Top 1200 Stress And Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Stress And Life quotes.
Last updated on December 12, 2024.
Rolex, mo sex, good weed, no stress, run my town, arms, chest, lift weights, bowflex
Any job ends up with stress, and certainly there's always a deadline looming when you work in TV. It's sort of constant.
I can only say, don't be a victim of stress and distress. Just go out in the world and strive what you want to become. — © Sudha Chandran
I can only say, don't be a victim of stress and distress. Just go out in the world and strive what you want to become.
I might be the most injured athlete in the history of sports. I've had 31 operations. An endless string of stress fractures.
The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of like is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give.
There was a lot of stress and assumptions made without me even saying anything, which was very upsetting.
Transformation also means looking for ways to stop pushing yourself so hard professionally or inviting so much stress.
Literacy, the visual technology, dissolved the tribal magic by means of its stress on fragmentation and specialization and created the individual.
Baboons have the exact physiology as humans do. They also get the same stress-related illnesses, such as ulcers and heart disease.
Burning sage changes the energy for the home, so if you've had an argument or some form of stress, it removes negative energies.
We hadn't been to space yet, so there was no idea what the human body would have to endure in terms of stress. That's why they tested us to the limit.
Joy is a big stress buster too. Measure your success by how much fun you're having.
We have already seen evidence that, notwithstanding the addition of substantial resources, we are experiencing great stress in recruiting and not inconsequential retention problems.
A simple yet profound way to create a healthy body, a stress-free mind, and a peaceful sense of well-being. — © Aaron Hoopes
A simple yet profound way to create a healthy body, a stress-free mind, and a peaceful sense of well-being.
I've been busily lifting weights since I was 14, but in college I started running as a way to reduce stress, as I recall.
If I make a wrong decision, I worry what might have been. I stress out over very insignificant things.
It is the persistence of dance in helping people to resist, reduce, and escape stress since early humanity that attests to its efficacy.
I carry tension in my shoulders, and I fell in love with yoga because it stretches the muscles that have become tense as a result of stress.
The moment I see my daughter's face, I am instantly happier, my stress just disappears, and I forget everything else.
Given all of the anti-Muslim propaganda that's being disseminated by The American Nazi media, you have to be careful. It can stress you out.
The rising costs of higher education coupled with the stress of paying student loans are putting increasing pressure on students.
When I was in law school, there was a used book store nearby. I picked up a Harlequin romance and read it. It was stress relieving.
Laughter dulls the sharpest pain and flattens out the greatest stress. To share it is to give a gift of health.
As women, we're busy. We're under stress and under pressure, and the expectations are so high for us, so the first thing to go is self-care.
My coaches and I always stress getting better and working on all aspects, so I'm ready to fight and take it to the next level.
I can't stress enough how strongly I am against any state intervention in a sovereign nation's affairs.
For me, if I get up and don't meditate and don't eat something before having caffeine, I go from 0 to 10 on the stress scale.
Meditation is certainly not a religion, cult, or spiritual path: it's actually a very basic practice to reduce stress.
I like to be alone so I can write. But focus can hurt you. I don't want to be some stress casualty in early middle age.
I do not want to drive across a bridge designed by an engineer who believed the numbers in structural stress models are relative truths.
I did not write it [Coming of Age in Samoa] as a popular book, but only with the hope that it would be intelligible to those who might make the best use of its theme, that adolescence need not be the time of stress and strain which Western society made it; that growing up could be freer and easier and less complicated; and also that there were prices to pay for the very lack of complication I found in Samoa - less intensity, less individuality, less involvement with life.
See yourself living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the bod.
Your nature is truth, and when you oppose it, you don't feel like yourself. Stress never feels as natural as peace does.
Still the mind. Inhale peace. Let go of worries. Exhale stress. Notice the breath. Connect to all. Embrace calm.
Health: thank the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress free happiness will keep you healthy.
That's what music should be like all the time. No stress, moving things forward, inspiring the youth, and doing it with style and vigor.
I stress out so much about the red carpet and interviews and pictures, and, you know, not getting my skirt tucked in my knickers.
Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise. — © Hans Selye
Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise.
I can't stress the importance of working hard enough, work on all aspects of your game. If you does that and you have the ability, you'll come through.
You can do a lot worse than spend an hour a week singing. We should prescribe choirs on the NHS for anxiety and stress.
Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise
I was losing sight of myself and started to get anxiety and stress. You work at such a pace and you don't have time to sit with yourself and think.
No construction stiff working overtime takes more stress and straining than we did just to stay high.
When you would grab that last hole you could literally feel all of the hope, desire and stress drop off of you.
Rapid change, accommodating it can be one of the great human capacities. But living through it can be the stuff of stress and often suffering.
If a warrior is to succeed at anything, the success must come gently, with a great deal of effort but with no stress or obsession.
Willpower can produce short-term change, but it creates constant internal stress because you haven't dealt with the root cause.
To shift the direction of our planet, we must now be willing to experiment with the theory that within the speed and stress, we are good.
You need to be able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through. — © Marie Osmond
You need to be able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through.
I always wanted to see my parents without any stress and accordingly knocked every audition for an opportunity.
Levity is the lubricant of a crisis. We resort to jokes, pranks and good natured kidding to relieve tension, stress and boredom.
Three to four times a week, I do boxing with a trainer. It's great because you get to punch things and let out stress.
The real artist is striving to depict his subject's character and to stress the caricature, but at least it is art which is alive.
Whatever stress some may lay upon it, a death-bed repentance is but a weak and slender plank to trust our all on.
One of the things I've always personally tried to stress with this band was to have some kind of visual aspect and to be consistent with it - like, not to change.
I stress that we unambiguously support strengthening the non-proliferation regime, without any exceptions, on the basis of international law.
There are no other factors that cause me stress when I get inside the Octagon. I guess that's an advantage of getting older.
The speeding toy cars produce in the viewer the stress of living in a dynamic, active and bustling 21st-century city.
For many families, gift-giving is a major source of stress - the relentless commercialism, the whining demands, the financial pressure.
I am a stress buster. Because I knew what people react or think after watching me on screen and I love it.
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