Top 1200 Stormy Days Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Stormy Days quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Cast your mind on other days that we in coming days may be still the indomitable Irishry.
Some days I would work 18-hour days because I was dancing and choreographing.
You have good days, you have bad days. But the main thing is to grow mentally. — © Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
You have good days, you have bad days. But the main thing is to grow mentally.
Moving container from Kigali to Mombasa used to take 22 days, now it takes 6 days.
In my days, players were only thinking about publicity during holiday and on rest days.
That is, an artist who creates lots of work probably experiences prolific days and slower days.
Some days I'm in better control and can navigate my way through stuff, and other days, not so much.
With any long-term relationship, you have good days and bad days.
Any physical addiction, it doesn't matter how long they've been taking it or how full of it their body is, and addiction, would, between three and thirty days, be completely cleared from the system. Usually closer to three days than thirty days. But it is the emotional craving that must be tended to.
Courage--judgment--integrity--dedication--these are the historic qualities of the Bay Colony and the Bay State....And these are the qualities which, with God's help, this son of Massachusetts hopes will characterize our government's conduct in the four stormy years that lie ahead.
My days are always changing, as some days, I'm on a shoot, or I will be DJing in the middle of the day or evening.
You have good days and bad days, and depression's something that, you know, is always with you.
There are going to be good days and bad days. Bottom line. — © Jim Mattis
There are going to be good days and bad days. Bottom line.
The attraction and superiority of California are in its days. It has better days & more of them, than any other country.
I just want to continue to build mentally to push forward even on the good days and bad days.
There are going to be good days and bad days... and you have to learn to fight through that.
He who passes not his days in the realm of dreams is the slave of the days.
There are good days and there are bad days, and I've had my share of both.
I feel bored if I sit for 10 days at home. I take only 30 days off for my family in a year.
The worst days of leadership beat the best days of being an onlooker.
I am a woman after all, so some days I feel good and sexy in a bikini, and other days, I'm like, 'Where are my caftans?!'
This is days and days and months and years and all the minutes in between, just you me.
I can say that out of 365 days, I manage to do yoga on at least 300 days.
Some days I can dress really girlie and other days I'll be more androgynous.
Cry my eyes out for days upon days Such a heaven burden placed upon me
But ... the days that the Jewish people remain passive in the face of genocidal enemies — those days are over.
My fans are so loving and encouraging. They're with me on good days and bad days.
Let's have days and days of brilliant clarity, etched and limpid, cool and surgical.
With ritual, I punctuate my days till they no longer belong to who I am today but to who I'll be when I look back in days and years to come.
The worst of days with Jesus are still better than the best of days without Him.
Their days [of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton] - their days will be numbered very quickly.
This is football. There are days when you draw, there are days when things don't go well.
If school days are the happiest days of your life, I'm hanging myself with my skip-rope tonight.
If I had 20 days to solve a problem, I would take 19 days to define it
Why has everything got to be about feelings these days? In the old days, no one knew what anyone was feeling and, what's more, they weren't expected to.
While I still have more good days than bad days, I'm going to keep playing.
On some days in prison you might just need to get out of there, but on some days - not all days, but some - you might be able to see the sky and see the blue in it. — © Uzo Aduba
On some days in prison you might just need to get out of there, but on some days - not all days, but some - you might be able to see the sky and see the blue in it.
QUOTES BOUQUET: You Have To Fight Through Some Bad Days To Earn The Best Days Of Your Life
The ideal time for writing a [television] script is four days, though sometimes it has to be two or three days depending on the deadline. If it's two days, sometimes there are things I see that don't work as well. If I have two weeks, the scripts get kind of flabby and lack the adrenaline that a sense of deadline fills you with.
It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents - except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.
Of course, there are days when you're not feeling your best and you still have to stand up there and it can be difficult. But those days pass and you move on.
The death, and the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus happened over three days. Friday was the day of suffering and pain and agony. Saturday was the day of doubt and confusion and misery. But Easter, that Sunday, was the day of hope and joy and victory. You will face these three days over and over and over in your lifetime. And when you do, you’ll find yourself asking, as I did, three fundamental questions: Number one, what do I do in my days of pain? Two, how do I get through my days of doubt and confusion? Three, how do I get to the days of joy and victory? The answer is Easter.
You have to go through bad days to get to the great days you have in your career.
I wish my days could be washed away like the chalk lines of my days.
Like anyone else, there are days I feel beautiful and days I don't, and when I don't, I do something about it.
Some days I think I look kind of cute, but other days I try to avoid the mirror.
There were happy days, with watermelon, and sad days of whiskey. — © Lewis Nordan
There were happy days, with watermelon, and sad days of whiskey.
Everyone goes through bad days, but that does not mean you should stop enjoying the good days.
Sweet childish days, that were as long, As twenty days are now.
I've survived. I've beaten my own bad system, and on some days, on most days, that feels like a miracle.
My institute days were the most enriching days of my life.
In the days when I was the big hero, the money wasn't much. Nobody made anything on television in those days.
In my work, there is a lot of storytelling. The storytelling is not a new thing. Back in the [Howard] Thurston days, the [Harry] Houdini days, the [Harry] Blackstone days, it was stories, but the stories were, "We're going to the Egyptian temples, and we're going to vanish the Prince of Thebes," and, "On my last trip to the Orient ..."
That's how tennis is sometimes: You can have good days, you can have bad days, your opponents can play really well.
I believe you should pray as hard on those up days as you do on the down days.
In politics, sunny days and rainy days can change very quickly.
I went over to shoot for six days. It turned out to be ten days, very nicely so. A little money.
Everyone should have cheat days or days off. You need to balance the unhealthy with the healthy.
My lowest days as a Christian have been more fulfilling and rewarding than all the days of glory in the White House.
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