, direct, produce, but in steps. I want to take steps. I don't want to just jump in because I sold a lot of records and just feel like I can jump into the movie world. Naw, I want to learn the movie world like I learned the music world.
No matter what one does, regardless of failure or success, the experience is a form of success in itself.
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